• 新的作品艺术北京某一特别地方思想感情的流露。六里屯拆迁之前,艺术家荣和映里曾经生活在这里。

    This new body of work is a meditation on the area in Beijing where the artists lived before it was demolished and replaced by expensive apartment buildings in 2002.


  • 然而,根据这样批评发现主要困难在于评估荷兰观众这些图片解读多重性并不容易

    The major difficulty, however, with the findings of critics such as de Jongh is that it is not easy to assess the multiplicity of levels in which Dutch viewers interpreted these pictures.


  • 许多理论认为完美老板应该幕后领导团队集体成就给予应得誉。

    Many theorists believe the ideal boss should lead teams from behind, taking pride in collective accomplishment and giving credit where it is due.


  • 尽管股市曾经欣欣向债券市场35企业违约穆迪说法,大萧条以来非纳税人单月违约最大值。

    But while stockmarkets were celebrating, the corporate-bond market saw 35 defaults, the largest number of non-payers in a single month since the Depression, according to Moody’s.


  • 程国弟弟母亲上周末回了

    Cheng Guorong's brother and mother received him at home last weekend.


  • 美国人喜欢他们城堡能够尽可能的舒适,他们个引以为,一个可以属于他们自己的地方。

    They would like to have a home they can be proud of, a place they can call their own.


  • 回到加纳首都阿克拉一切开始地方兰普邀请观察体育月报》(Observer Sports)来到了创立小学年来欣欣向的小学取得了极大成功

    Back home where it all started in Accra, the capital of Ghana, Lamptey invites Observer Sport to the thriving junior school that he has founded and which, in three years, has become hugely successful.


  • 新加坡目前有超过50民营外资水厂,整个行业一片欣欣向

    Singapore’s water industryover 50 companies, both local and foreign—is now thriving.


  • 20世纪70年代低迷经济状况艺术纷纷涌入租金低廉的公寓迎来了80年代初期的(East Village)一片景。

    The bleak economic conditions of the 1970s allowed artists to flock into dirt-cheap apartments and ushered in the East Village scene of the early 1980s.


  • 它们不仅人们远方紧紧在一起,而且强化英国代表的、绝对有理由引以为传统

    They not only form a link with home but also strengthen those traditions which England stands for, and of which English people should justly be proud.


  • 魔术师伙伴:哈里·波特魔法世界导读》(百老汇丛书2001)作者,阿兰·科泽克一位专业魔术师教育,做有关魔法历史演讲

    Authors of the Sorcerer's Companion: a Guide to the Magical World of Harry Potter (Broadway Books 2001), Allan Kronzek is a professional magician and educator who lectures on the history of magic.


  • 大银行认为降低股本非常必要的,它有助于阻止日本公司的股价大幅下跌。

    The major four banks view the reduction in capital as necessary to help prevent Daiei's stock price from plunging.


  • 2008年,牧师收到了一位往返于韩国和俄国企业所馈赠的大量西伯利亚红衫木,教堂于是动工建设。

    The project began in 2008 with the donationto the church Pastor Hong Jung-Gil of a large quantity of Siberian red cedarwood by an entrepreneur working between Korea and Russia.


  • 鸿齐牌鸿机械设备厂研发生产销售一体专业电线电缆设备企业

    LEONG-card Hong Rong Machinery Factory is a set research and development, production and sales as one of professional wire and cable equipment businesses.


  • 人们提供最多灵感最强自信最佳的方案建造一个个引以为

    We will be the best at giving people the inspiration, confidence and solutions to create homes to be proud of.


  • 尚轩展具创立于2009年,自主设计专业生产经营各种陶瓷展具企业

    Rong Shangxuan exhibition was founded in 2009, is an independent design, specializing in all kinds of ceramic exhibition business.


  • 艺术艺术来说,它本身纯粹是天生的,一种天生的狂,对来说这种自得其乐的方式就是最想让多人了解和喜欢的。

    To the artist, art itself is purely natural, a natural enthusiastic. The most pleasurable occupation to Fengrong is that he wishes more people know and love it.


  • 尽管股市曾经欣欣向债券市场35企业违约穆迪说法,大萧条以来非纳税人单月违约最大值。

    But while stock markets were celebrating, the corporate-bond market saw 35 defaults, the largest number of non-layers in a single month since the Depression, according to Moody's.


  • 论语算盘日本著名企业一生的深切体会而结本书

    The Analects of confucius and Abacus is a famous book to which the well-known Japanese entrepreneur, Shibuzawa Aechi devoted his life experience.


  • 美国人喜欢他们城堡能够尽可能的舒适,他们都引以为,一个可以属于他们自己的港湾

    They would like to have a home they can be proud of, a place they can call their own. Not every one's home looks like a castle, but "be it ever so humble, there's no place like home".


  • 美国人喜欢他们城堡能够尽可能的舒适,他们都引以为,一个可以属于他们自己的港湾

    They would like to have a home they can be proud of, a place they can call their own. Not every one's home looks like a castle, but "be it ever so humble, there's no place like home".


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