• 社会结构不是离散客体他们重叠交织在一起

    Social structures are not discrete objects; they overlap and interweave.


  • 修正案禁止玷污宗教客体信仰色情或不物品。

    The amendment prohibits obscene or indecent materials which denigrate the objects or beliefs of a particular religion.


  • 构成客体总是基本物质事物自然过程中,这些基本物质磨损,变得陈旧”。

    It is always the basic material which constitutes the object and which, in the natural course of things, is worn down and becomes "older".


  • 发展完整自我意识第二就是詹姆斯所说的“自我即客体”。

    This second step in the development of a full sense of self is what James called the "self-as-object".


  • 这一过程逐渐形成两种稍有不同特征主体自我客体自我。

    The process can usefully be thought of in terms of the gradual emergence of two somewhat separate features: the self as a subject, and the self as an object.


  • 作为客体自我称为镜子中的自我”,因为人们通过他人反映看待自己的。

    He called the self-as-object the "looking-glass self", since people come to see themselves as they are reflected in others.


  • 属性所描述客体任何性质

    Property: Any attributes of the object described.


  • 只是否认说,我们任何时候知道它们客体

    He simply denies that we can know them as objects at any point.


  • 告诉个性自由尊严,告诉我作为主体的人类和人可能转变客体事实。

    He instructed me about the individual, about freedom and dignity, about the human being as subject and the fact that one may not turn him into an object.


  • 通过工作已经主体移向了客体,换话说,已经变成了有缺陷动物背叛自身起源的动物。

    Through work, man has moved from subject to object; in other words, he has become a deficient animal who has betrayed his origins.


  • 所有这些客体称为资源

    All these objects are called resources.


  • 难道心灵必须得被理解为,一物质客体就是灵魂吗,东西是一样的吗。

    Is the mind to be understood in terms of this immaterial object, the soul? So are there two kinds of things?


  • 此刻这个机器人正在快速浏览不同的情节,以操作储存记忆中的客体表征,进行自我功能升级。他秒钟能浏览上千个场景

    Right now the robot is improving its functionality by running through alternative scenarios to manipulate representations of objects stored in its memory, tens of thousands of scenarios a second.


  • 我们曾经遇到过,但是微小区别,因为海德格尔达玛客体当作是标准,来衡量人们意见

    We've seen this before, but there is a slight difference because Heidegger and Gadamer hold out the object as a standard against which one's opinions about it can be tested.


  • 每周在线游戏时间数以百万小时;我们可以想象如果那些我们为游戏客体所做的善事不是针对虚拟的对象而是一个真实的个体会如何。

    Millions of hours are spent playing online games each week; imagine the amount of good we could do if the objective of the game weren't to build a virtual farm but to help a real one?


  • 如果还要继续活下去,你只有通过自身客体能力能用写作无限拉力解放你自己

    If you go on living, you do so only through your capacity for objectification, your ability to free yourself, in writing, from the infinite strain.


  • 如果这里有人,“了,下课了耶”,这话表现出他缺乏客体永存性的概念。

    If I went under here and then the people said, "Where the hell did he go? Class is over," that would show a lack of object permanence.


  • 也就是客体模块社会模块。

    An object module and a social module.


  • 最后一个关于客体永存性研究例子

    One final example of an object permanence study.


  • 主体已经客体进行表达期望

    An expectation a subject has expressed regarding an object.


  • 人类大自然当作收益来源,当作一种纯粹功利关系而将之客体

    Humanity objectifies nature as a source of income, as a pure utilitarian relationship, ” said Mr. Zhang.


  • 但是知主义者”想要追求关于上帝知识或者一种说法超越主体客体之间的界限

    But "gnosis" refers to knowledge of God or, to put it another way, transcendence of the subject-object division.


  • 是些表达客体动作,例如"","向上"和"牛奶"

    These are words for objects and actions like "Dog" And "Up" And "Milk."


  • 在皮亚杰之前,并没有人注意婴儿追踪理解客体,存在着守恒的问题

    Before Piaget, nobody noticed that babies had this problem tracking and understanding objects.


  • 幅画严格遵守(稳)“静物传统一些充满着来自属于自己意义客体构成,其中一些源自达尔文主义者,而且猜想其他领域作品可以看到

    Sits firmly in the tradition of "still life" and is made up of objects I've come to imbue with my own meanings, some of them Darwinian in origin, and that I guess are seen in other areas of my work.


  • 米兰国家天体物理研究所(National Institutefor Astrophysics)斯特凡补充道:“这个客体接近我们预期星系团距离界限。”

    Stefano Andreon, of the National Institute for Astrophysics in Milan, added: "This object is close to the distance limit expected for a galaxy cluster."


  • 例如,伊伯特·贝奈特(Hubert Benoit)博士分别三个主要层次称作客体意识层次、主体意识层次和绝对原则层次。

    For example, Dr. Hubert Benoit refers to these three major levels, respectively, as the level of objectal consciousness, the level of subjectal consciousness, and the level of Absolute Principle.


  • 是个题,即我们明知人脑单独处理客体各种特征,如颜色角度等那么我们是如何客体感知一个整体

    This is the conundrum of how we perceive an object as an integrated whole, when we know that the brain processes the various elements of it - colours, angles, and so on - separately.


  • 就是团购的矛盾之处:聚焦价格时,冒着破坏风险,而正是协助建立企业资产价值的要素。

    That's the irony, by focusing on price you run the risk of eroding the very thing that helps build equity and value beyond price - customer experience.


  • 就是团购的矛盾之处:聚焦价格时,冒着破坏风险,而正是协助建立企业资产价值的要素。

    That's the irony, by focusing on price you run the risk of eroding the very thing that helps build equity and value beyond price - customer experience.


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