• 看到一个期望移动新的宝马设计语言

    An expected move seen across the new BMW design language.


  • 宝马设计师一起开发全新电动车是怎样体验?

    Knowledge of tools, models and methodologies used within the development process;


  • 宝马公司声明这个概念并不会做成实体车,但是设计以及技术创新作为未来产品奠基

    BMW has announced that this concept will not be produced, but its design and technology will be the basis of future production models.


  • CUE系统设计经理斯图尔特·诺里斯表示凯迪拉克工程人员们研究了宝马奥迪奔驰等豪车品牌系统这些品牌都高度依赖中控台的控制。

    Stuart Norris, the system's design manager, said Cadillac engineers studied systems on BMW, Audi and Mercedes luxury brands, which rely heavily on console-mounted controls.


  • 宝马公司的工程师认为他们可以重新设计直接注入燃料引擎涡轮引擎增压的办法来达到相新的标准。

    But BMW's engineers think that they can regain this lost performance by redesigning the engine to have direct fuel injection and by turbocharging it.


  • 宝马他们设计过程征求客户帮助甚至销售领域的意见

    BMW should solicit their help in designing cars, in giving advice to fellow customers (there's a little of that in the club forums), even in selling cars.


  • 目标作为创建21世纪新型英国小型汽车计划——何况他宝马臃肿继任者这些宝马最早设计理念遗产更加忠诚

    He saw the project as creating a "new British Mini for the 21st century" - much more faithful to the original's legacy than BMW's bloated successor.


  • 同样坚持自己的设计方向所有宝马轿车都是后轮驱动

    The same stick to their design direction, all BMW cars are rear-wheel drive.


  • 宝马M1致敬概念跑车为了纪念宝马M1家族首创设计的,同时显示了宝马生产新型的车身中部引擎跑车潜力。

    Beautiful concept car pays tribute to the original M1 and shows what could be possible if BMW were to produce a new mid-engined sports car. [link]


  • 宝马i3作为城市通勤车设计而且它的车门设计最大化地方便了用户进出后排座位

    The i3 is designed as a commuter car and features carriage doors that maximize access to the rear seat.


  • 这个阶段宝马集团设计已经准备就绪,一个特殊细节设计团队任务完善调整所有外部内部元素,使其达到完美。

    For this phase, BMW Group design has lined up a special Detail design team whose task is to fine-tune all the exterior and interior elements to a state of design perfection.


  • 无论是优雅宝马标志简单迪斯尼人影,标志设计图像往往成为任何公司促销活动的主要识别部分

    Whether it is the elegant BMW logo or the simple Disney silhouette, logo design images often become the key recognition component of any company's marketing promotions.


  • 最初公司活动领域开发汽车净化器汽车制造商特别是AMG宝马设计研究

    Initially, the field of activity of his company was to develop design studies for several automobile purifiers and automobile manufacturers, especially AMG and BMW.


  • 卡马跑车斯克机车公司建造。菲斯克公司位于加利福尼亚,总裁亨利克·菲斯克。他宝马福特以及阿斯顿·马丁设计车型

    The Karma is being built by Fisker Automotive, a Californian company led by Henrik Fisker, who has designed cars for BMW, Ford and Aston Martin.


  • 最大的亮点当属宝马-索伯车队鼻翼和迈凯仑车队精心设计前轮整流措施。

    Most startling is BMW Sauber's new stag-like nose fins, while McLaren have appeared with a well thought through front wheel fairing solution.


  • 不可否认宝马一些独特设计元素一直是近几十年的汽车

    What cannot be denied is that BMW's have a distinctive design with some elements that have been in it's cars for decades.


  • 西门子VDO汽车公司澳大利亚四家车辆制造企业海外客户包括德国宝马公司设计制造汽车产品

    Siemens VDO automotive engineer and manufacture automotive products for all four vehicle manufacturers in Australia and for customers overseas including BMW in Germany.


  • 继续原来设计部门嘉陵突出显示他们jh600宝马杀手” 。

    Continuing in the original styling department, Jialing's highlight of the show was their venerable JH600 "BMW killer".


  • 宝马集团设计高级总裁,他说:—设计过程中团队旨在诱导最大创造力

    Adrian van Hooydonk, Senior Vice President BMW Group design, explains: "in the design process I aim to coax the maximum creativity from my team."


  • 欧洲,随着现代致力于宝马(BMWAG)和沃尔沃(Volvo)等公司一样树立一种家用汽车的形,现代在标志性设计上的努力更进一步

    In Europe, Hyundai's signature-design effort will go further as the company aims to create a 'family' look the way makers like BMW AG BMW.


  • 畅销款奢华时尚马桶设计者为奥迪(Audi)设计,它真皮垫圈宝马BMW摩托车座椅供应商打造。

    The best seller is a sleek commode designed by a former Audi stylist, with a leather seat made by the people who supply BMW with motorcycle perches.


  • 宝马5系轿车前卫设计精湛工艺公务座驾领域独占鳌头,为驾驶乐趣书写了新的成功篇章

    The 5-series (E60/E61) from BMW, with its avantgarde design and superb engineer, has immediately taken and extended the lead in Business Class. A new chapter in the success story of driving pleasure.


  • 作为宝马X9概念18年突尼斯Khalfi金牌入账设计被誉为可能肯定想到一个蝙蝠侠现代车前,形成这种车辆

    Hailed as the BMW X9 Concept, the 18-year old designer from Tunisia, Khalfi Oussama, might surely have thought of a modern vehicle for Batman before giving shape to this vehicle.


  • 作为宝马X9概念18年突尼斯Khalfi金牌入账设计被誉为可能肯定想到一个蝙蝠侠现代车前,形成这种车辆

    Hailed as the BMW X9 Concept, the 18-year old designer from Tunisia, Khalfi Oussama, might surely have thought of a modern vehicle for Batman before giving shape to this vehicle.


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