• 海盗网站盛行,包括一个能起海盗名字的机器、教人模仿海盗说话视频海盗活动的实时地图

    There are pirate sites, including a pirate name generator, an instructional video on how to talk like a pirate and a live piracy Google map.


  • 地图搜索另一种形式任何人可以贡献都可以创建实时资源能力非常值得关注的

    Maps are another form of searching, and the ability for anyone to contribute and build up real-time resources is remarkable.


  • 更高数据允许各种战术军事通信传输视频战场地图定位数据。

    The higher data rates will permit transmission of tactical military communication such as real-time video, battlefield maps and targeting data.


  • 实时地图显示阻塞道路,背建筑难民营表明哪里需要东西

    This is a real-time map that shows blocked roads damaged buildings, refugee camps. It shows things that are needed.


  • 比如可以缓存地图数据减少响应时间通常并不适合搜索查询结果或者实时交通信息进行缓存。

    For instance, it makes sense to cache map data to reduce response time, but it's often impossible or impractical to cache results of search queries or real-time traffic information.


  • 执法机构收到坐标电脑地图显示实时定位并且记录目标行动轨迹

    The law enforcement agency receives the coordinates and displays the target's location in real time on a computerized map, keeping a record of the target's movement.


  • 通过特别显示软件可以把传回图像地图重叠,从而显示战场实时图像

    Special display software overlays the images they send back on a map to produce a moving picture of what is going on on the ground.


  • 现今多数手机视频照片地图联系人管理基于地理位置服务实时服务的支持仍然非常差劲。

    Support for Video, Photo, Maps, Contact management, Location, real-time services via mobile are all terrible today.


  • 例如今天,Wolfram Alpha正在发布实时空间气候数据12完整基因数据以及本地地图以及众多数学生物学物理地理相关其他知识领域

    Today, for example, the team is launching real-time space weather data, 12 complete genomes and local maps, as well as other knowledge domains related to math, biology, physics and geography.


  • 今年热门话题类似GowallaFours quare提供的服务它们是结合地图实时更新的服务。

    This year the buzz went to services like Gowalla and Foursquare, which combine real-time updates with maps.


  • 罗伯茨看了另外一张地图,上面动态显示了快于真实时假释犯一日行程。

    Roberts pulled up another Bing map for me, and set in motion a faster-than-real-time playback of one client's day.


  • 通过使用GoogleMaps可以拖放实时更新地图而不需要重新装载web页面

    With Google Maps, you can drag and drop the map and have it update in real time — without reloading the Web page.


  • 开发者正在利用这些数据创造一系列有趣的应用程序马修·萨默维尔(Matthew Somerville)就伦敦地铁系统开发了一套实时铁路地图

    Developers are using those figures to create interesting apps, such as Matthew Somerville's live train map for the London Underground.


  • 调查用户反馈结合起来,地图可以几乎变成实时信息表现。

    Used in conjunction with surveys and user feedback, maps can become an almost real-time representation of information.


  • 魔杖轻轻一点,活点地图一张羊皮纸变成了一张显示霍格·伍兹学校所有人实时位置地图

    With a flick of the wand, the Marauder's Map is an enchanted piece of parchment that shows Hogwarts school and the real-time locations of everyone in it.


  • 例如地铁地图增加其他一些数据供水排水管道、电网实时交通信息等。

    Think in terms of a subway map, but add in layers of data like water and sewer lines, power grids, and real time traffic information.


  • 网站即将推出更新版本提供一张世界地图,上面的蓝点能显示最近上传实时视频来自何地。

    The soon-to-be launched upgrade of the Web site offers a map of the world with dots showing where the most recent live video feeds are coming from.


  • Real - TimeAsset Locator提供基于浏览器用户界面,用于一个地图显示被跟踪资产实时位置

    Real-Time asset Locator also provides a browser-based user interface that graphically shows the real time location of tracked assets on a map.


  • 地图可以集中一个城市因此仍然平稳太阳月亮移动则在实时变化。

    Maps can be centered on a city, so that the map remains stationary while the sun and moon move.


  • 收到数据实时上传到数据库并且立即可以地图其他网页上显示。

    Data received are uploaded in the database in real time and therefore they are immediately available on the map and on other pages.


  • 网络电子地图成为一种全新地理信息展示方式可以直观实时动态的显示地理信息。

    Internet electronic map has been become a new way to display geographic information, it is visual, real-time, and dynamic.


  • 一个名叫ushahidi的人道危机地图应用,一直以来通过从大众获取数据的方法实时更新着各种可能的人道危机讯息

    Ushahidi, a crisis mapping platform, has been providing updates on its work crowdsourcing information on the ground.


  • 基于PDA嵌入式GISGPS相结合实现移动计算环境下地图实时显示好的应用前景。

    Embedded GIS based on PDA combined with GPS is promising in realizing the real display of the maps under the mobile computation situation.


  • 嵌入式GISPD A结合实现移动计算环境下地图实时显示好的应用前景

    The combination of Embedded GIS and PDA to accomplish map real-time display in mobile computing condition will have a good future.


  • 利用地图数据他们发现了一种方法确定实时数字而且如果将有大量人群聚集,该算法则会提前30分钟小时触发警告

    Using the map data, they found a way to determine the numbers in real time and trigger warnings 30 minutes to two hours ahead of time if unusually large crowds are expected to gather.


  • 给出一个实例:实时测量数据出飞行器制导目标位置电子地图显示

    An instance is given where the positions of guided targets are derived from realtime measurement data and are displayed on electronic maps.


  • 本文讨论车辆导航系统gps实时信息数字地图匹配问题

    This paper discusses the problem of the GPS real time information locating on the digital map in the vehicle guidance system.


  • 本文讨论车辆导航系统gps实时信息数字地图匹配问题

    This paper discusses the problem of the GPS real time information locating on the digital map in the vehicle guidance system.


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