• 国家审计体制外在表现基本内容审计组织体系

    The system of the national audit is basically the audit organization system, and is influenced by the political system, the law system and cultural traditions.


  • 随着社会公众环境信息需求民间审计组织成为未来环境审计主导

    With the increasing need of environmental information by the public, non-governmental auditing organizations should be the leading part of the future environmental audit.


  • 应建立系统、垂直领导内部审计组织机制保持内审机构运行的独立性

    To build systematic and direct organizational mechanism of internal auditing is to maintain its independency;


  • 近年来,有些内部审计组织开始介入风险管理作为内部审计重要领域

    In recent years, some internal audit organizations start to intervene in Risk Management, and take it as an important audit area.


  • 全面探讨审计工作体系审计科学体系、审计组织体系、审计教育体系审计方法体系。

    This paper has researched the work system of audit, the science system of audit, the organization system of audit, the education system of audit and the method system of audit.


  • 本文拟分别探讨民间审计三个主体即注册会计师审计组织和民间审计职业独立性的内涵。

    This paper respectively introduces the concepts of CPA independence, auditing organization independence, nongovernmental auditing profession independence.


  • 集团内的审计组织如何集团治理结构、强化内部控制明确自己的定位,即科学设置整合功能进而发挥自身优势一个值得研究的课题。

    It is worthwhile to study the status and function of audit organizations in a business bloc in order to strengthen corporate governance and internal control.


  • 当然构建管理工具需要能够聚集组织任何拥有开发工具那里来的审计数据即使这些工具是来自不同厂商

    Of course, the build management tool needs to be able to aggregate and organize audit data from whatever development tools you have, even if they come from different vendors.


  • 是否与日志记录、审计成本计算组织标准兼容?

    Is it compatible with organizational standards for logging, auditing, costing, and so on?


  • 如果文档它们应该在的地方,那么完事了—大家高兴审计人员离开效率组织能力印象深刻

    If the documents are all where they should be, this is the whole story-everyone is happy, and the auditor goes away impressed with your efficiency and organization.


  • 成员可以通过回答180个问题他们组织信息治理实践执行在线审计

    Members can also perform an online audit of their organizations information governance practices by answering a series of 180 questions.


  • 以前专门用来维护定制解决方案检查审计数据资源现在可以重新分配,用这些资源支持组织战略性计划

    Resources previously dedicated to the maintenance of custom solutions and the review of audit data can be redeployed to support the organization's strategic initiatives.


  • 组织在使用生产这些交换消息同时,也开始直接存储这些消息(例如为了审计目的)。

    As organizations consume and produce these exchange messages, they are also beginning to store the messages directly (for example, for audit purposes).


  • 检查内部审计部门在组织风险管理框架中的定位

    Review positioning of the internal audit function within the risk management framework within the organization.


  • 命令进行逐一审计组织策略有助于增强系统完整性可靠性业务连续性

    The awareness of an organizations policy of command-by-command auditing will help to reinforce a mentality of system integrity, reliability, and business continuity.


  • 办法也许强制法院多加利用审计机构核查律师账单比如诉讼费控制机构合法账单组织

    An alternative approach would be to force courts to make more use of services that audit lawyers' bills, such as Legal Cost Control and Legalbill.


  • 提供援助专家并未参与组织的药品资格预审评估他们能够国家一级开展审计培训活动

    Assistance is delivered by specialists who are not involved in who prequalification assessment or inspection activities, but who can conduct audits and training at country-level.


  • 粮农组织帐目定期进行审计

    FAO's accounts are regularly audited.


  • 做为CND会计,Ashton女士公开争论组织成立审计账户控对她秘密受苏联资助指控

    As CND's treasurer, Ms Ashton argued publicly for the organisation to produce audited accounts, to counter allegations of covert Soviet support.


  • 检察官两名利比里亚世界展望组织食物援助几乎卖了;审计说三分之一粮援分发子虚乌有的镇子

    Prosecutors said the two Liberians had sold nearly all of World Vision's food aid; auditors said a third of it was allocated to towns that did not exist.


  • 组织系统流程或者产品进行评估的行为。外包审计三种形式安全票据绩效

    An evaluation of an organization, system, process or product. Outsourcing audits take three forms: security, billing and performance.


  • 客户组织执行CSP变更文档虚拟系统配置审计

    The ability of the customer organization to perform its own audit of CSP change documentation and virtual system configurations; and.


  • 如果内部审计人员采用本文述的系统性审计方法他们应当能够服务组织提供职业的有价值的服务。

    If internal auditors adopt the systems audit approach that I have outlined in these articles they should provide a professional and valued service to their organisation.


  • 通过审计可以捕捉改善管理控制盈利能力以及组织形象机会其与相关管理层进行沟通

    Opportunities for improving management control, profitability, and the organization's image may be identified during audits. They will be communicated to the appropriate level of management.


  • 车间管理层进行审计包括标准化作业5s可视化管理,甚至整个组织提出必要建议

    Audit shop floor management that includes Standard Work, 5s and Visual management and give necessary advices to the organization if needed.


  • 第十九审计机关国家事业组织财务收支进行审计监督

    Article 19 audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the financial revenues and expenditures of State institutions.


  • 内部审计目的就是评价组织控制确保揭露组织潜在风险有效果、效率和经济地达到组织目标和目的。

    The objective of internal audit is to rate the control of organizations, and guarantee to uncover potential risks and achieve the objectives of organizations effectively.


  • 每个组织鼓励优秀每个培养成天才时,审计经常表现出公司领导层极大兴趣

    The auditor always represents the best interests of the company and leadership, while encouraging excellence from each organization, and nurturing the best talents and effort from every individual.


  • 每个组织鼓励优秀每个培养成天才时,审计经常表现出公司领导层极大兴趣

    The auditor always represents the best interests of the company and leadership, while encouraging excellence from each organization, and nurturing the best talents and effort from every individual.


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