• 尽管利率下降,但他们仍然给出了8%左右实际收益

    Though rates are heading down, they still offer real returns of 8% or so.


  • 实际收益似乎也是喜忧参半

    Real returns also appear to be mixed.


  • 这些实际收益投资者急于避免通胀伤害的信号么?

    Are these low real yields a sign that investors are desperate to protect themselves against inflation?


  • 英国2016年到期通胀挂钩金边债券实际收益也是负值

    The British inflation-linked gilt that is due to mature in 2016 trades on a negative real yield.


  • 一个预警信号就是国债实际收益(参照通胀挂钩型公债市场)有所上升

    One warning sign is that real bond yields (as measured by the inflation-linked market) have risen.


  • 最后根据汇率22个交易日几种产品实际收益情况作了分析

    Finally, we analyze the real income of the 22 trading days due to the foreign exchange at maturity.


  • 日本加拿大英国等国货币的实际收益相比美元资本流入可能颇具吸引力。

    That compares well with real yields in Japan, Canada and Britain and it may be attracting capital flows into the dollar.


  • 资产担保证券所得实际收益,依接受金融资产预付价格不同而不同

    Asset-Backed Securities: the actual yield received may vary according to the rate at which the underlying receivable or other financial assets are prepaid.


  • 美国官方已经正式宣布进入通货紧缩时期所以美国国债实际收益大约为3%。

    America is now officially in deflation so real yields on Treasury bonds are around 3%.


  • 承包商参与工程投标时,可利用不平衡投标报价策略提高工程的实际收益

    While taking part in tendering for this kind of project, the contractor can increase actual profits of the project by making use of unbalanced bid strategy.


  • 整体通胀率3.6%,实际收益明显为负(与通胀挂钩债券实际收益也是如此)。

    Headline inflation is running at 3.6%, making real yields markedly negative. (The same is true for real yields on inflation-linked bonds.)


  • 意味着,附加预期通胀率的10年期债权的实际收益1.05% 减至0.5%。

    This means that real yields on ten-year, inflation-indexed Treasury bonds has fallen from 1.05% to 0.5%.


  • 30年期国债收益率为2.82 % ,3个月国库券,上周实际收益0.05 %。

    The 30-year T-bond stands at 2.82%, and three-month Treasury bills were sold last week for a yield of just 0.05%.


  • 模式就是指将人的知识智慧经验技能通过互联网转换成实际收益的互联网模式。

    "The witkey mode" is a new Internet mode in which our knowledge, wisdom, experience, can bring us money on Internet.


  • 我们报告强调援助管理、援助效益实现阿富汗人民带来实际收益来说,是个非常严重的问题

    Our report emphasizes that this is a very serious problem for aid management, aid effectiveness and achieving results for the Afghan people.


  • 证券市场牛市希望之一便是美国投资者彻底摆脱其13万亿美元货币市场互惠基金实际收益的状况。

    One of the bulls' hopes for the equity market is that American investors simply get tired of earning virtually zero on the estimated $13 trillion they hold in money-market mutual funds.


  • 证券市场风险证券价值遭到损失可能实际收益期望收益偏离可以收益的偏离也可以是资产的损失等。

    The risk of stock market refers to the possibility of security value loss and the deviation of real earnings from expected returns, which can be both earning deviation and capital loss.


  • 如果11月25年期国债收益为1.25%,那么指数关联型债券实际收益为- 0.55%就意味着预期通胀率为1.8%。

    If five-year Treasury bonds are yielding 1.25%, as they were on November 2nd, then a negative 0.55% real yield on inflation-linked bonds implies an expected inflation rate of 1.8%.


  • 石油似乎巨大的交易量下建立了一价位底部没有购买财政部发行任何实际收益证券了,黄金已经开始进入强烈多的行情了。

    Oil seems to be putting in a bottom on strong volume, no one is left to buy any more negative real-yield securities the Treasury is issuing, and gold has started looking very bullish.


  • 科技版的评论家们每股收益EPS)的预测上曾达成共识认为不会突破1.42美元。结果是1.82美元实际收益让每个人欢心鼓舞,惊喜万分。

    Technology analysts – whose consensus earnings per share (EPS) forecast stood at $1.42 compared to an actual EPS of $1.82 – almost unanimously praised the stellar results.


  • 就是说他们大学实际为了成为产生收益的工人阶层运动员,而不一定是像其他集体里大部分学生那样,上大学是为了接受大学教育。

    The idea is that they are really there to be part of the revenue-generating working class of athletes on campus.


  • GDP不仅掩盖这种侵蚀现象实际可以描述一种经济收益沿海地区石油泄漏提升” GDP,因为产生了商业活动

    Not only does the GDP mask this erosion, it can actually portray it as an economic gain: an oil spill off a coastal region "adds" to the GDP because it generates commercial activity.


  • 但是这些下降几乎完全由于股市崩溃,从而使与其相关的实际资本收益下降了50%。

    But that fall was due almost entirely to the stock-market crash, and with it a 50 percent reduction in realized capital gains.


  • 虚拟化可以服务器带来大的收益实际可以在任何系统测试虚拟——笔记本PC都可以。

    Virtualization can pay big dividends on big server iron, but you can build and test your VMs (virtual machines) on practically any systemfrom a notebook PC on up.


  • 惠普周三(4月28日)时候宣布以每股5.7美元、总价12亿美元的价格并购了Palm当日收盘时获得高于Palm的实际股价23%的收益

    HP said Wednesday it plans to acquire Palm for $1.2 billion , or $5.70 per share, which amounts to a 23 percent premium over Palm's actual stock price at the end of the day.


  • 实际这个指数股利收益从那以后年时间几乎倍。

    In fact, the dividend income on the index has almost doubled in the five years since.


  • 实际这个指数股利收益从那以后年时间几乎倍。

    In fact, the dividend income on the index has almost doubled in the five years since.


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