• 密封介质使橡胶溶胀降低橡胶硬度由此油封过早老化磨损

    The sealed media that rubber, and to reduce the swelling of the rubber oil seal, and, as a result, the hardness premature aging and wear;


  • 分析了影响机械密封使用几个因素包括温度压力转速以及密封介质特点

    The factors affecting the use of mechanical seals, including temperature, pressure, rotary speed and characteristic of the sealed medium, are analyzed.


  • 普通单一叶蜡石材料传压密封介质高温高压容易发生相变影响介质使用性能

    The phase change of ordinary pressure-transfer sealing medium made by pyrophylite occurs under high temperature and high pressure, which influences the medium's functions.


  • 一种大型洗衣机主轴密封装置它是由支承装置、密封介质密封等组成

    The utility model provides a main shaft sealing device for a large-size washing machine, comprising a supporting device, sealing medium, an oil feeding hole, a sealing element, etc.


  • 高温高压合成超硬材料需要密封介质叶蜡石目前国内使用普遍密封保温绝缘材料。

    Pyrophyllite is the most common seal, pressure transfer and heat preservation, insulation material in domestic at present.


  • 另外,所要输送介质必须系统中的密封垫圈软管橡胶材料具有相容性如果两者不相容那么重新确定输送介质

    In addition, the media must be delivered with the system of sealed, gaskets, rubber hoses and other materials have compatible, if the two incompatible, then you must re-transmission medium.


  • 对于易燃易爆有毒有放射介质外漏更是不能允许的,因而阀门必须具有可靠密封性能

    The inflammable, explosive, toxic or radioactive medium is allowed to leak, so the valve must have a reliable sealing performance.


  • 阀门密封性能是指阀门密封部位阻止介质泄漏的能力,阀门重要技术性能指标。

    Sealing performance of the valve means of the sealed parts of the valve to prevent leakage of the ability of media, it is the most important technology valve performance.


  • 根据需要输送介质采用机械密封填料密封两种结构具有互换性

    According to needs and delivery medium, can be used two kinds of mechanical seals and packing seal, and the structure of these two kinds of interchangeability.


  • 由于密封破裂出于安全考虑谨慎测试毛细管充工艺介质反应

    For safety consideration due to ruptured seal, reaction of capillary fluid with process fluid should be carefully examined.


  • 正向介质压力增大板斜圆锥表面阀座密封挤压越紧密封效果越好

    Medium pressure increases toward the valve seat surface and oblique cone sealing surface squeeze is tightening, sealing the better.


  • 杂质泵用机械密封经过后,运转高速旋转发生离心力克制介质泄露

    Impurity pump mechanical seal after static test, the operation of high-speed rotation of the centrifugal force generated will inhibit the leakage of media.


  • 本文提出了一种新型具有真空密封性能、沉积介质基片上波导感性膜片窗口。

    This paper presents a new type of waveguide discontinuities-inductive septawindows deposited on a dielectric substrate.


  • 工作介质双面上密封可靠

    The work of the media in the two-sided reliable seal.


  • 对于低温的工况介质选用低温密封系统(J单元)。

    For cryogenic applications a low temperature seal system (J unit) is also available.


  • 球体阀座密封采用金属材料制造密封很大依靠介质本身压力不到密封要求必须施加外力

    Ball and valve seat rings are metal materials, sealing pressure than the large, rely on the media itself can not seal the pressure has reached the requirements to be imposed by external forces.


  • 低温腐蚀性介质真空条件下考虑具有特殊性能密封

    In the low temperature, corrosive medium or vacuum conditions, with special performance should be considered the gasket.


  • 安装工况限制,不受介质流动方向的限制。任意角度安装,同时双向密封

    It can be installed at any Angle and sealed at two-way at the same time, which cannot be affected by the working condition and flow direction of medium.


  • 三道机械密封防止介质泄漏同时内部的高度抛光降低形成聚合物损害

    A sophisticated triple mechanical seal system prevents leakage of the pumped fluid whilst highly polished pump internals minimize damage to the forming polymer chains.


  • 其中动力密封特为输送各种复杂的介质设计的,该特殊设计可降低密封运行成本

    The Sulzer Dynamic seal is specially designed for difficult liquids offering reliable operation and low total sealing costs.


  • 平坦闸板底部阀座之间能够实现周长阀座密封,避免阀座出现可能淤积流体介质妨碍阀门完全关闭的底部洞隙。

    The flat bottom gate provides full perimeter seating against the seat, eliminating pocket in the bottom of the seat that can trap process media and prevent the valve from fully closing.


  • 分析催化裂化装置密封泄漏主要介质原因途径提出相应预防治理措施

    Major media, the cause and the approach of static seal leakage were analyzed in FCC plant. Corresponding preventive and treating measures were put forwards.


  • 采用多种密封形式适应不同介质特别适用调节切断要求快速自保的场合。

    All kinds of seal type can suit different medium. It is especially suitable in the condition of adjusting, cutting off and self-protecting quickly.


  • 标准化学密封介质浸润部分采用不锈钢制成。

    The medium wetted parts of these chemical seals are manufactured in stainless steel as standard.


  • 通过引入清洗流体介质,可以上游下游阀座以外,在阀门生成第三动态密封

    Create a third dynamic seal in the valve, in addition to the upstream and downstream seats, by introducing the purge media.


  • 管道系统起对介质接通截流流通能力双向密封达到泄漏

    In the pipe system, the medium is connected or cut, the flow capacity is strong, the pressure loss is small, the two-way sealing can achieve zero leakage.


  • 根据介质性能使用期经常检查阀体顶部密封孔板部四氟薄片

    According to media performance and the use of period and should always check the valve orifice at the top of the Ministry of PTFE seals and PTFE sheet.


  • 系列过滤聚丙烯介质o密封褶皱结构可以保证最大流量低压

    Absolute AquaLine? Series Filter Cartridges feature polypropylene media and a proprietary oring seal. Our pleated construction provides maximum flow rates with the lowest possible pressure drop.


  • 文章介绍了一种在干燥固体颗粒气体介质条件下旋转轴密封设计

    This paper introduces the new design of seals for cam grinder's axial end or revolving spindle in dry gas containing particulate matter.


  • 文章介绍了一种在干燥固体颗粒气体介质条件下旋转轴密封设计

    This paper introduces the new design of seals for cam grinder's axial end or revolving spindle in dry gas containing particulate matter.


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