• 这里描述RSA密钥体制及其算法过程

    Here we described the RSA key system and its algorithm process.


  • 本文提出基于椭圆曲线密钥体制密钥管理方案,算法只需更新少量密钥满足系统的安全需求。

    An inclined tree-group key management scheme based on elliptic curve cryptosystem is presented in this paper, which needs to renew only several node keys to provide perfect secrecy.


  • 该文研究双秘公开钥密码体制不同一般只有一个秘密密钥的公开密钥体制,而是使用两个秘密密钥

    This paper is researching the public-key cryptosystem based on two private keys, it's different from the generic PKC which USES only one private key.


  • 结合加密技术图像处理算法提出一种类似于公开密钥体制基于分块dct变换的数字图像自适应水印算法。

    In this paper, a block based adaptive watermarking technique in DCT domain that is similar to the public key system is proposed in light of the cryptography technique and image processing technique.


  • 文中讨论了怎样对称密钥体制集成一个网络加密系统及相关的密钥管理算法,结合银行的网络系统的结构进行一些探讨。

    This paper describes how to integrate a networks cryptographic system based on the non-symmetric cryptographic system, and the correlative key-management method.


  • 网络系统主要安全技术数据加密RSA算法密钥系统安全的一种体制

    The most main security technology of network system is data encryption, but RSA algorithm is the safest system of key systems.


  • 根据加密密钥解密密钥在性质上差异可以密码体制分为对称密码和公钥密码两大类。

    In terms of the difference between encryption key and decryption key, it can divide into symmetry cryptogram and public key cryptogram.


  • 椭圆曲线密码体制目前公钥体制比特密钥安全强度最高的一种密码体制

    Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has the highest safety strength of private key per bit in the Public-Key Cryptography recently.


  • 失败签字一种十分安全的签字体制即使攻击者得到签字密钥难以伪造签字。

    The Fail-stop signature is a very secure system, even though the attacker gains signature key, it is difficult to forge signature.


  • 首先介绍了数据加密基本原理包括密钥密码体制然后给出自行开发交谈系统作为示例

    First, it introduces the basic principle of the encryption of data, including key and two kinds of cipher system. Then, the chat system developed by us is given as an example.


  • 提出了基于椭圆曲线体制门限密钥托管方案安全性进行了分析、讨论。

    Threshold scheme of key escrow based on elliptic curve system, which can avoid cheat, is proposed, and its security is analyzed.


  • 有效解决常规密码体制中的密钥管理分配数字签名身份认证问题

    It can effectively solve the problem of key management and allocation of traditional key cryptosystem, digital signatures, identity authentication and so on.


  • 利用广义可验证秘密分享提出基于离散对数的公钥体制密钥分布式生成协议

    A distributed key generation protocol for public key cryptosystem based on discrete-log is proposed using generalized verifiable secret sharing.


  • 相同安全强度条件下椭圆曲线密码体制具有较短密钥长度较少计算存储量较小带宽诸多优点

    Under similar secure conditions, the ECC has the advantages such as: less computation amounts, shorter length of private key, smaller storing and bandwidth.


  • 密码技术的飞速发展,特别是公开密钥密码体制的提出,为信息安全提供强有力保护。

    The cryptology, especially the public - key cryptology can offer the highest level of information security.


  • 其它非对称加密体制相比ECC被认为能提供更高的加密强度,并具有更快的执行速度更小的密钥长度

    Compared with other asymmetric cryptography, ECC provides higher strength per bit, makes faster computation and requires shorter key length.


  • 椭圆曲线密码体制因其具有密钥开销优点,非常适合应用于移动通信设备

    ECC (Elliptical Curve Crypto system) is suit for the mobile communication equipment for its advantage of short key and low cost.


  • 认证机制中引入公钥密码体制提出一个基于公钥密码体制3g认证密钥分配协议

    By introducing public key cryptosystem to the authentication mechanism, the author proposed a 3g authentications and key agreement protocol based on public key cryptosystem.


  • 密钥编排迭代型分组密码体制设计一个重要环节

    Key schedule is an important part in designing iterated block cryptosystems.


  • 方法兼有加密体制优点:既有对称密码加密体制的加密速度快强度高的优点,拥有公钥密码体制密钥分发管理上的优势

    It has strongpoint of symmetry encryption scheme such as encryption speed and encrypt intensity, but also has advantage of public key encryption scheme on key distribution and key management.


  • 文章提出了基于椭圆曲线密码完全分布式代理签名体制极大地提高代理密钥分布式生成代理签名分布式生成的效率。

    The paper proposes a folly distributed proxy signature scheme based on elliptic curve cryptography, which makes the distributed generation of the proxy key and the proxy signature more efficient.


  • 目前密钥系统无论是单钥体制还是公钥体制建立计算安全模型上。

    Both the symmetric key systems and public key systems currently used are based on the model of computational security.


  • 因此如何现有密码体制数字签名体制的基础上,构建一个更好方案保护管理密钥,是决定现实系统的安全性关键

    So it becomes a key problem how to build a better security protection scheme and key management system by making use of the cryptography algorithm in practice.


  • 本文主要分析椭圆曲线公钥密码体制安全椭圆曲线的实现密钥生成密钥交换协议数字签名内容

    The paper mainly introduces some contents of ECC, such as implement of secure elliptic curve, generation of key, key exchanged protocol and digital signature.


  • 体制可以免除复杂CA证书认证过程,具有节省存储空间快捷简便生成密钥的优点,具有广泛的应用

    The system can avoid complex processes of CA authentication, save the space of storage and generate pairs of keys quickly, then it can be used widely;


  • 公钥密码体制允许用户不安全网络空间中公开传播公钥,这种特性密钥分发带来了极大的便利但是没有解决密钥管理核心问题

    Public key cryptosystem allows users to deliver public key in an insecure cyberspace, such property brings great convenience to key distribution, but does not solve the core issue of key management.


  • 该文根据量子密钥分配原理提出实现对称密码体制密钥绝对保密量子密钥分配协议

    According to quantum key code distribution's principle, this paper has put forward absolutely safe protocol of quantum key code distribution for realizing the key of symmetrical cryptosystem.


  • 随着密码技术飞速发展特别是公开密钥密码体制的提出,为信息安全提供强有力的保护。

    With the rapid progress of cryptology, especially the public-key cryptology can offer the most effective level of information security.


  • NTRU公钥密码体制单向函数以往的有所不同单向性依赖于会话密钥随机性解密需要知道有关随机会话密钥任何信息

    The trapdoor one-way function in NTRU is different from previous ones. Its one-wayness depends on the randomness of session keys, and decryption needs not any information about the session key.


  • 本文密钥托管体制分类学就是基于上述考虑的,是阐述分类各种密钥托管设计方案托管机制建立架构。

    In this paper, a taxonomy is proposed for solving the problem above, which will help with describing and categorizing the escrow mechanisms of various designs.


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