• 比起脖子佩戴那个纪念故乡特立尼达蜂鸟链坠或者一张照片一个传家写作可以得宜有力地继承他那些激动人心的遗产

    I can preserve his inspiring legacy more powerfully through writing than through the hummingbird pendant I wear around my neck to honor his homeland of Trinidad, or a picture or heirloom.


  • 说:“性格非常忧郁,(常常)安静地坐着,什么我们穿上裙子,他就变成了一个非常开心的女孩充满生气。”

    "As soon as we let him put on a dress, his personality changed from a very sad kid who sat still, didn't do much of anything to a very happy little girl who was thrilled to be alive, " Pauline said.


  • 之战》(The PayPalWars)一书写,彼得1999年对员工这么说,“贝世界所有人都能更加直接掌控他们货币这是他们从来不曾做到的。”

    PayPal will give citizens worldwide more direct control over their currencies than they’ve ever had before, ” he told new employees in 1999, according to the book The PayPal Wars.


  • 因此至少未来35年内需要什么人们不再在线使用信用卡

    So I don't think, at least anytime in the next three to five years, that PayPal needs to do anything to convince people not to use credit CARDS online.


  • 很喜爱颗珍珠,珍藏起来,过节的时候才拿出来几个好朋友欣赏

    He loved it so much that he hid it in a treasure box, and only took it out on festivals for a few friends to appreciate.


  • 美国悦园早教中心,可能只是享受一段美好时光,而你贝,却正在学习将会他们受益终生的能力。

    And while you may be merely having a good time, she is learning some critical lessons that will serve her well for the rest of her life.


  • 就凭跟自己一下就手就能知道知道事情每个人之后岂不是什么秘密了。

    Li Bao Guo with with oneself hold for a while for the hand, can know to want a knowing affair, that everybody lets after him once touched, be not what secrets all have no.


  • 星期一恰好30生日演员职员们意想不到地为送上了一个大大的三层蛋糕激动流下了眼泪

    Monday also happened to be her 30th birthday, and the cast and crew surprised the actress with a large three-tier cake, moving her to tears.


  • 牛仔运动目的主要男性带有滤路香烟。

    The aim of the marlboro Man campaign was primarily to get men smoking filtered marlboro cigarettes.


  • 马蓉离婚,也许多开始怀疑般配的婚姻是否失败告终。

    Wang and Ma's split has many people wondering if uneven matches are unlikely to succeed.


  • 来惊悚它们真的破胆。

    Paula:I've never been good with scary movies. They really freak me out.


  • 印度电影崛起越来越多的开始关注莱坞。

    As the rise of the Indian movie, more and more people start to pay attention to Bollywood.


  • 公司,我们我们客户通过一系列步骤发现什么他们独一无二与发现他们业务核心过程无异

    At Neutron, we take our clients through a series of steps to discover what makes them the only, which is nothing less than a journey to the core of their business.


  • 来到体会禅修教理融合意义人生带来深远的影响

    Coming to the Bao Lin has enabled me to experience the combination of Dharma, meditation, and lectures in a meaningful way that has led to a significant impact in my life.


  • 摘要葡萄酒瓶是点亮家居生活,发挥想象力,它们绽放出创意的光芒

    ABSTRACT: After you have drank all that wine, you can use the empty bottles to light up your house.


  • 什么我丢弃只行囊?

    Abao: What? Give up one traveling bag?


  • 三星知道假如士兵听到,团网们就找到并且杀死传奇们。

    She knew that if the soldiers heard the noise, they would find them and kill them both.


  • 蓝色为主色调代表地球梦想海洋未来科技等元素上海世博会城市生活美好”的主题相符

    "Hai Bao" mainly blue colors, representing the earth, dreams, ocean, future, technology elements, and the Shanghai World Expo "Better City, Better Life" theme line.


  • 费根表示:“我们国际化使命一步,就是他们可以支付东西。”

    "The first part of our international mission is enabling them to buy things with Alipay, " Mr Feagin said.


  • 独特的工艺不同设计明暗之间粗糙细腻之间冲击被大胆而流畅地表达出来。卫浴- -享受舒爽畅快的愉悦。

    With unique craftwork, distinct design, debao ceramics gives expressions between the light and shade, roughness and fineness, audaciously, smoothly. it will make you enjoyable and comfortable.


  • 浪漫百分百!中速R&B曲风配合温柔磁性嗓音天下所有情侣爱意满满

    Easy Love - Romantic full! Medium-speed R & B Styles with Catherine soft magnetic voice, so that the world is full of all the lovers love!


  • 浪漫百分百!中速R&B曲风配合温柔磁性嗓音天下所有情侣爱意满满

    Easy Love - Romantic full! Medium-speed R & B Styles with Catherine soft magnetic voice, so that the world is full of all the lovers love!


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