• 这种喷雾剂AO生物(AOBiome)公司生产,这是特洛克帮助建立的公司。

    Thee spray is manufactured through AOBiome, a company that Whitlock helped found.


  • 这件展品艺术而展出

    This exhibit was kindly loaned by the artist's family.


  • 最近美国一位私人收藏英国伦敦邦迪街一名为特菲尔德珍品艺术的店中发现了副画,断定萨托的作品。

    It remained in a collection in New England until it was recently bought by an American collector, who thought it was by Andrea and consulted Clovis Whitfield, who runs Whitfield Fine Art.


  • 说,将来要亚洲运营要么医学技术,要么是营销创业型企业,他希望中国市场有所联系

    Mr. Whalen says he wanted to make connections in the Chinese market while hammering out an entrepreneurial enterprise in either the medical technology or marketing industries that he will run in Asia.


  • 有些族(蒂尔)在世代奥斯曼生活中依然保持民族的特征,正是他们英文日记信函文件米尔顿提供了第一手的资料

    Some (like the Whittalls) retained British nationality over generations of Ottoman life, and it is their English-language diaries, letters and documents that provide Mr Milton with his best material.


  • 近来的大型艺术展上,将几位艺术同台展示蔚然成风,画展的名字则好似那些附庸风雅的广告公司一般——“马蒂斯.毕加索”,“特纳.斯勒.莫奈”, “杜尚.曼.皮卡阿”。

    IT HAS become a trend for big exhibitions to feature more than one artist, so they sound like arty advertising agencies—"Matisse Picasso", "Turner Whistler Monet", "Duchamp Man Ray Picabia".


  • 本周早些时候,其他主要信用评级机构穆迪债务上限争论结束重新确认他们美的3a评级

    Earlier this week, the other two major credit rating agencies, Fitch and Moody's, reaffirmed their versions of AAA ratings after the end of the debt ceiling fight.


  • Vayama上纽约飞马德里寰宇一联盟机票以下方式显示

    The display of Vayama’s OneWorld Alliance special for JFK to Madrid looks like this


  • 如果选择寰宇,那么5月5-12日从纽约飞往马德里双程航班第一个搜索结果来自BCDHoldings旗下Vayama的“寰宇一联盟特机票”,价格为560美元。

    If you select OneWorld, the top result for a May 5-12 JFK to Madrid roundtrip was a $560 “OneWorld Alliance special” from Vayama, a unit of BCD Holdings.


  • 将军实验室分析已经到了。

    General, the analyst from Wheeler Lab is here.


  • 上周六韩国检察官突袭了朴槿助手查获属于几名官员电脑一些文件,而这些官员怀疑崔顺实同党

    On Saturday, prosecutors raided the homes of several presidential aides, seizing computers and files belonging to the officials who are suspected of being Ms Choi's accomplices.


  • 了120多年历史斯大酒店豪华的阿姆斯特丹酒店懂得如何客人服务

    With a history dating back over 120 years, Grand hotel Huis ter Duin is a luxury Amsterdam hotel that knows how to properly service guests.


  • 大酒店提供阿姆斯特丹餐馆。他一个法国米其林星级餐厅。泰提供更多休闲美食的。

    Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin offers two Amsterdam restaurants. Latour is a Michelin-starred French restaurant. La Terrasse serves more casual cuisine.


  • 上一次见到近藤麻里中城酒店房间。 不是同一个房间。 但房间里能看到唯一几件物品还是只有金属旅行箱还有丈夫笔记本电脑

    THE LAST TIME I saw Marie Kondo, we were in a hotel room in Midtown, a different one, and still the only visible objects in it were that metal suitcase and her husband's laptop.


  • 从逻辑上杨培江作为艺术对他究意意味着什么?

    Logically speaking, as an artist, what Hui Cun village means to Yang Peijiang?


  • 其次魔幻般的现实感,来自艺术一整套言说的特殊语汇

    Second, the magical village-like sense of reality is also because a set of statements full of the special vocabulary from the artist.


  • 了解,槿此次访华率领经济使节团128企业代表等156人组成规模历史

    It is understood, the economic envoys led by Park Geun-hye's are from the 128 enterprises and consist of 156 member, which is the largest scale in history.


  • 尹允柱表示槿指示下,向一服装店支付衣服款项,尽管自己没有收据

    Park had paid for them; Ms. Yoon said she had paid a dress shop for them on Ms. Park's instructions, though she said she did not get receipts.


  • 尹允柱表示槿指示下,向一服装店支付衣服款项,尽管自己没有收据

    Park had paid for them; Ms. Yoon said she had paid a dress shop for them on Ms. Park's instructions, though she said she did not get receipts.


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