• 客机坠毁时候喀山市正在下雨

    It was raining in Kazan when the aircraft crashed.


  • 帖子客机坠毁在多列附近

    It said a passenger jet had crashed near Torez.


  • 报道,7俄罗斯客机坠毁中方对此有何评论

    Q: It was reported that a Russian passenger plane crashed on September 7. What is China's comment?


  • 发生在大西洋上空法航客机坠毁事件给本届航展蒙上阴影

    The air France crash over the Atlantic Ocean has also cast a shadow over the air show.


  • 客机坠毁仅仅几分钟浑身是血的乘客们着火残骸中踉跄走出寻求帮助

    Just minutes after the crash, bloody passengers stumbled the way from burning wreckage looking for help.


  • 致命客机坠毁事件日益少见但是过去年内支线客机发生四次大型航空公司发生过一次

    Deadly airline crashes are increasingly rare. But regional carriers have had four in the last five years, while major airlines have had one.


  • 客机坠毁彼尔姆市工业区人烟稀少铁路沿线附近,飞机碎片散落面积约为1万平方米区域内。

    Plane crash in the city of Perm sparsely populated industrial areas along the railway line near the aircraft debris scattered over an area of about 10,000 square meters of the region.


  • 官方消息星期四夜间,短途穿梭客机坠毁纽约水牛城郊外爆发大火,机上48人和地面1当场死亡

    NY CLARENCE, N.Y.A commuter plane crashed into a suburban Buffalo home and erupted in flames late Thursday, killing all 48 people aboard and one person on the ground, authorities said.


  • 2018年5月18日,古巴一架波音737客机在哈瓦那坠毁,造成100多人死亡。

    The Boeing 737 of Cuba airline crashed in Havana on May 18, 2018, which caused more than 100 deaths.


  • 客机星期二恶劣天气坠毁的,当时机上有约153

    The plane came down in bad weather with about 153 people on board on Tuesday.


  • 首都的黎波里当地官员客机利比亚境内坠毁,机上至少100名乘客罹难。

    A passenger plane has crashed in Libya, killing more than 100 people on board, officials in the capital Tripoli say.


  • 喀麦隆官员星期六喀麦隆坠毁肯尼亚航空公司客机的114全部遇难。

    Officials in Cameroon say all114 people aboard the Kenya Airways jet that crashed in Cameroon Saturday are dead.


  • 里海航空公司客机伊朗德黑兰刚起飞不久坠毁机上168全部遇难,无一生还。

    A Caspian Airlines plane crashed in Iran shortly after taking off from Tehran, killing all 168 people on board.


  • 坠毁A330客机欧洲航空业巨头空中客车公司生产的。空客表示更换所有安装A330A340型飞机航速测量仪。

    The A330 aircraft in question is made by European aeronautics giant Airbus, which announced it would replace old speed sensors on all its A330 and A340 models.


  • 坠毁空客310客机载有142名乘客其中包括至少3个婴儿以及11名也门籍机组乘员。

    The Airbus 310 plane was carrying 142 passengers, including at least three babies, and a crew of 11 Yemenis.


  • 2006年8月27日以来,第一致命商业飞机坠毁事件记录。上次空难架Comair喷气客机肯塔基Lexington起飞以后坠毁49遇难

    It is the first fatal crash of a commercial airliner in the us since 27 August 2006, when 49 people were killed when a Comair jetliner crashed after take-off in Lexington, Kentucky.


  • 本周一架波音737客机哥伦比亚一个旅游海岛降落遭遇雷击,不幸坠毁,被摔成截,机上乘客四散在跑道上,所幸仅有乘客身亡

    Monday on a Colombian resort island during a lightning storm, scattering passengers across the runway as it split in three, but somehow only one passenger died.


  • 年前大西洋上空坠毁法航客机遇难者亲属表示坠毁客机尾部已经找到

    A relative of one of the victims of the Air France plane which crashed over the Atlantic two years ago says the tail section of the jet has been found.


  • 架波音737客机迪拜起飞试图按计划星期六上午6:30(美国东部时间星期五下午9)芒格洛尔降落时坠毁史瓦兹塔瓦

    The Boeing 737 took off from Dubai and crashed while trying to make its scheduled landing in Mangalore at 6:30 a.m. Saturday (9 p.m. ET Friday), Srivastava said.


  • 星期天架原定巴西里约热内卢飞往巴黎空客A330客机飞行途中坠毁,一个潜在的原因就是飞机速度仪表的错误调查人员已经把这作为调查的重点

    Investigators have been focusing on incorrect speed readings as a potential reason for why the Airbus A330 went down on Sunday en route to Paris from Rio DE Janeiro.


  • 当地媒体报道,尼泊尔阿格尼航空公司的小型客机24日中部默格万·布尔县坠毁机上14名人员全部遇难

    An aircraft owned by Agni air with over a dozen people onboard crashed in Makawanpur in central Nepal early Tuesday, local media reported. A total of 14 persons have been killed.


  • 无独有偶,去年6月也门一客机科摩罗群岛附近坠毁唯一幸存12岁的女孩

    Last June, a 12-year-old girl was the sole survivor of a Yemeni plane crash off the Comoros.


  • 架尼日利亚客机首都Abuja起飞坠毁,96丧生年内该国第三次国内客机失事。

    A Nigerian passenger aircraft crashed after take-off from the capital Abuja, killing 96 people. It was the country's third civilian air disaster in a year.


  • 1961年2月15日,一架载运美国花样滑冰选手教练家属客机飞往布鲁塞尔途中坠毁,机上乘客全部遇难。

    On February 15, 1961, tragedy struck when the plane carrying the United States figure skating team, coaches and family members perished en route to Brussels, Belgium, killing all passengers.


  • 1961年2月15日,一架载运美国花样滑冰选手教练家属客机飞往布鲁塞尔途中坠毁,机上乘客全部遇难。

    On February 15, 1961, tragedy struck when the plane carrying the United States figure skating team, coaches and family members perished en route to Brussels, Belgium, killing all passengers.


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