• 公司实力强劲技术力量雄厚

    This company is strong in both technology and capability.


  • 渐渐地许多实力强劲电视公司正在涌现

    Gradually, half a dozen strong television companies are emerging.


  • 公司拥有完善的配套设施结合先进管理理念综合实力强劲

    The company has a sound infrastructure, combined with advanced management concepts, have strong comprehensive strength.


  • 这种浪漫关系可追溯冷战时期。那时西欧对付苏联力不从心,而美国实力强劲

    The romance dates from the cold war: when western Europe was sometimes squishy in dealing with the Soviet empire, America was robust.


  • 米兰主教练认为自己队伍实力强劲,对丰田杯这样激动人心比赛已经做好了准备

    The Rossonero coach is ready for the fascinating Intercontinental Cup final, being aware of having a strong team.


  • 门课程实力强劲数学提供的,在这里找到适合自己的十分理想的学位规划。

    Explore the curriculum offerings of schools with strong mathematics departments, and you may find a degree program that is ideally suited to your interests.


  • 公司实力强劲能够在短时间内筹集大量资金去搞杠杆并购,此举使得美国企业内部感到恐慌

    The firm’s ability swiftly to raise vast sums for LBOs struck fear into the heart of corporate America.


  • 徽商中国历史上实力强劲的一支商帮,创造商界奇迹因为种种原因不可避免地衰落了

    Huizhou Merchants are a strong business group in Chinese history, and they have created a business miracle, but they inevitably declined because of a variety of reasons.


  • 波鸿队体育主管托马斯郑大世一名实力强劲前锋表示俱乐部相信郑大世证明自己实力

    The club's sports director Thomas Ernst said Jong is "a very powerful striker" and the club is "sure that he will prove his capabilities with us".


  • 不仅如此一个实力强劲高效有为的欧盟组织必不可缺,不够强大欧盟不可能成为合格的同盟伙伴。

    That requires a strong transatlantic alliance. It also means a strong, effective and capable EU.


  • 英国经济实力强劲拥有活跃金融系统先进科学技术能源环境保护方面出于世界领先地位

    The United Kingdom has a strong economy, dynamic financial sector, advanced science and technologies; and it leads the world in energy conservation and environmental protection.


  • 实力强劲银行美国银行花旗银行,由于失去资产撤出外国市场它们辉煌过去蒙上阴影

    Former powerhouses such as Bank of America and Citicorp have turned into shadows of their former selves as they shed assets and withdraw from foreign markets.


  • 巩固谷歌相比之下微不足道仅有2000个专利专利库,大大加强不管是现在还是将来实力强劲同行公司打官司时的有利地位

    This will bolster Google's puny Arsenal of around 2, 000 patents, hugely strengthening its position in current and future legal battles with its more heavily armed industry rivals.


  • 巩固谷歌相比之下微不足道仅有2000个专利专利库,大大加强不管是现在还是将来实力强劲同行公司打官司时的有利地位

    This will bolster Google's puny Arsenal of around 2,000 patents, hugely strengthening its position in current and future legal battles with its more heavily armed industry rivals.


  • 薪水增长持续低迷反映目前服务领域通货膨胀强劲实力可能比较短暂的。

    The continuing sluggishness of pay growth suggests that the current strength in services inflation may be short-lived.


  • 虽然麦当劳美国实力依然强劲,但在这个本土市场上的销售增速已经出现下滑

    That's good news for a company that, while still robust in the United States, has seen sales growth begin to slide.


  • 迪士尼首席执行长依格(RobertIger)表示DVD销售额正在不可挽回地下滑认为Marvel强劲品牌实力应该能够提供某些保护

    Disney Chief Executive Robert Iger has said DVD sales are in an irreversible decline, but he said Marvel's strong brand profile should offer a measure of protection.


  • 然而凯恩斯没有能够美国提出的“债权人调整”提供有力支持是因为美国拥有强劲经济实力,又有巨大贸易顺差(如同今日德国)。

    However, Keynes could not secure American support for "creditor adjustment". This was in part because America had both the world's most powerful economy and (like Germany today) a big trade surplus.


  • 补充说:“但是韩国打出低分让觉得很惊讶因为许多运动鞋都是韩国制造的,他们有着非常强劲的、充满竞争意识文化而且他们的比赛团队很有实力。”

    "But Korea surprised me as being low because so many of the sports shoes are made there, they have a very strong, competitive culture and they field teams that compete very strongly," he added.


  • 搜狐健康稳定增长现有游戏广告业务良好债务强劲现金财务状况是,搜狐的强大实力

    Sohu healthy and stable growth of the advertising business and existing games business and good financial situation and strong zero liabilities of the cash flow that strong strength.


  • 中国工业以太网基础设施组件市场强劲增长机会根据垂直行业实力而有所不同

    The market for Ethernet infrastructure components in Chinese industry is set to grow strongly, but the opportunity will vary with the strength of the vertical sector.


  • 不是因为他们利用自己银行金融文化媒体部门强劲实力吧?

    Is it not because they have imposed themselves on a substantial portion of the banking, financial, cultural and media sectors?


  • 根据其定义商业票据是由具有强劲金融实力最佳信誉评价知名公司发行短期无担保期票

    By definition, commercial paper consists of short-term, unsecured promissory notes issued by well-known companies that are financially strong and carry high credit ratings.


  • 公司依靠稳定资源优势强劲资金实力完善的销售网络良好企业品牌钢厂广大客户享有盛誉。

    Companies rely on stable resources, strong financial strength, the perfect sales network and good brand, in the steel mills and customers in the reputation.


  • 现在具有极高素质均衡整体能量充沛当之无愧的入选了“参考级别”,特有的高贵风格更是强劲实力一部分

    Now of "silver dragon" high quality, triple frequency balanced overall energy feeling energetic, deserved has in the "reference level", and its unique noble style is part of its strong strength!


  • 目前汽车需求强劲我们认为各家汽车厂商借此实现增长实力有差异。

    Auto demand is strong, but automakers are not positioned equally to capture growth, in our view.


  • 目前汽车需求强劲我们认为各家汽车厂商借此实现增长实力有差异。

    Auto demand is strong, but automakers are not positioned equally to capture growth, in our view.


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