• 蒙大拿州苏拉—蒙大拿大学飞行实验室专家们每天都会认识即使是普通鸟类飞行能力也能使飞行特技相形见绌

    MISSOULA, Mont. - the flying abilities of even the most prosaic bird put airplane maneuvers to shame, and experts here at the University of Montana Flight Laboratory are cognizant of that every day.


  • 尼苏州立大学通过计算机算法将同学分组

    At the University of Minnesota, a computer algorithm paired people up.


  • 约翰一个执教于新加坡国立大学美籍教授,专注于东南亚考古方面的研究。 他认为这些手工制作证明那时候是“工厂生产”。

    The handmade bowls give evidence of "factory-like production, " says John Miksic, an American professor at Singapore's National University who is an expert on Southeast Asian archaeology.


  • 这项威斯康星大学主持发表期刊《调查研究麦迪逊尔沃基烟民提供了免费训练药物

    The study, conducted by the University of Wisconsin and published in the journal Addiction, offered free coaching and medications to smokers in Madison and Milwaukee.


  • 他们可以里斯诺特就读博士然后可以转学私立学校或者进入美国学院大学读书。

    They would come to Millinocket for a year, Dr. Smith said, then perhaps transfer to a private school or enroll in an American college or university.


  • 西蒙尔沃基出生长大就读于芝加哥大学经济学专业

    Simon, born and raised in Milwaukee, studied economics at the University of Chicago.


  • 加拿大约克大学凯丽•卡娃卡领导小组进行一项实验试图了解尽管大多数严厉指责种族偏见,为何种族偏见依然继续。

    A team led by Kerry Kawakami from York University in Canada conducted an experiment to try to understand how racism persisted despite most people roundly condemning it.


  • 安妮·巴斯汀,尔沃基市威斯康星大学老年人社区中心主管了一出剧本取材于阿尔茨海默氏症患者所创作诗歌。她的口号是:“忘掉记忆。”

    Anne Basting, director of the Center on Age and Community at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, who wrote a play from poems created by people with Alzheimer's, has a slogan: "Forget Memory."


  • 斯曼先生的结论今年早些时候得到了支持,是一霍利·琼斯奥斯瓦尔德·发表耶鲁大学森林与环境研究科学公共图书馆的研究。

    Mr Weisman's conclusion was backed up earlier this year by a study published in the Public Library of Science by Holly Jones and Oswald Schmitz, of Yale's School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.


  • 经常问到如何天文学家明星,”大卫天体物理哈佛大学中心的基平声明

    "I often get asked how astronomers weigh stars," David Kipping of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics said in a statement.


  • 蒙大拿大学苏拉分校研究人员赵茂盛和史蒂芬阮宁通过对美国航天局卫星数据分析发现了全球性变化

    Researchers Maosheng Zhao and Steven Running of the University of Montana in Missoula discovered the global shift from an analysis of NASA satellite data.


  • 白金汉大学(教研中心主任-注)阿兰瑟斯批评说,“直接了当地针对科目问题明确解释需要教那些科目,需要教多长时间岂不更好?”

    Wouldn't it be better to address the question of subjects directly—which ones, for how long and what to specify?” asks Alan Smithers, of Buckingham University.


  • 所以,巴特·决定成为大学教授

    So Ms. Bajtelsmit decided to become a college professor.


  • 现在哈佛-史天体物理中心查尔斯·阿尔科克1979年提出了这个检测,随后普林斯顿大学2007年已故教授波丹帕钦·斯基随后提出了同样的检测。

    The test was proposed in 1979 by Charles Alcock, now at the harvard-smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and the late Bohdan Paczynski, who was a professor at Princeton until his death in 2007.


  • 西大学--安娜分校---随着开学日子临近歇根大学位研究员提高孩子学业成绩家长几点建议

    ANN ARBOR, Mich.---With school days just around the corner, a University of Michigan researcher has some advice for parents who want to increase their children's academic success.


  • 哈佛大学天体物理中心的沃伦·布朗,“一个意外收获。”

    "It was serendipitous, " says Warren Brown at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.


  • 卡娃卡博士招募了120名自认为不是黑人大学,将他们分成无差别

    Dr Kawakami, too, used students. She recruited 120 who identified themselves as not being black, and then divided them into two equal groups.


  • 本身既是美国尔沃基市职业导师教授大学课程同时还创办经营着一家技术支持公司以及一家全国性的会议公司

    A Milwaukee-based career coach who also teaches college courses, she founded and runs both a tech support company and a national seminar firm.


  • 西北大学商学院凯洛格管理学院坐落于执根湖畔芝加哥市仅英里

    Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University’s business school, located a few miles north of Chicago on the shores of Lake Michigan, frequently ranks among America’s top ten business schools.


  • 歇根大学(Universityof Michigan)研究调查员丹尼尔.克鲁格(Daniel Kruger)进化的实质基因下一代延续。

    "The name of the game in evolution is to get your genes in the next generation, " University of Michigan study researcher Daniel Kruger said, according to LiveScience.com.


  • 用途声明中,主人农业机械大学团队表示他们“共同期待研究斯的克隆体它本身的差异之处。”

    In a statement of purpose, Missy's owner and the A&M team say they are “both looking forward to studying the ways that her clone differs from Missy.”


  • 个名叫路德维格。斯凡德罗的现代派设计师将这所大学芝加哥学院设计成充满简单正方形建筑群

    Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, a master modernist, filled its Chicago campus with simple rectangular buildings.


  • 哈佛大学天体物理中心天体物理学家PaulGreen目前流行理论认为星系黑洞同时产生的。

    Astrophysicist Paul Green, with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, says prevailing theories suggest galaxies and black holes formed synchronously.


  • 我们尔沃基威斯康辛大学录制

    We recorded it at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.


  • 另一研究员波士顿大学迈克尔奥托,致力于改变这种状况。

    Smits and another researcher, Michael Otto of Boston University, are on a mission to change that.


  • 芭拉进入了耶鲁大学(之前布什家族已有3代人到耶鲁学习),后来在纽约学会库珀·休伊特博物馆工作

    Barbara attended Yale (as did three generations of Bushes before her) and has worked with the Smithsonian and Cooper-Hewitt museums in New York.


  • 伊兹经济大学作为一所基础研究型大学伊兹商会2003年筹资建成。

    Izmir university of Economics was established as a foundation university in 2003 by the Izmir Chamber of Commerce.


  • 伊兹经济大学作为一所基础研究型大学伊兹商会2003年筹资建成。

    Izmir university of Economics was established as a foundation university in 2003 by the Izmir Chamber of Commerce.


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