• 政策包含可能发生CCC公司雇员公司客户之间冲突以及客户与客户之间的冲突。

    This policy covers conflicts that may arise between CCC or an employee of the company and its clients, as well as between one client and another.


  • SSL方面出色的地方就是客户服务器之间建立连接要求客户证书作为身份证明

    The best SSL can do on this front is to require client certificates as proof of identity when establishing the connection between the client and server.


  • 客户服务器之间通信信息交换客户端对数据包进行格式化作为开始(如下所示),其发送给服务器。

    The contact and exchange of information between the client and the server begins with the client formatting a packet, as shown below, and sending it to the server.


  • 致力于整个公司单独客户关心通过建立公司客户之间亲密关系,使得小规模团队也都能工作

    Focus on how much your whole startup CARES about the individual customer; make your small size work for you by developing intimacy between your startup and the customer.


  • 于是,客户连接器之间便达成了信任;客户角度来看会话建立起来

    The client then becomes credentialed with the connector, and a session is established from the perspective of the client.


  • 例如用来描述客户什么客户如何分类语言常常业务相关的,在公司各个部门之间可能有差异

    For example, the language used to describe what a customer is and how to categorize a customer is often business-specific, and it might differ between company divisions.


  • COM客户程序通过获取指向对象接口指针通过该指针来调用方法以实现COM对象之间互相作用,就好像对象驻留客户程序地址空间中一样。

    A COM client interacts with a COM object by acquiring a pointer to one of the object's interfaces and invoking methods through that pointer, as if the object resides in the client's address space.


  • 所有客户之间交互通过这个端口进行的,因此客户构件可能其他服务客户或者提供商之间交互隔离开来。

    All customer interaction is through this port, thereby separating customer clients from interactions that the component might have with other service consumers or providers.


  • 使用术语内部性定义桌面服务器虚拟解决方案提供宿主客户之间以及多个客户之间网络访问

    Using the internal definition of the term, desktop and server virtualization solutions provide networking access between both the host and guest as well as between many guests.


  • 如果这些测试通过可以确定问题Samba配置无关,而是客户服务器之间客户本身某个地方有问题。

    If these tests pass, you can be reasonably certain that the problem is not with the Samba configuration but somewhere between the client and the server or something on the client itself.


  • 通过调用sca客户端(例如另一个SCA组件Web服务客户端)流程之间添加代理流程来实现的。

    This is done by adding a proxy process between the calling SCA client, for example, another SCA component or a Web service client, and the process.


  • 首先TM 1服务器ArchitectPerspectivesweb客户客户之间内部通信

    First there is the internal communication between the TM1 Server (s) and clients like Architect, Perspectives and the (web -) client.


  • STkt响应消息包含客户目标服务器之间使用会话密钥包含客户端的身份

    The STkt response message includes first the session key for use between the client and targeted server and then also the identity of the client.


  • WSDL客户Web服务之间契约,用于确保客户知道如何调用服务,又知道需要服务返回哪些内容。

    The WSDL is a contract between the client and the Web service, ensuring that the client knows both how to call the service and what to expect will be returned by the service.


  • 一个区别在于使用WS - SecureConversation时,策略必须涵盖两种不同交换客户STS之间的交换以及客户实际的服务之间的交换。

    A big difference is that when WS-SecureConversation is used, the policy must cover two separate exchanges - that between the client and the STS, and that between the client and the actual service.


  • Facebook上朋友之间互动能够帮助AreaRugClub评估如何更好地服务于现有客户潜在客户群。

    Interaction with FB friends has helped the Area Rugs Club assess how to better serve both their current and future customer base.


  • 客户连接负载平衡器时,Node . js在客户自己本身之间创建一个接字,我们称之为client_socket。

    When a client connects to the load balancer, Node.js creates a socket between the client and itself.


  • 专项条款是对客户公司之间不时签订客户文件补充构成组成部分

    These Special Terms supplement and form part of the Customer Documents entered into between you and us from time to time.


  • 客户关系管理(CRM)企业用来处理客户之间关系的有效工具

    Customer relation management (CRM) is a effective tool, by which enterprise is to deal with the relation to customers.


  • 设计客户建筑师之间一系列工作产物,其中客户饱满的热情提供了许多新颖观点

    The design was the product of a fluid working relationship between the clients and architect with the clients embracing new ideas with enthusiasm.


  • 带领客户服务团队有效地处理客户订单作为客户公司之间接口提高客户满意度

    Lead the customer service team to efficiently process customer orders, act as an interface between customers and the organization, and achieve better customer satisfaction.


  • 客户关系管理(CRM)管理软件用于管理客户供应商之间沟通关系。

    Customer relationship Management (CRM) is software to manage the relationship and communication between customers and suppliers.


  • 协调客户之间沟通及时处理客户提出问题保持客户良好合作关系。保证公司业务顺利开展

    Communicate with customers and timely handle the problems. Keep good cooperation with customers to ensure the smooth development of company business.


  • 商业银行决策层客户经理之间一种委托代理关系由于决策层对客户经理的行为控制乏力,因而引发委托代理问题。

    It is an appointment agency relationship between the decision body of commercial bank and customer managers. The lack of behavior controlling leads to the appointment agency issue.


  • 益阳邮储原有基于零散客户服务方式管理策略新的市场环境客户需求之间的冲突加剧。

    The existing service manner and management strategy based on scattering clients conflicted more fiercely with the new market environment and the consumer requirements.


  • 基于客户关系管理重要意义地产应该采取各种措施改善客户之间关系

    Based on the customer relationship management, the importance of property developers should take various measures to improve the relationships.


  • 客户关系管理一种旨在改善企业客户之间关系,提高客户忠诚度满意度的新型管理机制

    Customer's relation management is an new - type mechanisms of management which aims at improving the relation between the enterprise and customer, improving the customer's loyalty and satisfaction.


  • 客户关系管理旨在改善企业客户之间的关系,应用企业市场营销、技术支持客户相关的领域。

    CRM is a new management theory, aiming at developing the relationship between customer and enterprise. IT is implemented in marketing, service, sales and IT.


  • 实际上酒店客户之间价值传递应该双向平衡的,酒店只有找到对自身价值客户,价值传递才能持续下去。

    In practice, the value transfer between customers and hotels should be bidirectional and balanceable. Only if hotels find their own valuable customers, can the value transfer go on.


  • 实际上酒店客户之间价值传递应该双向平衡的,酒店只有找到对自身价值客户,价值传递才能持续下去。

    In practice, the value transfer between customers and hotels should be bidirectional and balanceable. Only if hotels find their own valuable customers, can the value transfer go on.


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