• 家庭会员不可分开转让家庭会员指转让给同等资格者

    Family membership (Corporate family membership) cannot be separately transferred and can only be transferred to a legal marital partner with equal qualification.


  • 家庭会员类型已婚夫妇及其不满18周岁子女提供Acme服务

    Family memberships provide Acme's services to couples and any children that they have who are under the age of 18.


  • 创建网站家庭成员(这里就是我了)将指定为管理员,他可以邀请任何人成为网站的会员

    The family member who creates the site (in this case, me) is designated the administrator and can invite anyone to become a site member.


  • 时间银行里会员可以通过其他会员提供服务来获得积分,服务范围可包括做饭、整理家务开车接送,以及家庭维修等

    In a time bank, members get credit for services they provide to other members, from cooking to housekeeping to car rides to home repair.


  • 内阁成员无需申报支票活期帐户应申报家庭拥有汽车艺术品乡村俱乐部会员资格,但不必说明价值

    Check and regular savings accounts are off-limits, but they also have to reveal family ownership of cars, artworks and country club memberships, without specifying their value.


  • 世界各地酒店中,能家庭儿童作为他们的VIP会员酒店还真不多。

    Not many hotels around the world regard families and children as their VIP guests.


  • 由于出色家庭成员照旅行留影剑桥公爵夫人授予英国皇家摄影学会终生会员

    Thee Duchess of Cambridge has accepted a lifetime honorary membership of the Royal Photographic Society for her family portraits and tour photos.


  • 祝贺您成为国大药房会员我们竭诚家庭成员健康服务。

    Congratulations for having the membership of Guoda Pharmacy. We will try our best to serve you and your family's health.


  • 凭借出色家庭成员旅行留影剑桥公爵夫人于日前被授予英国皇家摄影学会终身会员

    The Duchess of Cambridge has accepted a lifetime honorary membership of the Royal Photographic Society for her family portraits and tour photos.


  • 取消健身房会员没有更多热量燃烧工作一家豪华健身房比你家庭健身房或外部做。

    Cancel the gym Membership: you burn no more calories working out at a fancy gym than you do in a home gym or outside.


  • 后来参加俱乐部全体会员例会,筹备四周年项目展示,领略久负盛名的“MINIWORD传说知道已经融入了这个家庭

    Later, I attended the all member's meeting preparing for the fourth anniversary celebration, and I knew I have blend in our big family when appreciated the well-known MINIWORDand the fame of dragon.


  • 内阁成员无需申报支票活期帐户应申报家庭拥有汽车艺术品乡村俱乐部会员资格,但不必说明价值

    Checking and regular savings accounts are off-limits, but they also have to reveal family ownership of cars, artworks and country club memberships, without specifying their value.


  • 国大药房每个会员会员家庭提供及时药学咨询服务国大药房购药还可以享受一定的折扣

    Guoda Pharmacy provides timely pharmacological consulting and services. You are granted discounted price if you shop with us.


  • 本人明白同意本人向东华三院健康理财家庭辅导中心提供资料会员申请以及本中心活动宣传

    I understand and accept that the personal data I have provided to T. W. G. Hs HBFDCC will be used for the purposes of membership processing and the activities promotion of HBFDCC.


  • 参加新生家长们举办的家长会,帮助宝宝更好的适应金宝贝生活,更快地融入这个大家庭活动会员家长免费参加。

    Parent Orientation is free for new members only. Here we'll help you get familiar with our environments, our concepts and our employees (Free to new membership)


  • 已经继续中国Toastmasters家庭强有力领导无私的风格超强的行动力打动了很多会员

    She has and will continue to be one of the strong leaders of the Toastmasters community in China, and has with her selfless style and actions left a deep impression the hearts of many toastmasters.


  • 已经继续中国Toastmasters家庭强有力领导无私的风格超强的行动力打动了很多会员

    She has and will continue to be one of the strong leaders of the Toastmasters community in China, and has with her selfless style and actions left a deep impression the hearts of many toastmasters.


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