• 研究人员使用跟踪观察实验人员理解脸部表情时聚焦部位。

    They used eye movement trackers to monitor where the participants were looking when interpreting the EXPRESSIONS.


  • 研究采用问卷调查实验相结合方法小学年级数学课本中的插图效果进行考察

    The research used a method of questionnaire combination with eye view movement experiment to investigate the effects of illustrations in new mathematic textbook of primary one grade.


  • 本文将介绍上述组织工程材料重建实验临床应用研究现状进展

    This review interpreted the researches status quo and advances in ocular surface reconstruction experiment and clinical application.


  • 研究运用PASS注意量表测验实验方法来探讨注意加工水平小学生学业成就关系

    This study probes into the relationship between the attention processing level and the study achievements of primary school students, with the PASS theory attention scale and eye movement experiment.


  • 目的探索体外培养小梁细胞方法进一步研究原发性青光发病机理提供实验的依据。

    Objective To search the method of human trabecular cell (HTC) cultured in vitro, which could provide the necessary condition of experimental study on primary open angle glaucoma.


  • 实验二:词窗口条件中文阅读知觉广度研究

    Experiment one: Eye movement studies on the perceptual span of Chinese reading under the moving window condition on character.


  • 作者通过动物实验澄清烧伤时期的反应,研究了与压反应有关机制

    By the experiment study with rabbit, the authors clarified IOP changes for various periods after alkaline burn and studied the mechanism related to IOP changes.


  • 报导了中国人色色辨别实验研究彩色类特性实验结果。研究对颜色所具有的度、色调、彩度三个属性分别开展实验研究

    This research reported the results of discrimination of color difference of surface color, Three color attributes-hue, brightness and saturation were investigated in this study respectively.


  • 定量研究高级像成像质量视觉影响像差矫正具有重要实验临床意义

    The quantitative analysis of the effect of high-order aberrations in human eye on retinal imaging quality and vision has important clinical value in the correction of aberrations.


  • 用于心理学实验研究大型精密仪器

    Eye-movement apparatus is a large precision instrument applied to psychological experiment.


  • 研究人员使用跟踪观察实验人员理解脸部表情聚焦的部位。

    They used eye movement trackers to monitor where the participants were looking when interpreting the expression_rS.


  • 来自阿姆斯特丹自由大学研究者声称看一知道这块石头不是来自月球,并有实验可以证明结论

    Researchers from Amsterdam's Free University were able to tell at a glance that the rock was unlikely to be from the moon, a conclusion that was borne out by tests.


  • 采用实验方法,观测52名大学生研究观看观赏性高低不同城市绿化景观数据

    An eye-movement research was conducted to measure the experimental data of 52 undergraduates and postgraduates during their viewing the city greening landscapes of high-or low-appreciation values.


  • 最后,利用检测确定是否为真正人脸区域同时嘴的定位了深入的研究实验

    Finally, we further verify these regions by detecting eyes and output the result. At the same time the feature localization is researched and studied.


  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校JulesStein研究角膜专家SophieDeng博士研究最大优势意大利医生能够实验繁殖干细胞

    Dr Sophie Deng, a cornea expert at the UCLA's Jules Stein Eye Institute, said the biggest advantage was that the Italian doctors were able to expand the number of stem cells in the lab.


  • 综述1 0针灸治疗青光临床及实验研究进展。

    A current research on the treatment of glaucoma with acupuncture in recent 10 years was reviewed in this article.


  • 这种研究方法今后深入研究多巴胺系统实验近视关系提供了一条新的途径

    These methods may provide a new approach for further studying the role of the dopamine system in experimental myopia.


  • 动仪实验成立于1996年,进行认知心理学为主要范畴各项研究,探讨实验成员感到兴趣各项研究议题。

    Founded in 1996, the laboratory does eye movement studies in Cognitive Psychology, broadly defined, and as dictated by the interests of the members of the laboratory.


  • 实验采用句子填充任务技术考察词汇性别倾向汉语句子加工影响研究

    In Experiment 2, sentence completing task and eye tracking techniques were used to explore the effect of the gender code tendency of verbs on sentences processing.


  • 实验采用句子填充任务技术考察词汇性别倾向汉语句子加工影响研究

    In Experiment 2, sentence completing task and eye tracking techniques were used to explore the effect of the gender code tendency of verbs on sentences processing.


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