• 我们转包给了小型工程公司项工作

    We subcontracted a small engineering firm to do the work.


  • 如果没有专业技能,你就没有什么理由背井离乡去另一个新的汽车厂或者新的绿色能源公司中低级,拿微薄的薪水。

    If you have no specialized skills, there's little reason to uproot to another state and be the last in line for a low-paying job at a new auto plant or a green-energy startup.


  • 参观昆虫农场时,她贪婪只冻蝗虫翅膀然后兴奋地吞

    On a visit to an insect farm, she greedily peels the wings and legs off a freeze-dried locust and crunches down with gusto.


  • 参观荷兰东南部德尔的一昆虫农场时,她贪婪地一只蝗虫翅膀然后兴奋地吞

    On a visit to an insect farm in Deurne in the south east Netherlands, she greedily peels the wings and legs off a freeze dried locust and crunches down with gusto.


  • 大多数美国一生一种工作第一工作报社

    Most Americans follow the same career all their lives. My first job was at a newspaper.


  • 杰克母亲仿佛没听到这话,,“每年都回来即使德州安也还是那样,他回来就活,整个星期在忙,大门啊,收庄稼啊,什么都

    Jack's mother ignored this, said, "He used a come home every year, even after he was married and down in Texas, and help his daddy on the ranch for a week fix the gates and mow and all.


  • 媒体巨头中的几千我们感到温暖舒适名牌节目。这些节目使我们感情上忘得二净过去保持联系

    Each of our Great Big Media Companies has thousands of brands that make us feel all warm and toasty and provide an emotional connection to a past that nobody can actually remember.


  • 十五年前她们便艾琳后院拜为姐妹三个姐妹中年长的,也是提出这个想法

    They had become sworn sisters in Ailin's backyard fifty year ago, her being the oldest of the three and the one to come up with the idea.


  • 经久不衰,如此畅销并且获得游戏玩评论一致赞同,你就会觉得自己不错

    When you last THAT long, sell THAT much, and gain such HUGE acclaim among gamers and critics alike, you know you did stuff right.


  • 霍尔特女士介绍,利·亚瑟·谢尔兹,是一个发明获得操作方面的专利。后来一直维护工作

    Willie Arthur Shields, an inventor who obtained patents for improving dry cleaning operations, ended up working as a maintenance man, Mrs. Holt said.


  • 回到奶奶后,所有人都默不做声,大什么不想爸爸静静地在看书,奶奶坐着独自啜泣妈妈店里买土豆片,则音乐

    Once back at my Nan's, everyone was silent, no one wanted to do anything. Dad read a book quietly, Nan sat and sobbed to her, mum went to fetch some chips from the chippy, and I listened to my music.


  • 尼利雅儿子是以利约乃,西亚斯,共人。

    And the sons of Neariah; Elioenai, and Hezekiah, and Azrikam, three.


  • 闲逛波士顿郊区一中东商店里,挑了莱姆到柜台结账

    Strolling through a small Middle Eastern store in a Boston suburb, I picked up a bag and walkedto the cash register.


  • 比如男人必须过门的媳妇活(没报酬的),然后才能娶媳妇过门。

    For example, Tujia men have to work for three years in the wife-to-be's household - free of remuneration - before they are allowed to marry their love.


  • 小型专业咨询公司,一份有趣有价值工作

    I do interesting, rewarding work at a tiny specialised consultancy.


  • 不过,NeuroFocus使用EEG头套进行市场研究EmSense公司拒绝参加

    NeuroFocus and EmSense, another company that uses dry EEG headsets in market research, declined to take part.


  • 辆由freecycle (uk . freecycle.org)提供的大篷车里,车子靠近里斯托尔的一有机农场里,鲍耶在农场每周自愿活。

    He lives in a caravan that he got from freecycle (uk.freecycle.org), which is parked at an organic farm near Bristol, where Boyle volunteers three days a week.


  • 亚历克斯·布朗Alex Brown)是乔治公园有着多个摄像头商店理查蒂(Riccardi)的雇员他说:“类事怎么在意有时还会造型。 他们站在那儿,用种有趣的方式看着摄像头。”

    Alex Brown, an employee at Georgetown Park store Riccardi, which has a dozen cameras, said: 'The people who do it don't care and sometimes pose.


  • 电视机打字机作装潢美食广场咖啡馆,顾客可以庭风味的pechuga意大利乳清酷,这是一种混合哥伦比亚和地中海特色的菜肴,还有美味薄馅饼

    At Gourmet Plaza Bistro, where the décor includes old TVs and typewriters, diners can sample home-cooked pechuga ricotta, a Colombian-Mediterranean hybrid, as well as tasty crepes.


  • 苏珊什么???怎么这么工作,这是我的

    Susan: What???You can't do that! I mean, this is my job, my home!


  • 早餐麦片玉米或是乐氏香脆麦米片搭配新鲜水果可能吃鸡蛋面包

    For breakfast, she'll have cereal, cornflakes or Special k, with dried or fresh fruit. She might also just have eggs, toast, and tea.


  • 阴谋理论宣称如果不是外星人摧毁了探测器的话,就是NASA自己好事,其目的是为了掩盖外星文明的存在证据

    Conspiracy theorists claimed that either aliens had destroyed the spacecraft or that NASA had destroyed its own probes to cover-up evidence of an extraterrestrial civilization.


  • 大多数美国一生一种工作第一工作报社报道新闻有五年了

    Most Americans follow the same career all their lives. My first job was at a newspaper. I've reported the news for five years.


  • 再次选择辞职进入了外商独资的集团公司说是不用苦力可是苦力

    I had to select the resignation again, and entered a foreign-owned group of companies, saying it was not dry coolies, but also suffered more than coolies.


  • 很小的时候,祖父加利福尼亚克鲁斯城,我常常祖父附近田地里农活。

    When I was a young boy in Santa Cruz, California I used to help my Grandfather in the fields by his home.


  • 很小的时候,祖父加利福尼亚克鲁斯城,我常常祖父附近田地里农活。

    When I was a young boy in Santa Cruz, California I used to help my Grandfather in the fields by his home.


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