• 性灵 派 之批评作者的缺点

    A writer's weaknesses are what endear him to a hsingling critic.


  • 活动斯特·米洛娃于上周四被埋葬小村公墓里

    The activist was buried last Thursday in the village cemetery. Earlier, police broke up a funeral procession in the centre of Grozny by locals protesting at her murder.


  • 音乐评论地人曾南都娱乐周刊关于《卡西莫多的礼物》的乐评。这篇乐评中,将华晨宇周杰伦进行比较

    Music critic Aidiren has compared Hua with Jay Chou in a review on Quasimodo's Gift he wrote for Southern Metropolis Entertainment Weekly.


  • 告诉认为那些艺术作品有意思可以感觉到艺术幅作品,喜欢这些作品,至于展示会上的那些人,我觉得没有

    No one is looking at it. "I told him I felt the work was very interesting, you could tell the artist loved each one and I liked them very much. As for the people in there, I could do without."


  • 至少哈丽雅特提供了一个宁静的充满

    She had, at any rate, provided a peaceful and loving home for Harriet.


  • 卖掉农场附近城镇时,兴奋。

    When her family sold the farm and moved to nearby town, Emma was excited.


  • 果有将成为世界上最甜蜜的地方。

    If there is love, home will become the sweetest place in the world.


  • 每年法国企业索菲··芒通都会巴黎举办活动名为公司J’aime ma boîte)”。

    EVERY year, Sophie de Menthon, a French entrepreneur, holds an event called J’aime ma boîte (I love my firm) in Paris.


  • 美食教养、雅致交际尤其美食美酒方面很有品位

    A bon vivant is a person with cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes, especially with respect to food and drink.


  • 而言,永远一种喜悦总是可以其中找到了解关怀帮助

    To me, home is forever a joy where I can always find love, understanding, care and help.


  • 每个人都神圣艺术每天书写自己故事选择书写的故事。

    Everyone is an divine artist, writing their own story each day, choose to write your story with love.


  • 现在我们知道,我们接受这样一条,我们所有的一切。

    We knew that now. We accepted him for the dog he was and loved him all the more for it.


  • 为什么我们把这些东西强加我们的人迫使他们找出地方存放,而他们早就已被我们以前送的所谓礼物占满了,这样我们他们就舒坦了吗?

    Why do we want to force clutter on our loved ones, oblige them to find a spot in their already cluttered homes for this gift we've given them, so they won't offend us when we come to visit?


  • 如果嫁给了一个和蔼、实际的银行,你因为失去了那个自由的、比起你来似乎旅行艺术永远遗憾么?

    If you pick the genial, down-to-earth banker, will you forever regret letting go of that free-spirited artist who loves traveling as much as you?


  • 从此成了书店的常驻居民,这个书呆子读书喜欢吃巧克力果汁软糖

    He becomes a nerdy resident at a bookstore, with a love for reading and enjoying chocolate and marshmallows.


  • 所以开创了自己事务所创造一支充满激情、勤奋刻苦、自己的工作喜欢帮助企业公司律师团队。

    That’s why I launched my own firm: to create a team of passionate, hard-working corporate lawyers who love what they do and love helping entrepreneurs.


  • 房子一点拥有;给城市一份正义,你就得到一个社区

    Add love to a house and you have a home. Add righteousness to a city and you have a community.


  • 出于这个原因出于孩子这个一直丈夫身边,我坚信我们可以过去。

    For that reason, and for the love of my daughters and the family that I cherished, I am holding on to my husband and to the idea that we can survive this.


  • 是的。明到处都平淡无奇郊区自助餐馆提供的无限量食物正好给无夫妻填补各自内心无尽空虚

    Right. The state is full of bland suburbs and buffet restaurants serving endless piles of food, which loveless couple use to fill the void in their hearts.


  • 到处都平淡无奇郊区自助餐馆提供的无限量食物正好给无夫妻填补各自内心无尽空虚

    The state is full of bland suburbs and buffet restaurants serving endless piles of food, which loveless couple use to fill the void in their hearts.


  • 1988年,亲戚手里借钱开办了一工厂,用皮革下脚料作为材料制鞋

    In 1988, li Anlian borrowed money from relatives to start a workshop making shoes from spare bits of leather.


  • 可能并不仅仅因为艺术精通油画技巧绘画——作品都透着这种

    And, it's probably not just because the artist is well mastered the technique of painting. He really loves his job - and each work radiates this love.


  • ,我澳大利亚,我我的,我不想在这

    It's home, I love Australia and love home and don't want to be here.


  • 伊丽莎白·泰勒杰克逊分享了的能给予的最纯净MTV频道,作曲昆特·罗德尔说杰克逊的天才绝对不至于唱歌舞蹈领域

    Elizabeth Taylor said she and Jackson Shared "the purest, most giving love I've ever known." on MTV, music writer Kurt Loder said Jackson's genius reached beyond singing and dancing.


  • 漫长历史长河中,艺术诗人剧作人类对于理解上做出巨大成就

    OVER the course of history it has been artists, poets and playwrights who have made the greatest progress in humanity's understanding of love.


  • StartingPoint描绘音乐音乐淳朴的原声吉他能够提供个完美实例

    STARTING POINTportrays a musician’s pure love for music and one extreme example of what acoustic guitar is capable of offering.


  • StartingPoint描绘音乐音乐淳朴的原声吉他能够提供个完美实例

    STARTING POINTportrays a musician’s pure love for music and one extreme example of what acoustic guitar is capable of offering.


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