• 无奈家原金陵一霸,倚仗势,众豪主人打死了

    But the Xues Lord it in Jinling with their money and powerful backing. A pack of their thugs beat my master to death.


  • 他们不是一子,不过姓,当年又老爷作官,偶然连了宗的。

    They joined families because they have the same surname and their granDfather was an official in the same place as our old master.


  • 群岛珊瑚礁,一个废弃虫洞寄居蟹

    On a coral reef in the Bonin Islands, an abandoned wormhole is home to a hermit crab.


  • 北岩银行新任管理层也不见得管理层更出色(北岩银行曾经是一老迈毫无生气的住宅抵押贷款提供商,上届管理层将创新性地成功转型证券化巨头并因此获得了巨大荣誉)。

    The bank's new bosses may yet prove to be no better than its old (who were once feted for their innovation in transforming a sleepy old building society into a securitisation dynamo).


  • 接下来一个夜晚,我们在一五星酒店附近享受更多“非教主义”乐趣

    There was more non-fundamentalist fun the following night close to a five-star hotel.


  • 而前司接受捐助来自位72京都开了一韩式烧烤店的韩国女士

    In the case of Maehara, the contributions came from a 72-year-old South Korean woman who runs a Korean barbecue restaurant in Kyoto city.


  • 关于印度老话不少,其中一句称:印巴板球比赛堪称全世界积怨最深的运动。 但今年初,身处孟买沃达丰觉得这话并不靠谱,也情有可

    IN A Vodafone shop in Mumbai earlier this year, you might have been forgiven for thinking that one of the great clichés about India wasn’t true.


  • 当然,如果来自太空观察看到因特网涌现这样看待我们,他们情有可的。

    Certainly an observer from outer space, watching the emergence of the Internet, could be excused for looking at us that way.


  • 1827伊莎贝拉逃离奴隶主,投奔教友会教徒冯·瓦格纳(Van Wageners),从此改姓瓦格纳。 次年,纽约州宣布废除奴隶制

    Isabella escaped slavery in 1827, one year before mandatory emancipation in New York State, by fleeing to a Quaker family, the Van Wageners, whose name she took.


  • :现在已经开始亲戚们进行“Skype视频晚餐”了,只要一方挂断,并打开厨房里的嵌入窗户显示器即可。

    Already some families host "Skype dinners", with relatives calling in. Others never hang up, thus turning a display in the kitchen into a window on somebody else's home.


  • 希望可以这样实现知名交换卡片公司,帕尼尼公司(Donruss)已经协同Recom Group视频技术团队开发第一款永久视频交换卡。

    Hoping to do just that is well-known trading card company, Panini (formerly Donruss) who has partnered with media tech team Recom Group to develop the first ever video trading CARDS.


  • 英国女探险罗丝·斯坦在中途放弃了极地徒步行。 斯坦斯打算成为徒步走向北极女性第一人。

    British adventurer Rosie Stancer has called off her bid to become the first woman to trek solo to the North Pole - just 89 miles from the top of the world.


  • 这张照片Wedinator(一专门展示世界地雷人婚礼照片网站),现已网上数百博客转载

    Originally posted on Wedinator a site dedicated to showcasing wedding photo disasters from around the world, the image has now been reposted on hundreds of blogs across the web.


  • 这样可防止霉菌可以减少过敏污染

    This prevents mold and rot in your home, and can also reduce allergens and pollution.


  • 建立为了控制波斯船只博斯普鲁斯活动然而现今矗立着这座塔进行了大量修复,成为了饭店。

    The original tower was built to control the movement of Persian ships in the Bosphorus, however the tower that stands today has been heavily restored and is now a restaurant.


  • 餐厅客厅),他们安装灯具壁炉以及壁板和格子平顶餐厅的墙壁天花板

    In the formal dining room (originally the home's living room), they installed a light fixture and trestle table and added wainscotting and coffering on the ceiling and walls.


  • 滨州福康农业综合开发有限公司制剂产品研发生产销售于一体民营高科技企业

    Binzhou Fukang Comprehensive Agricultural development Co., Ltd., is a former drug and preparation product development, production and sales of private high-tech enterprises.


  • 结果使德川成为日本毫无辩驳的主人

    The Battle of Sekigehara leaves Leyasu Tokugawa as the undisputed master of Japan.


  • 流行(小狗)凡高艺术风格艺术劳拉属索特卡。

    Original pop (pup) art Van Gogh style by artist Laura L. Sotka.


  • 完了何大伟事情,田梦想着应该不会有事想到那个队长来了。

    The favour achieved the affair of he Da Dun Wei's house, the farmland dream wanted to should can't capture again at the outset, which thought of that Liu's captain and seek.


  • 的。我大都会。我做了什么可怕的事情,以至于我在哪儿都不能对于究竟什么了?

    I thought this was right. I thought Metropolis was my home. Have I done something so horribly wrong that I can't have a home anymore? What. Is. Wrong. With. Me?


  • 滨州市七剑体育用品有限公司(邢东文体用品)生产运动休闲用品的企业,是经相关部门批准注册的企业。

    Our company is originated from Xiedong Recreation and Sports goods Factory, dealing with sport and leisure goods, and is approved and registered by relevant departments in our country.


  • 浙江硕华医用塑料有限公司(玉环)成立于1994年,专业生产医用塑料品的中国企业

    Zhejiang Sorfa medical plastic Ltd. (the original Yuhuan plastic Chemistry Factory) was established in 1994, it's a enterprises which is specialized in medical plastic goods production in China.


  • 上海本土艺术颜正安,丈夫美国驻上海总领事由于丈夫工作因,颜正安曾旅居世界各地然而作品里始终离不开她骨子里的上海情结。

    Though Ann Yen has lived around the world due to her husband's position as the US Consul General, her works continue to focus on the heart and soul of her native Shanghai.


  • 喷雾产品有限公司专业生产工业用喷嘴空气过滤器

    Is a company specializing in the production of industrial nozzles and air filter manufacturers.


  • 咱们这一进京拜望亲友,或是舅舅或是你姨爹

    When we arrive, we should first call on relatives and friends. We Can stay with your uncle or aunt.


  • 四川国际货运代理公司充满活力创造力物流公司

    Sichuan Sanyuan International Freight co., Ltd is a dynamic and creative logistics companies.


  • 音乐演奏45分钟里,只有6个人驻足片刻欣赏音乐,有大约20人给走开

    In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money but continued to walk their normal pace.


  • 国芳日本著名学院的创始人,终生致力于全人教育实践教育

    Ohara kuniyoshi, originator of one of Japanese noted colleges called Tamagawa institute, is an educator devoted himself to practicing theory of Zenjin education throughout his life.


  • 滨州七剑体育用品有限公司简介滨州市七剑体育用品有限公司(邢东文体用品)生产运动休闲用品的企业,是相关部门批准注册的企业。

    Our company is originated from Xiedong Recreation and Sports goods Factory, dealing with sport and leisure goods, and is approved and registered by relevant departments in our country.


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