• 根据1986年的法律筹集资金需要一定的理由比如楼之类。然而,只是其实质并非表面。

    Under a 1986 law, money has to be raised for a purpose, such as a building.However, this is a matter of substance rather than form.


  • 涉及信息实质内容时,法律立场明了

    The legal position is less clear when it comes to the actual content of messages.


  • 我们看到了新的法律举例来说Sarbanes-Oxley),它们规定了金融报告内部控制实现使用相关实质惩罚

    We have also seen new laws (e.g., Sarbanes-Oxley) that provide for substantial penalties related to the implementation and use of internal controls for financial reporting.


  • 出现实质变化列支敦士登必须签署批准新的法律协助合约。

    Before effective change can occur, Liechtenstein must sign and ratify new legal-assistance treaties.


  • 制度体现国家立法政策平衡当事人之间利益反映着法律实质平等,公平正义追求

    The system embodies the national legislative policy, the balance between the interests of the parties, reflects the essence of equality in law, the pursuit of equity and justice.


  • 企业应当按照交易或者事项的经济实质进行会计确认计量报告交易或者事项的法律形式为依据。

    An enterprise shall recognise, measure and report transactions or events based on their substance, and not merely based on their legal form.


  • 行政诉讼存在实质原告资格标准法律利益标准事实利益标准。

    There exist two authentic kinds of the qualification standard of plaintiff in administrative litigation, namely law interest standard and fact interest standard.


  • 除非以下另有约定,法律实质瑕疵所有权瑕疵的规定应予适用

    Unless otherwise provided hereinafter, the provisions of law regarding material defects and defects of title shall apply.


  • 只有那些达到专利法规定要求知识才能赋予专利从而受到国家法律保护,这就存在专利的授权实质条件问题。

    Only those which meet the knowledge requirements of patent law in order to be granted the patent, and thus protected by national laws.


  • 法律公平实质正义出发,增加合同条款效力界限规范

    Therefore the regulations about the limits of validity of contract clauses should be added according to legal fairness and substantial justice.


  • 国际合同法律适用经历罗马万民法中世纪商人法再冲突法及至统一私法的沿革,其实质是在寻找调整国际合同关系的“适当法”;

    The application of law of the international contract experienced an origin and development that went to law of nations to law merchant in the Middle Ages from conflict of laws to unify private law.


  • 正义判决过程结果符合法律规定内在实质保障法律实施过程中的完整统一

    Justice refers to the process and results of judgment to meet legal requirements inherent essence of the protection of the legal process in the implementation of the integrity and unity.


  • 可能资料失去实质控制,可能须受他人您的名义采取的法律约束力行动制约

    You may lose your substantial control over the information, and may be subject to others to be taken in the name of your actions are legally binding constraints.


  • 解决这个问题的关键如何理解意思与表示法律交易中的实质作用及其相互关系。

    The key to these problems is how to understand the actual function and the interrelationship between the intent and the declaration in legal transactions.


  • 公司法人格否认制度产生,体现法律实质意义公平正义追求

    Disregard of corporate personality system reflects law's pursuit for fairness and justice in essence.


  • 犯罪实行着手,具有法律实质两个方面特征

    The act to execute a crime has both legal and substantial characteristics.


  • 竞争法法律价值在于保护竞争实现实质公平提高社会整体效率

    Its legal value consists in protecting competition, implementing essential justice and improving social integral efficiency.


  • 实现实质正义需要民事法益应受法律保护根本原因

    It is the fundamental reason of legal protection of civil legal interest to guarantee the realization of substantial justice.


  • 第四部分论述了英美法系及大陆法系司法审判实质正义形式正义修正现行法律机制中的做法

    Part iv discusses the practice in the existing legal mechanisms of substance justice consummating formal justice in adjudgement in the common law and civil law system.


  • 产权交易市场监管法法律价值经济秩序社会整体利益实质正义。

    Economic order, interests of the whole society and substantive justness are its major values.


  • 本文分析母子公司法律内涵特征指出企业集团实质一种母子公司关系

    By analyzing the legal connotation and characteristic of parent subsidiary, this paper points out the essence of enterprise group is parent subsidiary relationship.


  • 这场危机实质我们固有法律思维的危机。

    Its essence is a crisis of the thought inherent in our mind about law.


  • 合同实质拘束力延缓情况包括法律规定须批准登记的合同及生效条件、生效期限合同。

    Events for postponing the substantial force of a contract include essential approval or registration stipulated by law, additional conditions or term for the contract to become effective.


  • 通常情况下合同产生形式拘束力同时也产生实质拘束力,除非法律规定或者当事人约定延缓事由。

    Generally a contract has substantial binding force at the time it has formal binding force, except where the law stipulates otherwise or the contracted parties have agreed on grounds for postponement.


  • 通常情况下,合同产生形式拘束力同时也产生实质拘束力,除非法律规定或者当事人约定延缓事由。

    Generally a contract has substantial binding force at the time it has formal binding force, except where the law stipulate.


  • 同时认识论理论基础,实质真实追求目标,以法律真实现实落点

    At the same time, its epistemological foundation for the theory to the real essence of the pursuit of objectives to the legal placement of the true reality.


  • 现象法律矛盾关系对立统一体,法法律的关系实质就是内容形式客观主观、应然和实然的对立统一关系。

    The phenomenon of law is the unity of opposites of legal right and law, between which there is a relation between the content and the form, the objective and the subjective.


  • 形式正义实质正义分别属于近代现代法律分配权利义务价值观念

    Formal justice and substantive justice are the values of rights and obligation distribution in modern and contemporary law respectively.


  • 形式正义实质正义分别属于近代现代法律分配权利义务价值观念

    Formal justice and substantive justice are the values of rights and obligation distribution in modern and contemporary law respectively.


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