• 但是并不是所有部分都实际障碍

    But not all of it would be actual barrier.


  • 病人医生来说,还有许多实际障碍需要克服

    There are stilllogistical hurdles to overcome for patient and doctor alike.


  • 必须在人们建立信任尊重他们了解获得好处,要解决存在的实际障碍比如紧急剖腹产的灾难性费用问题。

    There has to be a feeling of trust and respect and an understanding of the benefits available, as well as removing practical barriers such as catastrophic costs for emergency caesarean sections.


  • 甚至还没有意识到这个事实盲人实际利用他们自己脚步声其他声音回声感知障碍存在

    Blind people, without even being aware of the fact, are actually using echoes of their own footsteps and of other sounds, to sense the presence of obstacles.


  • 今天我们解决核心问题方向迈出大步,力争缩短在需要应该获得治疗精神障碍患者实际接受治疗的患者人数之间差距

    Today, we are moving a big step closer to addressing a central problem: the gap between the number of people with mental disorders who need, and deserve, treatment, and those who actually receive it.


  • 没错,双方存在根本性分歧,解决实际问题建立卓有成效伙伴关系障碍终将消失

    Yes, there are profound disagreements, but fix the practical problems, and many obstacles toward a fruitful partnership will eventually melt away.


  • 这种冲动并不关乎偷盗物品实际价值大小,而在于偷盗行为本身——刺激了,一种冲动障碍

    It has less to do with the actual value of the stolen property and more with the act of stealing itself - it is exciting. This is an impulse disorder.


  • 彻底摆脱进食障碍听上去天方夜谭,实际上在正规治疗,外力协助应对机制学习的条件下,完全康复也不是可能

    Though it may feel like there is no way to completely heal from an eating disorder, recovery is possible through treatment, support and learning new coping mechanisms.


  • 专家认为,进来因进食障碍就诊中年女性增多并不表示治疗无效,实际上,表明,进食障碍任何年龄可能发生。

    The recent surge in older women at eating disorder clinics is not a reflection of failed treatment, experts say, but rather a signal that these disorders may crop up at any age.


  • 告诉别人的,根据经验往往完美”的实际官能障碍最严重。

    And don't tell anyone I told you this but in my experience, quite often the most 'perfect' people are actually the most dysfunctional.


  • 如果心里老是想着障碍拖延困难潜意识就会随之做出反应,实际上,是你一直在妨碍自己走向成功。

    If you dwell on obstacles, delays, and difficulties, your subconscious mind responds accordingly, and you are blocking your own good.


  • 虽然这样代码易于封装但是可移植性仍然存在障碍因为需要重新编写查找调用代码,实际上将应用程序捆绑到了JBoss平台上

    While this is easy to encapsulate, it's still a portability barrier because it requires you to rewrite your lookup and calling code, effectively tying your application to the JBoss platform.


  • 所幸的是,多数Web浏览器现在能够好地支持SVG因此部署基于SVG的图形简单的Web应用程序实际并不存在什么障碍

    And luckily, most Web browsers now have pretty good SVG support, so no real obstacle exists to deploying graphics and simple Web applications based on SVG.


  • 先不谈它功能名称,它功能实际上并没有多么高级丰富.虽然可以很大程度上解决搜索结果过多的问题,但是现在的状况设置了太多的障碍用户,具体来说

    There is great power to conquer the overwhelming number of search results, but the current standard presents barriers to users. Specifically


  • 听起来很棒实际距离成功很多障碍

    It sounds great, but there are some hurdles to its success.


  • 我们可能会脑海里形成了很多障碍正如之前所说的,障碍自己建立并且他们一点实际

    We build up too many barriers in our mind to saying no. As I Shared earlier in this article, these barriers are self-created and they are not true at all.


  • 年时间过去了没有发放任何牌照,美国,这在很大程度上是因为资本要求监管壁垒以及其它障碍这样合资企业变得不切实际

    But after eight years, no licenses have been granted - largely, the United States says, because capital requirements, regulatory hurdles and other barriers have made such ventures impractical.


  • 大多数美国公民错误地多动症(add),情绪紊乱多动症学习障碍连在一起,实际上与学习障碍扯不上边。

    A majority of Americans also incorrectly associate attention deficit disorder (ADD), emotional disorders and autism with learning disorders, all of which are unrelated to learning disabilities.


  • 实际许多障碍似乎阻止客户参与开发团队工作。

    Indeed, many obstacles may seem to prevent the development team's involvement with customers.


  • 电子驾驶应用最大障碍可能在于一种普遍观念认为一技术应用实际情况困难更昂贵

    The largest impediment to introduction of electronic chauffeuring may turn out to be the general perception that it's more difficult and expensive to implement than it really is.


  • 专家实际上,真正意义上创伤应激障碍并不大多数人们想的那么多见——最多只有30%的创伤性事件会受到影响并且常常这个比例还小。

    Instead, experts say, full-blown PTSD is far less common than most people assume — affecting, at most, just 30 percent of people after a traumatic event, and usually far less than that.


  • 实际物质财富的积累占有使我们体验幸福根本障碍

    In fact, often times our attachment and preoccupation with material wealth is a primary barrier to experiencing happiness.


  • 墨西哥城不是实际心理障碍有关唯一污染源

    Mexico City is not the only source of real-world pollution that has been linked to mental impairments.


  • 理论转化实践优势还必须面对实际中的困难障碍

    Theory changed into practice advantages, must face the reality of the difficulties and obstacles.


  • 一天,我们都会面对障碍迷惑困难事务还有有时候被迫尝试领悟一些看起来a但是实际1的事情(没理解这里)。

    Everyday we face obstacles, mazes, difficult formulations, and sometimes are forced to try and comprehend something that looks like a, but actually means 1.


  • 一天,我们都会面对障碍迷惑困难事务还有有时候被迫尝试领悟一些看起来a但是实际1的事情(没理解这里)。

    Everyday we face obstacles, mazes, difficult formulations, and sometimes are forced to try and comprehend something that looks like a, but actually means 1.


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