• 当地公司更好

    A local firm is to be preferred.


  • 们去了一风筝店,了一个漂亮的风筝。

    They went to a kite shop and chose a beautiful one.


  • 所以就是标准例子但是能够一个文学批评着迷并不足以被评为就是为什么这些奖项采用评审组的方式评定。

    So that's an example of my criteria, but the ability to fascinate one particular literary critic is not the basis for judging a national prize, which is a reason why these awards use panels of judges.


  • 这场演出爱丁堡提名为“评论因为通过优美动作将黑色幽默精彩演绎有趣短剧.

    The play was nominated as the Critics’ Choice at the Festival for its brilliant translation of dark humour into playful sketches with stunning physical movement.


  • 近来小宝唯一参加比赛就是来赛》,因为节目冠军获得上海世博会开幕式表演的机会。

    The only contest show they took part in recently is Super Family, because the winner may perform at the opening ceremony of the World Expo in Shanghai.


  • 报纸报道密尔沃基鹿队老板近日致信在第一轮秀中被中国前锋易建联请求与其会面

    The owner of the Milwaukee Bucks has written to first-round draft pick Yi Jianlian requesting a meeting with the Chinese power forward, according to a newspaper report.


  • 彼得林州长公开宣布该州联邦灾难数以百计人被告知离开自己的

    Governor Peter Shumlin declared the state a federal disaster area as hundreds were told to leave their homes.


  • 尽管目前优衣库已经日本拥有800店铺海外有140但是他计划未来年内平均每年高达500店铺,地点主要亚洲,中国最多。

    And although it boasts around 800 stores in Japan and 140 overseas, it plans to open a staggering 500 new stores annually over the next three to five years.


  • 配有健身设施(跑步、举重器、游泳池)的旅馆,或者自己携带器材

    Choose a hotel that has fitness facilities - such as treadmills, weight machines or a pool - or bring your equipment with you.


  • 7 - 11便利店一位顾客要买的东西。

    In a "seven-eleven" (7-11) store, a customer selected four items to buy.


  • 现年61岁的辉在就职演说中提醒中国记者尽管美国被降级,但投资者美国国债视为全球避险资产

    Locke, 61, reminded China reporters that despite the downgrade, investors were still treating Treasury debt as the global safe haven asset of choice.


  • 越战老兵小说卡尔·马兰蒂斯几本书荷马诺曼·勒,告诉你关于战争麻木混乱有时惊险”的真相

    From Homer to Norman Mailer, the novelist and Vietnam veteran chooses books that tell the 'numbing, confusing, occasionally thrilling' truth about combat.


  • Fursenko安排重要位置上并且寻求自己主教练取代希丁克观察认为

    Fursenko will want to install his people in key positions, and will also seek to replace Hiddink with his own choice of manager, observers believe.


  • 2008年6月喜达屋集团旗下的雅乐轩酒店(Aloft)开业目前已经拥有大约30分店,它提供“好就走”的式择客房服务方式,允许旅客自助设备办理住宿手续,甚至还可以他们想要的客房。

    Starwood’s Aloft, which opened in June 2008 and now has about 30 locations, swaps room service for grab-and-go options and allows guests to check in — and even select their rooms — at a kiosk.


  • 面试那天脑海里勾画着,这个度假胜地可能与我1989年去过加勒比海度假胜地差不多计划那里快餐店早餐

    On the interview date, I was picturing the resort would be somewhat like the Caribbean resort I went in 1989 and planned to have my breakfast in one of the fast food places there.


  • 位于宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡附近叫做Axion Power的能源公司发现碳元素乃是促成此事不二人

    Axion Power, a firm based near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has found that the ideal tonic is carbon.


  • 只要感觉舒服的咖啡店酒吧餐厅可以,或者由约会对象你自己随意做决定

    Just pick a coffee shop/bar/restaurant where you feel comfortable … or make it really easy on yourself and make your date choose.


  • 名男子走近熟食吃午餐柜台旁一个位置。

    A man went into a deli shop and took a seat at the lunch counter.


  • 保险时货比三忠诚留给朋友吧

    Shop around for insurance, and save the loyalty for your family and friends.


  • 易建联秀当晚30中国媒体光临麦迪逊广场花园

    The night Yi was drafted, there were 30 Chinese media at Madison Square Garden.


  • 建议特色餐厅他们借此感受到城市忙碌活力。

    My suggestion is we should choose one of the distinctive restaurants in the city where they can experience the hustle and bustle of our city.


  • 这座花岗石雕塑中国雕塑雷宜作品。纪念园园长哈里·约翰逊解释他们为什么一名中国雕塑来进行这项艺术创作

    The granite sculpture is the work of Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin. Museum President Harry Johnson explains why a Chinese sculptor was picked to create the statue.


  • 不在乎怎么举——只要每天早上醒来天天做一放在心里崇敬位置

    I couldn't care less how he votes-as long as he wakes up every morning and daily elects you to a place of honor in your home and a place of reverence in his heart.


  • 然后就可以旅馆,讲讲价钱

    Then you can choose any one and bargain the price.


  • 朱莉娅安妮舞蹈她们有名舞蹈

    Julia and Anne have both taken dance lessons. They want to be famous dancers, I think.


  • 对于处异国异地的情侣来说,解决距离问题的良方——为什么不在两地中间一个地方结婚?

    It can be a welcome answer to a logistical problem for two families in two different countries or regions. Why not meet in the middle?


  • 威风轻轻吹过可以感觉得到春天到来,我走进咖啡店一张靠窗桌子。

    The breeze blows me softly, I can sense the coming of spring, I walk into a coffee shop and choose a table which is near the window.


  • 威风轻轻吹过可以感觉得到春天到来,我走进咖啡店一张靠窗桌子。

    The breeze blows me softly, I can sense the coming of spring, I walk into a coffee shop and choose a table which is near the window.


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