• 了诗歌方面的成就,还是一位成功的翻译、散文作和评论

    Besides his achievements in poems, Yu was also a successful translator, essay writer and critic.


  • 学者社会活动

    Katrien Jacobs is an academic, author and activist.


  • 就拿八月份来说,破产保险公司LandAmerica债权人们提出了二十诉讼反对这起案件工作法律公司费用要求

    In August, for instance, creditors of LandAmerica, a bust insurer, filed more than two dozen objections to the fee requests of the four law firms working on the case.


  • 这个问题也是近期国际粮食政策研究所在德里召开会议的主题,与会者包括1000政客科学社会活动

    That was the subject of a recent conference in Delhi organised by the International Food Policy Research Institute and attended by 1,000-odd politicians, scientists and activists.


  • 最近帮忙成立了一名为Waste2Energy的公司,该公司的目标是开发厌氧消化器材,用于残渣中分解出有用肥料

    Recently, he helped start a company called Waste2Energy that aims to build a device called an anaerobic digestor that can break down waste from restaurants into usable compost.


  • 拟音艺术马科·科斯坦索(MarkoCostanzo)曾参与400影片后期制作,其中就包括《无间行者》卧虎藏龙》,长达28职业生涯里,无数打斗场景制作过声音

    Foley artist Marko Costanzo, whose more than 400 film credits include the Departed and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, has produced audio for countless duels in his 28 years on the job.


  • 他们已经GivingPledge(由盖茨巴菲特联合创办主要面向富豪的慈善组织)签约了三十慈善包括甲骨文公司CEO拉里埃尔森微软创始人之一的保罗艾伦

    They've signed up more than 30 philanthropists, including Oracle Corp. Chief Executive Officer Larry Ellison and Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, to their Giving Pledge initiative.


  • 1月18日上午消防大队培训人员对万超市10名员工进行岗前消防安全知识培训。

    The morning of January 18th, the county fire brigade training personnel training fire safety knowledge training to more than 10 employees Wanjiafu supermarket.


  • 来自10处木版年画产地德高望重民间艺术签名支持申非遗。

    Respected folk artists from more than 10 places that developed the art form signed their names in support of the application.


  • 工厂各种机器员工100名。

    Factory has a variety of textile machines, more than 100 employees.


  • 本次展览集中展出来自世界各地艺术50实验动画作品

    The exhibition on display the artists from around the world in more than 50 pieces of experimental animation works.


  • 本次展览集中展出来自世界各地艺术50实验动画作品

    Thee exhibition on display the artists from around the world in more than 50 pieces of experimental animation works.


  • 目前拥有近千成功应用用友用户二十用友集团认证实施服务工程师

    Now has Jinqian Jia successful application of the UF users and more than 20 groups certified by the implementation of UF service engineers.


  • 缨教授治学严谨学术造诣深厚,在国内外享有较高声誉会计教育

    Professor Yu Xuying is a rigorous scholarly research, academic attainments deep enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad accounting scientist and educator.


  • 作为小说突出特色生命悲剧深切领悟

    As a novelist, the most specific feature of Yu Hua is his deep understanding of life tragedy.


  • 巴黎隶属于圣戈班集团进入亚洲的第建材销售商独特的经营理念带来无限惊喜:店内风格迥异的百套实景展示间,带给顾客充足的选择空间

    Meisong Paris affiliated to Group is the building material distributer, and its unique management belief will give your infinite surprise: hall with different style leaves enough space for customers.


  • 青岛啤酒H股上市公司报道在2004年到2009年期间已有二十环境违规记录

    Tsingtao Brewery, an H-share company, was reported to have more than 20 environmental-violation records in its operations across China from 2004 to 2009.


  • 最近,红门画廊创立了一个庞大的访问艺术项目每年可接待50来自海内外的艺术北京成都的工作室进行文化交流与创作。

    More recently it has created a huge Artist-in-Residence program hosting up to 50 international and domestic artists each year at its facilities in Beijing and Chengdu.


  • 桃林开发具有一定水果生产经营基础拥有枇杷为主要品种果园3000

    Before development, Ge's Peach Orchard has laid a foundation to fruit production and agritainment management; it also has 3000 mu's orchards of peach, pear and loquat.


  • 乔伊斯·洛尔·欧美国当代著名小说,从事小说创作长达40创作了30部小说,奠定美国文坛的地位。

    Being a famous contemporary writer in America, Joyce Carol Oates, in her 40-odd years of writing, has published more than 30 novels and firmly established herself in American literary arena.


  • 建立了自愿咨询检测室和艾滋病初筛实验室每年为500名咨询者提供咨询检测

    Established four HIV voluntary counseling and testing rooms and screening laboratory, each year more than 500 consultants to provide counseling and testing;


  • 走进青石台阶映入眼帘,石板绵延2600,纵横相连、排水良好即便雨天保证路面的干爽

    Entering into the village, one can see the stone steps and ancient streets stretching more than 2,600 meters; with good links, good drainage, the street remain the dry even a rainy day.


  • 浙江省浦江县天锁业有限公司创建于1995年,下属联营厂。

    Zhejiang Pujiang Zhongyu Shunfeng Lock Co. , Ltd. was founded in 1995, which has two united-factories.


  • 青岛电视台讯近日来自俄罗斯普希金芭蕾舞艺术再次献艺市人民会堂场经典芭蕾倾倒了在场的千名岛城观众

    In Qingdao People's Hall recently, Artists from National Pushkin Corps DE Ballet of Russia put on a performance again which intoxicated hundreds of Qingdao audience.


  • 青岛电视台讯近日来自俄罗斯普希金芭蕾舞艺术再次献艺市人民会堂场经典芭蕾倾倒了在场的千名岛城观众

    In Qingdao People's Hall recently, Artists from National Pushkin Corps DE Ballet of Russia put on a performance again which intoxicated hundreds of Qingdao audience.


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