• 我们可以得知母亲当然知情,并且屈从于这样的事实。

    From the constellation we could gather that certainly her mother knew about it and had consented to it.


  • 上海的情况类似,174片影院只有9提供2D版本,而这9影院要么位于偏远地区,要么播放场次在清晨深夜

    In Shanghai, it was 9 of 174, and the theaters with the 2D version are either located in remote areas or screen the film early in the morning or late at night.


  • 不管什么时候,只要看到街上的,条件反射似的就也想去因为知道那里肯定也有我们需要东西,”王老先生这么说

    "Whenever I saw a queue on the street I had a conditioned response to queue, because I knew that there must be something my family needed," Wang said.


  • 汽油——应该不止次地看到十字路口挨着一的汽车加油站吧。

    Gas stations - how many times have you seen an intersection with gas stations glaring at each other from corner to corner?


  • 遗址举行传统印加庆祝仪式舞蹈身着色彩鲜艳长袍音乐打鼓演奏了

    A traditional ancient Inca ceremony was held at the site, with dancers dressed in brightly-coloured robes and musicians playing drums and panpipes.


  • 官员们巴马一一一向他们致以问候

    They stood in a reception line. The Obamas greeted each person.


  • 这句话的意思是:“华盛顿那末亚洲饭馆,一报纸的记者开玩笑地说,广东点心日本生鱼片加饭团越南春卷都已经变成苹果一样美国食品了。”

    So many Asian restaurants have opened up in Washington that a writer on a daily paper here jokes that dim sum, Japanese sushi and Vietnamese spring rolls have become as American as applie pie.


  • 那里巧妙建造的破破烂烂的商店-看手相店、一个照相铺、还有育婴箱。

    There is a row of artfully tatty shopsa palmist, a photo studio, a display of baby incubators.


  • 几年世界已经局限屋子一边公园后来缩小到公寓楼对面街上石凳现在只是他们的阳台上了。

    A few years ago, the limit of her world had been the park two blocks down the street, and later the stone bench across the street from their apartment; now it was their fifth-floor balcony.


  • 观察认为,减40%的要求并不现实,并认为美国此次的行动谈判首先做到一只眼闭一只眼。

    Observers see the 40% demand as unrealistic, suggesting the US move amounts to blinking first in the negotiations.


  • 穿着绿色连体工作服,戴着棕褐色宽边Morse站在自己谷仓门口看着17岁儿子Noah开着饲料料车为一正在吃玉米干草牛群添加饲料。

    Wearing green coveralls and a tan hat, Morse stands outside his barn watching his 17-year-old son Noah drive a feed wagon down a row of cattle while the animals feast on corn and hay.


  • 这个工具3媒体比较生成常用词语10名列表以及相应使用次数

    This tool lets you compare up to three media sources, generating a list of the top ten most mentioned terms for that source and relative frequency of use for each term.


  • 尽管京都议定书的减承诺没有达到甚至后来200年的哥本哈根会议干脆没有达成任何承诺,谈判们还是不遗余力地策划本年晚些时候南非进行再次尝试

    Despite not meeting emission-cut promises in Kyoto and failing even to agree on promises in Copenhagen in 2009, negotiators plan to try again in South Africa later this year.


  • 右岸灰岩建造房子,这饭馆。 。

    On the right from the lake there is a restaurant built of tuff.


  • 有一出售布丁商店,每年圣诞节期间许多美味食品摆成供顾客选购。

    In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season.


  • 根据美国《工程新闻纪录》周刊所做2008年度国际市场225最大承包商名情况,对进行了分析对比

    Abstract: According to the ENR weekly of 2008, the sequence of top 225 international contractors is analyzed and compared in this paper.


  • 卡特拉格奥特曼制作了视频,算是马奇将整个半球浸在做法的评论,卡特拉格是土耳其最后非议的艺术,他在视频里刻画了一波光里里的海浪。

    Displayed as a commentary to Mr Macchi's drowned hemisphere is a video by Kutlug Ataman, one of Turkey's most critically acclaimed artists, which depicts bands of choppy sunlit water.


  • 由于学校食堂太长我们决定附近饭馆吃饭去了。

    Because of the long chow line in the school cafeteria, we decided to eat at a nearby restaurant.


  • 尽管一些极端分子网站发出了煽动新的袭击消息,但是目前没有相关报道。不过,埃及南部教堂发现粗糙爆炸设备已经安全爆。

    Despite incitement to new attacks on some extremist websites, there have been no reports of trouble, though one small crude explosive device was found and made safe at a church in southern Egypt.


  • 江岸环境修复建设三金潭污水处理场、生活污水矶防洪渍等工程为重点

    Rehabilitation of the water environment in Jiangan region emphases on founding Sanjintan waste water treatment plant, and discharging of domestic sewage and waste of Chenjianji.


  • 百老汇不远餐馆,那里用餐几乎像是置身于户外热带遮护植物中一样。

    There was a restaurant a little way off Broadway where one could be served almost al fresco in a tropic array of screening flora.


  • 使用我们独门配方制酱料,多利餐厅致力于提供最棒最好的

    Using our secret recipes and special sauces, Tony Roma's is committed to providing you the best ribs in each and every of our restaurants.


  • 缙云县欣宇金属制品有限公司是一专业生产、紫铜钉、不锈钢钉、镀锌钉无头钉的出口私营企业。

    Our company manufactures and sales all kinds of the nails, such as lined nails, Plastic strip nail, galvanize nails, popular coil nails, concrete nails, screw nails and so on.


  • 名男人,是工程师,是里约热内卢出席会议他藏身一边灌木丛中,直到车把妻子送到附件医院。

    The man, an engineer, who had arrived in Rio to attend a conference, hid himself in undergrowth on one side of the street until he could flag down a vehicle to take his wife to the hospital nearby.


  • 东莞市石基业五金首饰成立于1992年,专业生产五金首饰、五金产品

    Founded in 1992, Shipai Jiye metals ornaments Chain Factory, Dongguan is engaged in the production of metals ornaments and other metal products.


  • 东莞市石基业五金首饰成立于1992年,专业生产五金首饰、五金产品

    Founded in 1992, Shipai Jiye metals ornaments Chain Factory, Dongguan is engaged in the production of metals ornaments and other metal products.


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