• 卡洛斯,西中两企业精英今天马德里聚会雄辩地说明加强两国经贸关系有着美好前景

    Carlos noted that today the elites of Chinese and Spanish entrepreneurs gather together in Madrid, which clearly shows to strengthen bilateral economic and trade relations enjoys promising prospects.


  • 在当时看来苹果貌似成为专门面向时尚数码产品消费者创意精英的小众厂商。

    And so it seemed that Apple would be relegated to devices for the hip digital consumer and creative elite.


  • (一公司的办公室里,赫然写着这样的标识:“闲人请进,可被录用”)印度理工学院这样极少数精英高校完全没法满足社会对人才的需求

    The few elite institutions, such as India‘s Institutes of Technology, cannot meet demand.


  • 此外建校资金多数来自企业直接援助而非只是财富精英阶层们

    Furthermore, much of the funding, he says, comes from straightforward entrepreneurs, not just the wealthy elite.


  • 微软创始人慈善比尔·盖茨精英技术会议上“放飞”了满罐蚊子刻意强调致命疾病疟疾

    Microsoft founder turned philanthropist Bill Gates released a glass full of mosquitoes at an elite technology conference to make a point about the deadly disease malaria.


  • 尽管批评认为梅德韦杰夫的这篇文章只是空想,但仍在精英引起激烈的辩论。

    Although Mr Medvedev's article was dismissed by critics as a mere simulation of action, it inspired lively debate among the elite.


  • 美联储私人银行非常强大国际精英银行拥有操控着。

    The Federal Reserve is a private bank owned and operated for profit by a very powerful group of elite international bankers.


  • 硅谷金融风险容忍度精英管理精神提供了一些非凡的机会特别是那些外国人

    The risk tolerance and meritocratic ethos of Silicon Valley financiers provided extraordinary opportunities, especially for foreigners.


  • 保尔(1932—,英国印度裔小说,代表作《河湾》。 2001年诺贝尔文学奖得主——译注)第一描写殖民后期残忍嗜杀成性非西方统治的精英们的私生活的作之一

    V. S. Naipaul was one of the first writers to describe the private lives of the ruthless, murderous non-Western ruling élites of the post-colonial era.


  • Quora社会精英技术爱好者,企业,互联网的先行者博主营销人士,和社交媒体行业的等。

    Q: Elite. Tech pundits, entrepreneurs, early adopters, bloggers, marketers, social media mavens.


  • 此举中国一代企业美国精英大学作出高调捐赠最新一例。

    The initiative is the latest high-profile donation to elite US universities by a new generation of Chinese entrepreneurs.


  • 然而没有想到,今年夏天华盛顿豪华宾馆的不寻常经历,使他们了解精英主义的内在含义。

    I didn't realize, however, that a rare opportunity to stay in a ritzy hotel in Washington this summer would also be exposing them to elitism at its core.


  • 1976年,当时法国领军音乐皮埃尔·布列兹把一位默默无闻的19岁男孩命名为“现代乐集”——布列兹精英巴黎剧团——的常驻钢琴师

    In 1976 Pierre Boulez, then already a cutting-edge musician in France, named an unknown 19-year-old to be the resident pianist in his elite Parisian troupe, the Ensemble InterContemporain.


  • 顾磊杰美国精英中的一员高盛集团宝洁公司董事的位子上待过,多年来他一直执掌麦肯锡——一国际咨询公司。

    RAJAT GUPTA is one of the American elite. He has sat on the boards of Goldman Sachs and Procter & Gamble. For years he led McKinsey, a global consultancy.


  • 非正式评论指出IA个人而言会创造出不祥精英集团

    One of my informal reviewers pointed out that IA for individual humans creates a rather sinister elite.


  • 近日,为强调疟疾的危害性,微软创立者慈善比尔·盖茨出席精英云集技术大会时,突然在现场打开瓶子放飞了一蚊子()。

    Microsoft founder turned philanthropist Bill Gates released a glass full of mosquitoes at an elite technology conference to make a point about the deadly disease malaria (see photo).


  • 深圳拥有为数众多影响全国乃至世界设计精英,陈绍华、、张达利等平面设计师国内设计界久负盛名。

    Shenzhen has a large number, the impact of the country and the world of design elite, Chen Shaohua, Han-ying, Zhang Dali, and other graphic designers in the domestic design industry has long known.


  • 大专本科阶段美术教育过去培养美术目标精英教育,转变为普及型的大众式教育。

    The arts education in the stage of senior colleges and undergraduate has transferred from elite education, the goal set formerly for the purpose of training artist, to the general education.


  • 本文正是这一背景下央视《讲坛》栏目范本,精英文化电视传播初步探讨

    Under this background, the essay which took "Experts' Lecture" for example, made the preliminary discussion about the television communication of elite culture in four steps.


  • 打造最卓越精英团队透过复制倍增的力量,成为一卓越的传销公司。

    To nurture an elite team of professionals to continually duplicate and multiply the success of the Company as a superior Multi-Level Marketing entity.


  • 旨在这座城市的精英人群营造一种迷茫浪漫唯美弥漫浓郁古典文化气息赋予这里温暖的,感觉

    The city aims to create a luxury for the elite crowd confused, romantic, and beautiful, filled with rich and classical cultural atmosphere, and gives this a warm, family feeling.


  • 我们为是有着一流国籍专业精英团队公司而感到自豪

    We pride ourselves as a first class, multi-national intelligence and professional gathering and development trading house.


  • 不同捐赠者的参与性存在差异,社会精英阶层富人企业大型社会团体捐赠过程中表现出强的主动性与参与性;

    There were motivational differences when the donators participated in the activities. The social elite, such as rich men, entrepreneurs, large social groups were more active than others.


  • 我们致力于精英艺术推荐大众艺术门类代表人物作品都将一一呈现。

    We will recommend to the public elite artists. Representative of all the arts, works will be shown.


  • 我们致力于精英艺术推荐大众艺术门类代表人物作品都将一一呈现。

    We will recommend to the public elite artists. Representative of all the arts, works will be shown.


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