• 并且罕见编辑秀丽富有制作容量那样绘画或雕像。

    And the beauty of a rare edition or of richly manufactured volume is like that of a painting or a statue.


  • 如果年轻一点就富有退休的话,重点变成猎犬,每天出门带回来越来越多的资产

    If you want to retire young and retire rich, it is very important that your money be like a bird dog, going out everyday and bringing home more and more assets.


  • 芬奇富有优越感一笑

    Finch gave a superior smile.


  • 见到人们成群结队外出购物难怪以为人人富有

    Looking at the crowds out shopping, you could be forgiven for thinking that everyone has plenty of money.


  • 上帝如果相信一个人而且慷慨给予就会祝福富有健康,祝福你的家人,你的事业,你的时间,你的过去、现在以及未来。

    God says that if you trust him and give generously, he will bless your wealth, your health, you family, your career, your time, your past, your present and your future.


  • 抵达南非前来观看世界杯西方球迷不假思索认为他们来到的还是一个富有的国度。

    Western fans arriving in South Africa for the World Cup could be forgiven for thinking that they were still in the rich world.


  • 如果真的就会得出一些怪异结论富裕美国并不贫穷巴西幸福那么那些生活富裕国家的为了变得富有而更加努力工作还有什么意义呢?

    If this is true then some heretical conclusions follow: rich America is no happier than poorer Brazil, so what is the point in people who live in rich countries working harder to get ever richer?


  • 非常的肩上,脸颊贴着富有弹性花呢

    She leans on it ever so little, her cheek against the springy tweed.


  • 吃完之后富有探险精神回到了阿姆利则市中心的狂乱中,我还有事情

    After eating I ventured back out into the madness that is Amritsar's city centre. There was one more thing to do.


  • 没有低估美中关系面临挑战,我们必须坚持就我们关心的问题继续展开坦诚富有成效对话。

    I do not underestimate the challenges of our relations with China, and we must continue to speak frankly and forcefully on issues that concern us.


  • 所以我们更好使用我们时间尽可能使富有成效

    So we better make good use of our time and make it as productive as can be.


  • 伦先生拉着双手——正好她的头边。她非常的肩上,脸颊贴着富有弹性花呢

    Mr. Bullen takes her hands. His shoulder is there–just by her head. She leans on it ever so little, her cheek against the springy tweed.


  • 如果一步时间勾画想法将其富有逻辑组织起来那么您的思路会变得非常清晰

    If you took the time in the first step to outline your ideas and setthem up in a logical fashion, then your thinking should be very clear.


  • 归功于瑞士私有银行富有个体,这里对冲基金一个集中

    Switzerland has long been a centre for hedge funds thanks to its private Banks and rich individuals.


  • 几年富有成效的搜索可能需要逐个页面仔细搜索一个

    Just a few years ago, a fruitful search might have required hunting through page after page of hits for one or two of value.


  • 姑娘们聪明人,决定采纳这个建议,不久便惊奇发现她们多么富有

    Being sensible girls, they decided to try her advice, and soon were surprised to see how well off they were.


  • 希望本文能帮助很好了解富有挑战性角色

    I hope this article gave you a good introduction to this challenging role.


  • 妻子富有源自内心冒险精神,自然尝试事物挑战自己的勇气。

    My wife's sense of adventure, however, comes from within. She's naturally driven to challenge herself by trying new things.


  • 曾经投资者最爱那些富有制药企业正在急切寻找着治疗自身各种疾病的办法。

    Drugs firms, once rich and the favourites of investors, are urgently seeking cures to a variety of ailments.


  • 但是有一他们惊恐发现他们期待富有只是别人凭空捏造想象

    But then, one day, they discovered to their horror that their supposed wealth was a figment of someone else's imagination.


  • 人们不同事实角度出发时,很难富有成效去讨论,”马利认为,“我们需要更好数据,进行更多研究。”

    "It's difficult to have a productive conversation when everyone is working from different facts," Mulley says. "We need better data and more research."


  • 尤尔解释说,恩居民们都很富有后来时代他们财富明显来自种植可以提炼香水的植物,可能一种香油

    The inhabitants of Ein Gedi had been well-off, Yoel explained; in later eras, their riches would apparently derive from the cultivation of bushes that yielded a valuable perfume, probably balsam.


  • 即使完全实施这种部分拆解“老年医保方案减少赤字数额为对非常富有人士征税能够达到数额的三分之一

    And even when fully phased in, this partial dismantling of Medicare would reduce the deficit only about a third as much as could be achieved with higher taxes on the very rich.


  • 勇气某种我们希望自己富有无保留仰慕别人拥有的东西。

    Courage is something that we want for ourselves in gluttonous portions and adore in others without qualification.


  • 经过多年内战动荡之后马拉逐渐成为安全和富有吸引力旅游目的

    Following many years of civil war and unrest, Guatemala is emerging as a safe and attractive tourist destination.


  • 看起来简单易懂富有逻辑能够深入全面诠释知识”吗?

    This seems straightforward and logical, but does it really describe the full extent of what knowledge is?


  • 麦迪森估算解释了贫穷殖民为何致富富有的殖民为何

    Maddison's estimates also appear in their work explaining why poor colonies became rich, and rich colonies became poor.


  • 70年代以来,就是母亲伴儿毫无疑问家里自从有了菲利普,就愈发起来、愈发富有了。

    He has been my mother's companion since the early 70s, and there is no question that our family has been a better, richer place since Philip became a part of it.


  • 尽管我们无法完全停止拖延是不是至少可以富有成效拖延

    QUESTION FROM JCARTER: If you can't stop procrastinating cold turkey though, can you at least procrastinate productively?


  • 尽管我们无法完全停止拖延是不是至少可以富有成效拖延

    QUESTION FROM JCARTER: If you can't stop procrastinating cold turkey though, can you at least procrastinate productively?


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