• 罗杰作为主要客人出现聚会

    Roger figured as chief guest at the party.


  • 第3集忏悔一个令人惊讶客人出现诺兰乔迁对抗结果令人震惊。

    3: Confession: a surprising guest shows up at Nolan s housewarming, and a shocking confrontation results.


  • 他们永远不会没有品味客人提供龙虾——出现许多美国人餐桌上菜肴

    They would never have the bad taste to offer a guest lobster stew or steamed crab legsdishes that appear on many American tables.


  • 因此礼物信件客人常常出现

    Therefore, gifts, letters, and guests will often arrive at your home in groups of three.


  • 而在方面,由于99欧元特价机票的出现加上很多客人具体的出游地点没有固定想法,这使得网站流量得到提升

    In that regard, Casey says website traffic has been increasing with things like Euro 99 fares, and that many customers don’t have a set idea on where they want to travel.


  • 发生那种情况时,还不等酒店经理到达,安保人员已经出现一旁要求客人客房清理离开至少保证衣冠整齐,否则他可能会被强制退房。

    But not before hotel managers roll up to the room, flanked by security guards, to request that the guest vacate during cleaning, or at least promise to remain fully clothed or risk expulsion.


  • 一操作,屏幕出现的总是“等待”,只好打电话得到的答复上网的客人太多线路忙,请过一会儿

    I did as the guide said, but all I got was a message on the screen saying "Please wait". Finally I rang reception again and was told that there were too many guests on line; try again later.


  • 这个首都五星级酒店洁净得发亮餐桌上,一些小卡片出现在装着花生的银碟旁边微妙提示客人酒水供应不足尴尬局面。

    On the shiny tables of the capital's five star hotels, little CARDS have appeared next to the silver dishes of peanuts, delicately warning guests of an embarrassing lack of alcohol.


  • 最近几年客人越来越少,情况很糟糕,尤其是夏季天气透了,怪圈也几乎不出现了。

    But it dropped off and the last few years have been dreadful. The last two summers have been terrible - both in terms of weather and of circles, "he says."


  • 有效地解决销售过程出现客人相关问题适时引起酒店销售领导团队这些问题的关注

    Effectively resolve guest issues that arise as a result of the sales process. Bring issues to the attention of property and sales leadership team as appropriate.


  • 必须解决出现客人员工中的问题

    He also has to solve any problems that occur between guests and employees.


  • 熟知称呼客人名字,特别是对于常客包房的客人,并在客人经过大厅时与其打招呼,随时留意是否可以为客人提供服务情况出现

    Learn utilize names of guests, especially repeat long staying guests routinely greet guests as they pass through the lobby, remaining alert to situations where he can be of assistance to guests.


  • 顺便说一下,客人看木可以追溯到出现之前年代,因为那时没有方法能证明真的那个酒厂生产的。

    By the way, presenting the diner with the cork dates back to the days before bottle labels, when there was no proof a wine was actually made by the winery it was attributed to.


  • 数个重要行业报告数据显现出迥然不同情形——例如汽车销售上个月开始出现下滑,而今年夏天航空数骤降。

    Several important industries have reported a very different situation - car sales, for example, have begun to decline during the past month and air travel slumped over the summer.


  • 只有更多的客人选择想要方式出现处理

    Only when additional guests are selected do I want the Payment Options to appear and be processed.


  • 饮料最早出现TGI星期五国际酒吧连锁,并且总是广客人喜欢。

    This drink first appeared on the list of international bar chain TGI Fridays, and has always been as popular with the staff as the guests, for good reason.


  • 为了帮助西恩·奥斯汀表演萨姆婚礼上,维果·莫特森比利·伊德婚礼客人的身份出现离摄像机较远的地方。

    Viggo Mortensen and Billy Boyd were standing off-camera during Sam's wedding scene, pretending to be wedding guests in order to help Sean Astin's performance.


  • 一些客人起初拒绝出席对新人向亲友保证,婚礼现场不会出现棺材尸体

    Some guests initially refused to attend, but the couple assured them there would not be any casket or corpse.


  • 客厅出现令人难堪的寂静很快客人们便开始告辞回家

    There was an uncomfortable silence in the room and soon the guests began to leave.


  • 数个重要行业报告数据显现出迥然不同情形——例如,汽车销售上个月开始出现下滑,而今年夏天航空数骤降。

    Several important industries have reported a very different situation -car sales, for example, have begun to decline during the past month and air travel slumped over the summer.


  • 一向和尚神父相联系素食饮食,现在中国变得很时尚, 这种形势下出现了许多素食餐馆,它们满足那些出现、不吃肉的客人

    A vegetarian diet, once associated with monks or priests, has become fashionable in China, spawning the launch of a raft of restaurants catering to a new no-meat clientele.


  • 中午晚餐自助餐时间段客人出现3及3以上同行,1人可

    Every party of 3 and above gets 1 person free of charge for lunch and dinner buffets.


  • 未来有望出现更多不同档次,不同限制条件机票产品,适应私人旅行者、旅游散客团队商务客人的不同需要。

    Hopefully, there will be more tickets that have different grades and different limits to suitable the requirement of private tourists, scattered tourists, tour groups and commerce travelers.


  • 未来有望出现更多不同档次,不同限制条件机票产品,适应私人旅行者、旅游散客团队商务客人的不同需要。

    Hopefully, there will be more tickets that have different grades and different limits to suitable the requirement of private tourists, scattered tourists, tour groups and commerce travelers.


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