• 对同一帐户审计风险评估过程定性建模 …塑造…

    Modeling of the Audit Risk Assessment Process at the Assertion Level Within an Account Balance …


  • 确定构成控制环境要素是否得到执行时,注册会计师应当考虑询问其他风险评估程序相结合获取审计证据

    In ensuring whether the elements of the control environment are operated, auditors should combine inquiries and other procedures of risk assessment to obtain audit evidence.


  • 风险评估过程作用是识别评估管理影响审计单位实现经营目标能力的各种风险

    Thee process of risk assessment aims to identify, assess and manage the risks that can affect the entity's capacities of achieving goal.


  • 并购交易准备阶段存在并购环境有关和与实力评估有关审计风险

    In the preparation stage of merger transaction, it exists the audit risks connected with merger environment and strength assessment.


  • 一个简易风险评估沟通会上,来自七个核心程序代表的参加,而且审计计划正是围绕着这些核心程序设计的。

    During a facilitated risk assessment workshop, there are representatives from each of these seven core processes, and it is around these core processes that audit plans are designed.


  • 实施风险评估制定年度审计计划

    Perform risk assessment and develop annual audit plan.


  • 传统风险导向审计现代风险导向审计两种审计模式在风险评估策略上存在一定相同之处,同时更多地体现出了差异

    The tactics of risk assessment of Traditional Risk-based Audit and Modern Risk-based Audit differ from each other while they still have some similarities.


  • 注册会计师审计过程中,关键固有风险控制风险进行正确的评估只有正确地评估固有风险和控制风险才能找出理想的期望审计风险,进而求得最小审计成本

    It is the key for CPAs to evaluate inherent risk and control risk properly in the course of audit, only through which CPAs can conclude proper desired audit risk and minimize the cost.


  • 主要工作包括年度风险评定供应商评估实施现场审计程序的执行,根据需要指定监督改正

    Activities to include: annual risk scoring and assessment of new suppliers, implement and ute on-site audit program, assign and monitor corrective actions as needed.


  • 本文认为企业内部审计独特地位专业优势,决定风险评估控制方面可以发挥重要作用

    In this paper the authors consider that internal audit's special situation and characteristic decide that it can play important role in the field of risk management and corporate governance.


  • 有了这个概念我们发现许多内部审计计划没有公司正式风险评估作为基础了。

    With that in mind, we have seen many internal audit plans that are not based on a formalized risk assessment of the company.


  • 本文认为风险导向审计核心风险评估,影响评估结果的关键因素审计主体风险偏好

    This thesis regards the risk evaluation as the key task in the risk-oriented auditing, and the risk preferences of auditing subjects are key factors in the risk evaluation.


  • 选择审计程序取决于注册会计师判断包括由于舞弊报导致财务报表重大错报风险评估

    The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.


  • 约翰评估重大错报风险为80%,计划审计风险控制在10%。

    A John assessed the risk of material misstatements at 80% and plans to limit the audit risk to 10%.


  • 协助审计总监进行风险评估并根据收集到信息编制年度审计计划

    Assist Audit Director to perform Risk Assessment, interpreting information received to create Annual Audit Plan.


  • 审计风险实施有效管理前提风险水平评估决定审计工作成败

    The premise of implementing effective risk management is the evaluation of audition risk, which decides the success or failure of auditing work. This paper describes the evaluation of IR.


  • 风险导向审计种在审计实践产生为了适应现代社会风险环境,以风险评估为中心的审计模式

    The risk-based auditing is a risk assessment model that generates in the practice of auditing, in order to adapt to modern society's high risk.


  • 同时根据现代风险导向审计审计风险评估方法被审单位在不同生命周期及其审计风险关联性进行初步研究

    At the same time in accordance with the audit risk assessment methods of modern risk-oriented audit make a preliminary study of the relevance between life-cycle of client and audit risk.


  • 控制措施提高评估判断计算机审计固有风险控制风险正确性降低计算机审计检查风险

    One of the control measure is to increase the correctness of appraising and judging the regular risk and control risk of computer audit, and the other is to decrease the check risk of computer audit.


  • 审计风险实施有效管理前提风险水平评估决定审计工作成败

    The premise of implementing effective risk management is the evaluation of audition risk, which decides the success or failure of auditing work.


  • 用数学方法评估审计风险水平,能够使审计风险水平确定更加客观、准确

    The method of mathematics can make the evaluation of audit risk more accurate.


  • 审计人会财务报表中由于欺诈失误而导致重大漏报误风险进行评估,从而选择合适审计程序

    The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.


  • 最后,利用加权平均得出经专家评估审计项目固有风险比率

    Finally, the method of weighted mean is used to calculate the inherent risk ratio of the audit.


  • 可能许多审计感到惊讶状态,2006年风险评估标准目的帮助我们更多

    It may be a surprise to many auditors when I state that the risk assessment standards of 2006 were intended to help us make more money!


  • 可能许多审计感到惊讶状态,2006年风险评估标准目的帮助我们更多

    It may be a surprise to many auditors when I state that the risk assessment standards of 2006 were intended to help us make more money!


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