• 学位点拥有多个实训实习基地,可学员提供广阔实践空间

    This program has a number of field training and practice bases and provides its students with plenty of opportunity to practice.


  • 空间造型上改变以往选择处理方法大胆实践空间参与叙事设想

    Change shape in space past the selection and processing methods, the practice of bold vision of space involved in the narrative.


  • 堪称现代小说艺术之楷模了不起的盖茨比》我们提供了学习研究叙事学理论的广阔实践空间

    The Great Gatsby, which is commonly set as a model for modern art of novels, supplies us an enormous practical space to study and exercise the theory of narratology.


  • 主观角度问题群体主体角度看待社会问题使我们在社会问题的应对过程获得更多实践空间

    Seeing social problems from a perspective of subjectivity and of the "problematic" group, we would have more space of practice in dealing with the social problems.


  • MarchSimon(1958)提出苛刻评论认为极少例外情况下讨价还价理论用于实践空间

    March and Simon (1958) also provide the critical comment that, with rare exceptions, bargaining theory has operated in an empirical vacuum.


  • 看到了一些系统分页空间进行配置的最佳实践

    You also reviewed some best practices when configuring paging space on your systems.


  • 了解向量空间理论实践所需所有信息代码请参阅参考资料。

    Consult Resources for information and code for all you ever wanted to know about the theory and practice of vector Spaces.


  • 部分问题由于原则制定方式引起的,它这些实践留出解释执行空间

    Part of the problem is that the principles are stated in a way that leaves a lot of room interpretation and implementation of those practices.


  • 最佳实践节省分析数据库空间应当旧有运行中删除需要输出

    Best practice: To save space in the analysis database, you should delete the output tables from older runs when they are no longer needed.


  • 这种最佳实践来源于OOAD空间

    This best practice originates from the OOAD space.


  • 需要了解使用工具如何最好分析将要捕捉数据熟悉实现分页空间最佳实践

    You need to understand the tools to use, how best to analyze the data that you will be capturing, and familiarize yourself with best practices for implementing your paging space.


  • 这样技术可能并不未来年内得到实践或者至少等到国家宇航局整理空间探索计划

    Such technology may not see action for some years to come, or at least until NASA sorts out its space exploration plans.


  • 一个最佳实践,请记住保持分页空间大小相同

    One best practice to keep in mind is to keep your paging Spaces at the same size.


  • 一般XML文档使用XML名称空间不是最佳实践事实上一种代价高昂的实践

    The use of XML namespaces in general XML documents is not a best practicein fact, it is a very costly practice.


  • 因此避免术语名称空间名称意思明确的上下文中使用最佳实践

    Therefore, it is a best practice to either avoid the term namespace name or only use it in a context where it's clear what you mean.


  • 主要实践操作颜色过滤器更改图像空间关系过滤器有趣。

    I've mainly experimented with filters that operate on color, but it would be interesting to experiment with filters that change spatial relationships in the image.


  • 下面提供这些连接不仅仅是确定服务器硬件磁盘空间具体规格的最好实践同时可以帮助你做出一个合适部署计划

    The links below provides not only best practices for providing specifications for server hardware and disk space, but it also helps one plan for a proper deployment. Below are the links.


  • 由于实践原因这些几乎所有XML设计一直使用名称空间

    For practical reasons based on my experience, these days I use namespaces in almost all of my XML designs.


  • 如果只有词汇表,或许能成功地避免应用名称空间最佳实践即使您只有一个自己的词汇表,要对应用名称空间

    If there is going to be just one, you might successfully avoid applying a namespace, but the best practice is to apply namespaces to your own vocabulary, even when there is just one.


  • 这里最佳实践系统所有XML文档中的一个名称空间使用给定前缀

    The best practice here is to use a given prefix for only one namespace throughout all XML documents in a system.


  • 现有最佳实践中的一种常见风格使用集群作为顶级命名空间配置多个单独集群提供命名空间隔离路由

    A common idiom in the existing best practices is to use the cluster as the top-level namespace and configure multiple separate clusters to provide namespace isolation and routing.


  • 例如php名称空间最佳实践之一,在代码使用绝对引用完全限定名称空间不是相对引用。

    For example, it is a best practice with PHP namespaces to fully qualify your namespaces within your code using with absolute references rather than relative references.


  • 这些扩展元素最佳实践方法它们用来引用WSDL 1.1名称空间任意元素的,并且也是输出绑定它们进行处理方法

    The best practice with these extension elements is for them to precede any child elements from the WSDL 1.1 namespace, and that's the way they're handled in the output binding.


  • 对于词汇每次实际更改(包括添加构成词汇表严格集的元素)都改变名称空间uri一种最佳实践

    It is a best practice to change the namespace URI for every substantive change to the vocabulary, including addition of new elements forming a strict superset of the old vocabulary.


  • 最佳实践什么时候应该定义自己命名空间

    Best practices: When should your define your own namespace?


  • 整体医疗实践实践使得整个套有效的治疗方法能够遍历所有象限维度人类健康和疾病腾出空间

    Anintegralmedical practiceis a practice that makes room for the entire panoply ofeffective treatments across all quadrants and dimensions of human health andillness.


  • 大多数W3C规范称为名称空间声明不是属性而且观察对话中的差异最佳实践

    Most W3C specifications call it a namespace declaration rather than an attribute, and it's a best practice to observe the difference in conversation.


  • 常用的最佳实践使用名称空间

    A common best practice is to use a namespace tree.


  • 本文概述名称空间语义,介绍最佳实践提供一个使用名称空间的简单的 Model-View-Controller应用程序。

    It provides an overview of namespace semantics, provides best practices, and offers a sample Model-View-Controller (MVC) application that uses namespaces.


  • 青年教育项目旨在为对当代艺术创意影像兴趣青年提供-扩充知识和训练实践机会空间

    Youth education project aims to contemporary art and creative images of young people are interested in - the expansion of knowledge and practical training opportunities and space.


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