• 卫生部门药费上升到了天文数字并且目前尚无停止上升迹象这个现代人药物的依赖。

    This modern faith in medicines is proved the fact that the annual drug bill of the health services is mounting to astronomical figures and shows no signs at present of ceasing to rise.


  • 明,儿子卡桑德拉的基因组对比83.82%的相似但他的相似却是83.95%。

    It turns out that while Laszlo and Cassandra's genome-wide comparison is 83.82% similar, he and I are 83.95% alike.


  • 主观期望效用理论对人决策的描述性一直受到怀疑越来越实证研究表明主观期望效用理论的公理相背离

    The descriptive validity of subjective expected utility theory has been doubted all the time, more and more empirical research violates from the axioms of subjective expected utility theory.


  • 理论分析基础上本文对目前在旅游者知名较高磨房论坛做了实证研究相关理论加以佐证。

    In the basis of theoretical analysis, this article has done empirical research in the Mill Forum that has high visibility in tourists to support the relevant theory.


  • 股东现金股利侵占实证分析

    Experimental analysis on large shareholder cash dividend expropriation degree.


  • 最后通过实证分析说明顾客满意测评模型构建方法以及验证不确定性情况测评方法实际应用适用性。

    Finally, using the case analysis, it illustrates the construction of the customer satisfaction assessing models and the applicability of the assessing method under the uncertainty cases.


  • 两个应用研究进一步考验了本笔迹投射分析系统实证

    In the two applied studies, the validity of handwriting projective analysis system has been further tested.


  • 部分主要旅游网站使用者的现实满意进行实证研究

    This part mainly makes a demonstrable study about the realistic CS of tourism websites.


  • 卫生部门药费上升到了天文数字,这个现代人药物的依赖。

    This modern faith in medicines is proved by the fact that the annual drug bill of the Health Services is mounting to astronomical figures.


  • 团队信任领导促进团队的绩效加强忠诚

    Showing that the team can depend on their leader will promote team performance and their loyalty.


  • 实证研究显示,大量不同领域中抽象出来网络都具有近似服从律的低阶集团分布

    The empirical study indicates the extensively existence of power-law clique-degree distribution, which is an independent character to scale-free property.


  • 实证结果表明中国企业战略成熟因素,战略洞察力优于战略执行力。

    The results of positive research indicate the strategy percipience competence is prior to the strategy implement competence in the factors of firm's strategy readiness in China.


  • 借助非营利组织财务脆弱指数模型,对五个样本行业协会财务状况进行实证研究

    By virtue of the FVI Model of NPO, this paper makes a demonstrative study on the financial status of five samples from the same trade association.


  • 本文采用实证研究的方法,对我国深圳股票市场2001年净资产收益率大幅下降原因进行了分析

    In an empirical approach, this paper analyzes the reasons for the sharp decrease in the net assets income rate in Chinas Shenzhen stock market in 2001.


  • 本文运用1987年中国投入产出,借助产业前后连锁推动与带动系数,产业的功能发挥及其国民经济系统中的地位进行实证分析;

    Based on "China 1987 Investment and Output Table", this article does detailed example studies of different industries' roles and positions in the national economy.


  • 通过问卷调查的方法获取数据,对不同延误情形下补救措施顾客满意行为意向影响进行实证分析。

    We make empirical research on the influence of the recovery on customer satisfaction and behavior intentions using the data collected by the investigation questionnaires.


  • 实证结果证明测量具有良好的信

    Empirical results show that this measurement has a good reliability and validity.


  • 结果表明,该量表具有较高表现,适合应用于今后授权理论领域内各类实证研究

    The results of the research showed that there were higher internal consistency and reliability, adapted to the empirical researches in the fields of empowerment theories.


  • 本文通过问卷调查实证分析废旧汽车类产品用户激励因素得出各个因素对用户激励相关

    The paper identifies the main incentive factors through the questionnaire and the empirical analysis, and tests the correlation of the incentive factors and the performance of automobile recovery.


  • 研究文献研究访谈基础上,采用实证法编制青少年个性素质问卷进行了检验

    On the basis of literature study and interview, we developed and validated the personality diathesis questionnaire for adolescent and its psychometric indexes.


  • 本文通过实证调查分析,来研究渠道中的影响策略渠道满意关系提出影响策略渠道满意影响因素模型

    The thesis will analyze the relationship between influence strategies and channel satisfaction, and put forward influential factor models of the influence strategies on the channel satisfactions.


  • 本文基于居民视角开发组用于测评社区商业设施满意量表体系对其进行了实证检验。

    This study develops a scale system of satisfaction evaluating community business facilities in residents' perspective, which is made empirically.


  • 实证研究方法北京大学生调查分析,探寻北京大学生奥林匹克认知参与以及北京奥运对他们的影响

    The method of case study is applied to investigate the undergraduate students in Beijing and to find out the degree of recognition, participation and influence of Olympics.


  • 文章通过新疆1990-2005年GDP外贸依存相关数据实证分析揭示了内在联系

    This paper reveals the inherent links between the GDP of Xinjiang and the Dependence Ratio of Trade by making a positive analysis about the relevant data of 1990-2005.


  • 最后,本文以一个算例确定目标市场评价方法进行实证研究

    At last, a case was applied to qualify method of priority-degree evaluating for choosing target market of electricity marketing.


  • 卫生部门药费上升到了天文数字并且目前尚无停止上升的迹象这个现代人药物的依赖。

    This modern faith in medicines is proved by the fact that the annual drug bill of the Health Services is mounting to astronomical figures and shows no signs at present of ceasing to rise.


  • 本文关于HSK外部一次实证研究

    This paper is an experimental study on the external validity of HSK.


  • 该文工资满意效用表征,探究绝对收入比较收入效用组分之间关系,建构计量模型并开展实证研究。

    This paper regards wage satisfaction as the proxy of utility, studies the relationship between absolute income, comparative income and the utility components.


  • 目的研究必选数字记忆测验(二项测验)鉴别伪装智力低下实证

    Objective: To study the validity of Binomial Forced-Choice Digit Memory Test (BFDMT) in detecting dissimulation of intellectual deficit.


  • 目的研究必选数字记忆测验(二项测验)鉴别伪装智力低下实证

    Objective: To study the validity of Binomial Forced-Choice Digit Memory Test (BFDMT) in detecting dissimulation of intellectual deficit.


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