• 研究地图努力记住罗丝那条

    He studied his map, trying to memorize the way to Rose's street.


  • 我们安排好顺道太平洋拜访。

    We had made arrangements to stop by her house in Pacific Grove.


  • 沃尔特伦敦国王名为“控股公司商店的老板商店出售数百关于房屋储存想法

    Walter is the owner of the Holding Company, a shop on London's Kings Road which sells hundreds of storage ideas for the home.


  • 可怕人影消失树林莉莉,一跑回了

    The terrible figure disappeared into the forest, after which Lily picked up her bag and ran all the way home.


  • 皮诺乔园丁贾恩乔

    Pinocchio ran all the way to Farmer John's house.


  • 说完再见女士继续沿着走,来到咖啡馆。

    After saying goodbye, the lady continued down the road till she reached a small café.


  • 通向橄榄林,这儿坐落着一孤零零客栈

    The road led through an olive-grove, and here the solitary inn was situated.


  • 报刊亭,带着强烈羞耻感买下了的第一包万宝

    I popped into a newsagent's and bought my inaugural pack of Marlboros with a burning sense of shame.


  • 他看到的右边有一小餐馆时,他很高兴。

    He was happy when he saw a small restaurant coming up on the right side of the road.


  • 10月15日,皮内达去了芝加哥的一俱乐部,向陌生人和帮助他一走来的朋友们演奏他的新歌。

    On October 15th, Pineda went to a Chicago club to play his new songs to strangers, and to the friends who had helped him come so far.


  • 几个小时后,个子很高人和一个小孩赶到杰克逊他们是赶长的才到的,他们德克·萨斯来。

    A few hours after his death, a tall man and a small child arrived at the Jackson home. They had traveled a long way — all the way from Texas.


  • 拐弯处,是马里亚诺的依旧笼罩恐怖的黄色,一只塑料鹿守卫屋前的走道。

    The Marianos' house, still that horrid shade of phlegm yellow with a plastic deer guarding the front walk, was on the bend.


  • 如果经营着你们这个行业处于领先水平的公司,现在你你们走是否正确。

    If you are running a company at the top of your industry, now is the time to ask whether you are on the right path.


  • 面向注册零售商更广泛批发业务允许虽然目前为止德国麦德龙唯一的公司。

    Broader wholesale businesses selling to registered retailers have also been allowed, though Metro of Germany is the only company to have used this route so far.


  • 在枣阳西边有一比较餐馆供应上海湖南四川各种美食如果天气好,还提供户外座位服务

    The larger restaurants on the street’s west side serve a mix of Shanghai, Hunan, and Sichuan cuisine and, in nice weather, offer outdoor seating.


  • 才是正确的呢?,假设就是要一个企业

    What's the most right way to go presuming I do wanna be an entrepreneur?


  • 在枣阳西边有一比较餐馆供应上海湖南四川各种美食如果天气好,还提供户外座位服务

    The larger restaurants on the street's west side serve a mix of Shanghai, Hunan, and Sichuan cuisine and, in nice weather, offer outdoor seating.


  • 因为商业3d打印机需求越来越大价格下跌,出现一专门出售这些DIY设备公司只是时间问题对所有而言都件好事

    Because commercial 3d printers are continually dropping in price as demand increases, it is only a matter of time before a company is able to undersell these DIY devices, which is good for everyone.


  • 场面类似于15年前加州硅谷当时第一企业新的一波网络泡沫时代的企业

    He says the scene resembles California's Silicon Valley 15 years ago, when the first wave of entrepreneurs paved the way for the new wave of dot-com era entrepreneurs.


  • 弗拉父亲,将他弟兄巴力的众子七十人都杀块磐石

    He went to his father's home in Ophrah and on one stone murdered his seventy brothers, the sons of Jerub-Baal.


  • 斯戈弗莱尔最近一条行人稀少的马德兰先生住那一区的本神甫的住宅便那条街上。

    In order to reach this Scaufflaire, the shortest way was to take the little-frequented street in which was situated the parsonage of the parish in which M. Madeleine resided.


  • 我们滨海距离“茂林鬼”经常出没地方不到英里处有一套房子

    My family has a house in Marine City, less than two miles from where the "Morrow Road Haunting" have been stated to happen.


  • 作为企业刚刚起步的时候,你很多可以选择一条开始有成效的时候,你将会长期从事

    When you’re just starting out as an entrepreneur, you have an enormous number of paths to choose from – but when one of those paths really starts to pay off, it locks you in for the long haul.


  • 卡恩斯沿着西下行

    The family walked down West Lafayette Street.


  • 也不照着巴力,就是基甸他们所施恩惠厚待

    Neither shewed they kindness to the house of Jerubbaal, namely, Gideon, according to all the goodness which he had shewed unto Israel.


  • 知道世界患难是一条进——一条进入

    I want to know that the shadows of this world are the shades of an avenue — the avenue to the house of my Father.


  • 知道世界患难是一条进——一条进入

    I want to know that the shadows of this world are the shades of an avenue — the avenue to the house of my Father.


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进来说说原因吧 确定