• 客户提供设备安装调试维护操作培训配件供应技术服务

    For the provision of equipment, installation, commissioning, maintenance, hands-on training, spare parts supply, and other technical services!


  • 最近我们着力于提供客户解决方案,来帮助管理任何网络任何设备最终用户商务应用程序数据增加。

    In the recent past, we have focused on providing customers with solutions that help manage the proliferation of data between the end-user and a business application over any network to any device.


  • 使用移动设备销售人员拜访客户公司提供及时的反馈

    Using a mobile device, the salesperson can provide immediate feedback to the company on the status of the client visit.


  • 对于那些想要他们移动客户提供更多东西人,他们可以选择设备特有视图

    For those who want something more for their mobile customers there is the option for device specific views.


  • 计算机系统环境中,物理标记一个问题必须系统每个客户提供某类输入设备

    In the context of computer systems, one problem with physical tokens is that some sort of input device is necessary for every client to the system.


  • 保持自己作为网络设备提供的同时,该公司将网络运营商而非广大的消费者视为自己的客户

    In keeping with its roots as a network-equipment supplier, it sees operators, not consumers, as its customers.


  • 杜朗尼表示,一些公司的IT部门已经开始为员工自行购买的平板电脑提供技术支持(例如这些设备上瘦客户以便使用商业程序)。

    Dulaney says some it departments are starting to support tablets that are brought in by employees (enabling the device with a thin client so they can access business applications, for example).


  • 通过使用可以安全机制之间转换的安全网关设备客户提供可以本地环境选择最佳安全机制。

    By using a security gateway device which can translate between security mechanisms, clients and providers can choose the best security mechanisms for their local environment.


  • 表单客户表单服务器提供运行时环境这样可以将设备创建表单数据传递企业环境以进行处理。

    The forms client and forms server provided an end-to-end runtime environment so that the forms data created on the device was delivered to the enterprise environment for processing.


  • 我们提供一个不用管理安全的、复制存储我们可以使用它来灵活地将应用程序数据部署很多不同客户设备

    It provides us with a no-administration, secure, replicated store that we can use to deploy application data flexibly, to many different kinds of clients and devices.


  • 多个组织资产集合设备客户提供更高安全性

    This provides higher security for customers who want to bring assets from multiple organizations together onto a single appliance.


  • 代理提供两个客户机库JMS一个用于专家设备专有客户

    The micro broker provides two client libaries, a JMS and a proprietary client designed for use in specialist device domains.


  • 不过如果加密发送给云提供数据或者需要在发送之前进行扫描那么客户XML网关设备完成这个任务最佳工具

    However, if the data sent to the cloud provider is to be encrypted or scanned prior to sending, then a client-side XML gateway appliance is an ideal tool for this job.


  • 居住宾馆使用某些IT设备属于这个类别,因为宾馆客户提供照明空调设备处理洗衣服务

    Staying at a hotel or using a specific number of IT devices are such activities,because the hotel,provides its customers with lighting, HVAC, water treatment, laundry services, etc.


  • 因此最高层面上,设备透传就是特定客户操作系统提供设备隔离以便设备能够那个客户操作系统独占使用(3)。

    So, at the highest level, device passthrough is about providing an isolation of devices to a given guest operating system so that the device can be used exclusively by that guest (see Figure 3).


  • 桌面虚拟化常常使用廉价客户设备提供最终用户显示交互

    Desktop virtualization often USES an inexpensive client device for the end-user display and interaction.


  • 我们客户提供选择,看他们安全设备汽车还是要一个没有安全设备低价汽车”。

    We give customers a choice whether they want a fully loaded car with all the safety features, or a car without those features at a lower cost.


  • 弗莱切先生认为:这项改变长远本质是:绝大多数互联网服务提供客户将会通过升级自然循环获得兼容设备

    Mr Fletcher said that the long term nature of the changeover meant that customers of most ISPs would receive compatible equipment through the natural cycle of upgrades.


  • 连接代理远程访问协议用户客户设备提供桌面

    A connection broker and remote access display protocol serve the desktop to a user's thin client device.


  • 设备客户提供一个定制嵌入式工作台

    The device client provides a customized embedded workbench.


  • 这些客户提供便利服务需要消耗电能电能是电厂设备产生的。

    All of these amenities require a certain amount of electric consumption, in turn delivered by a utility generating it from one of its plants.


  • 客户提供本地设备访问例如它们可能提供Web应用程序,所以不需要备份

    Thin clients that do not offer any write access on local devices, for example offering only Web applications, do not require a backup.


  • 2显示了客户设备运行MQe如何服务器端应用程序相集成,从而提供安全到端消息传递解决方案

    Figure 2 shows how MQe running on a client device can interact with server-side applications to provide a secure, end-to-end message delivery solution.


  • 本文中,学习了如何客户服务提供透视图配置DataPower设备,使其充当网关

    In this article, you learned how to configure a DataPower device to act as a domain gateway from both a client and service provider perspective.


  • 通用对象交换配置文件其他使用OBEX协议配置文件提供一个通用蓝图定义了设备客户服务角色

    The generic object exchange profile provides a generic blueprint for other profiles using the OBEX protocol and defines the client and server roles for devices.


  • LotusExpeditor提供一个客户平台它支持企业应用程序事务处理设备管理Web服务

    Lotus Expeditor provides a rich client platform that supports enterprise applications, transactions, device management, and Web services.


  • 假设portlet提供HTML,那么只有客户设备需要HTMLWML时,才会选择这个portlet。

    The portlet will only be selected if the client device wants HTML or WML, assuming that the portlet provides HTML.


  • 假设portlet提供HTML,那么只有客户设备需要HTMLWML时,才会选择这个portlet。

    The portlet will only be selected if the client device wants HTML or WML, assuming that the portlet provides HTML.


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