• 第一而且很有可能是重要一点就是足够的容纳能力

    The first, and possibly the most important, is that there is sufficient capacity available. For this reason MRP is sometimes called infinite capacity scheduling.


  • 各大监狱人满为患:加利福尼亚州监狱目前已正常容纳能力1.91倍。

    Prisons are bursting at the seams: California's are at 191% of their official capacity.


  • 主要的原因法国监狱囚犯的数量增长过快超过了监狱的容纳能力

    The main problem is that France's prison population has grown faster than its available cells.


  • 该书作者的一些主张过于宽泛,需用更多细节来为之辩护,所需空间超出本书容纳能力

    The author makes large claims which need defending in more detail than this small book has room for.


  • 扩展托管——Bespin端口和容纳能力要求它具有很高可扩展能力,并且可以使用户容易通过命令或者API插件进入。

    Extensible and Self-Hostedthe interface and capabilities of Bespin should be highly extensible and easily accessible to users through Ubiquity-like commands or via the plug-in API.


  • 其中安吉环境质量状况相对最好环境容纳能力能力明显要高于其它县(区),因此安吉县湖州全市生态环境的改善贡献最大

    Anji County of five regionalisms had the best environment conditions among all the districts, which played the most important role in ameliorating the ecological environment for Huzhou City.


  • 我们头脑,也就是思维任何一类行为有着很大容纳能力因此如果我们高效工作的话,我们不得不在我们的日常工作中做出限定。

    Our minds, the thinking goes, only have so much capacity for any one type of activity, so we have to build that limitation into our daily routines if we want to work effectively.


  • 可能使感到不爽这种不爽是因为你头脑正在舒展开来容纳新的能力

    This will be uncomfortable, but that discomfort is the feeling of your brain stretching to accommodate new abilities.


  • 那些欧洲历史大多数民族国家有着长的历史著名城市,有一种吸收外来人容纳许多不同种类社会现实的非凡能力

    The historic cities of Europe, which are far older than most nation states, retain a remarkable ability to absorb newcomers and accommodate many different kinds of social reality.


  • 空气进一步冷却容纳更多水汽能力零(的一点)饱和状态就达到了。

    When air is cooled to a point at which the air's capacity to hold more water vapor is zero, saturation is reached.


  • 精确导航能力意味着等量空域里面可以容纳更多飞机增加运力

    The ability to navigate more precisely means more aircraft can be handled in the same amount of airspace, adding to capacity.


  • 任何组织接受容纳更改能力有限的。

    Any organization has a finite capacity to accept and incorporate change.


  • 引入存储(其中系统通过自动自我配置容纳能力出现错误查找和自我修复能力重要

    The ability to introduce new storage where the system automatically self-configures to accommodate it and the ability to find and self-heal in the presence of errors are critical.


  • 多德说,威斯·兰德处在一个主要的电力传输干道,地区的传输能力容纳工程的600MW电力传输。

    Westlands sits in a major transmission corridor, and existing capacity in the area could realistically accommodate up to 600 megawatts from the project, according to Mr. Dowds.


  • 多德说,威斯·兰德处在一个主要的电力传输干道,地区的传输能力容纳工程的600MW电力传输。

    Westlands sits in a major transmission corridor, and existing capacity in the area could realistically accommodate up to 600 megawatts from the project, according to Mr.Dowds.


  • 肯定,帮助其他人相信我们所有人潜意识深处容纳同样的一种“无限的康复能力”。

    I feel sure that it will help others to trust the same Infinite Healing Presence lodged in the subconscious depths of all of us.


  • 正是容纳错误杜绝错误的能力使分布式存在成为学习适应和进化沃土

    It is its capacity to hold error rather than scuttle it that makes the distributed being fertile ground for learning, adaptation, and evolution.


  • 空气容纳水蒸气能力取决于温度

    The moisture capacity of air is dependent upon the temperature.


  • 获得真正能力电池可以容纳

    Get the true capacity your battery can hold.


  • 然而这些城市失去了一项它们曾经有过的能力扩张容纳所有要移居进来的人们。

    What those cities have not regained is their historical ability to stretch in order to accommodate all those who want to come.


  • 再生吸附干燥通过温度变化”达到干燥效果因为空气容纳水汽能力温度呈正比。

    A heat regenerative adsorption dryer is through the "temperature" to achieve the drying effect. Because the air containing moisture capacity and temperature is proportional to.


  • 这些区域能够容纳发电能力超过30GW或者30,000MW涡轮机,即使平均能源产量往高的说为总能力的1/3。

    These sites could house turbines with a combined capacity of over 30 gigawatts (GW, or 30, 000MW), though average energy production would be at best only about a third of that.


  • 传统西方经济增长理论有意无意地遵循了这样的假定资源无限的,大自然容纳废弃物能力是无限的”。

    The traditional economy theory of the west follows a assume unconsciously, which is that "the resources is never-ending, and the ability of the nature contains castoff is also never-ending".


  • 一个干净基础具有好的偿债能力添加剂容纳污垢粒子暂停更好

    Also a clean base oil has better solvency for additives and can hold on to dirt particles for suspension better.


  • 总是垂直储存使用钢瓶防止丙酮损失,导致钢瓶容纳溶解乙炔能力下降。

    Always store and use acetylene cylinders in an upright position to prevent loss of acetone which reduces the cylinder's ability to hold dissolved acetylene.


  • 自然界中的许多矿物自身赋有容纳稳定有害物质的净化能力用于重金属污染物的治理。

    Many minerals in nature have the self-purification capacity to hold and stabilize deleterious contaminant, which can be used to deal with heavy metal contaminants.


  • 以前这些大城市能够为了容纳想来的人而扩张,但这种能力没有恢复

    What those cities have not regained is their historical ability to stretch in order to accommodate all those who want to come.


  • 由于空气容纳水汽的能力压力反比。

    Because the air containing water capacity and pressure is inversely proportional to.


  • 压力增加使空气容纳水蒸气能力降低温度升高使空气容纳水蒸气能力提高

    The increasing pressure for the ability of water vapor in the air, but lower temperature rise will make for the ability to increase the water vapor in the air.


  • 压力增加使空气容纳水蒸气能力降低温度升高使空气容纳水蒸气能力提高

    The increasing pressure for the ability of water vapor in the air, but lower temperature rise will make for the ability to increase the water vapor in the air.


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