• 现场试验表明仪器可以提高缺陷定位定量精度

    The situ testing results show that the precision of defect location and sizing can be im-proved.


  • 直接计数保证重要实验放射化学纯度测量需要定量精度

    Direct counting guarantees the quantitive accuracy you need for important experiments and radiochemical purity measurements.


  • 阐述保证定量精度定位精度提高可靠性提高生产率技术措施

    Expoundes technical measures to ensure feed accuracy and exact location and to increase reliability and productivity.


  • 机型主要针对大桶灌装弥补传统流量计式灌装机定量精度问题以及无法针对粘液体计量缺陷

    This model focuses on bucket filling, Make up the traditional quantitative precision flowmeter filling machine problems, as well as the body can not be measured against defects compared with mucus.


  • 本文从工程实际出发分析影响电液位置伺服系统精度误差来源主要因素作了定量分析计算

    This paper analyzes the sources of effecting the error of the accuracy in electrohydraulic position servo system, and carries out quantitative analysis and calculation to main factors.


  • 作为虚拟细胞核心部分化学反应定量计算速度精度直接影响着模拟效果的好坏。

    Chemical reaction quantitive calculation as the core of the virtual cell, its speed and precision are attached importance on the simulation effect.


  • 并按目前精度水平定量估计这种不一致大小以及位移影响

    Based on the actual accuracy of coordinates of fiducial stations, the magnitudes of the inconsistency of reference frame and its influence on displacement field are estimated quantitatively.


  • 工程上,可以依据文中提供结论定量分析威布尔分布形状参数极大似然估计精度

    In the practice projects, the precision of maximum likelihood estimation of Weibull shape parameter is quantitatively provided by the conclusion.


  • 吸收国外先进技术采用汽缸动力进行自动定量挤出精度

    It absorbs the advanced foreign technology, using cylinder for power, high precision automatic quantitative extrusion.


  • 定量分析了变电站时钟同步误差自动化装置时钟精度基于两者时时间间隔确定等问题。

    The time correction error of substation clock synchronization, the clock precision of automation equipment and the time correction interval are quantitatively analyzed.


  • 文中对各种精度影响因素进行定量分析给出了应用时的约束条件。

    This paper makes a quantitative analysis on all kinds of factors that influence the accuracy and gives the applied restrictions.


  • 建立定量分析数学模型确定,建立标准工作曲线提高分析精度

    Build mathematical model of quantitative analysis, confirm the expectation value of light intensity, build standard work curve, improving analysis precision.


  • 本文全面分析因素对流换热系数精度影响,并进行了定量分析。

    The influence of various parameters on the measuring accuracy of the convective heat-transfer coefficient was analyzed quantitatively.


  • 数据测试定量分析表明模型有效的,具有较高精度

    Data logged tests and quantitative analyses show that the proposed model is effective and has a relatively high accuracy.


  • 噪声经过窄带滤波检波电路后变化及其雷达跟踪精度影响进行定量分析。

    Furthermore, the change of the noise through narrowband filter and detection circuit and the effect on the radar tracking precision are analyzed in quantity.


  • 结果表明,电磁定量浇注挤压铸件质量精度达到2 %。

    The quality precision of the aluminum alloy in squeezing casting with electromagnetic pump quantitative pouring can reach up to 2%.


  • 实验证明数学模型具有较高精度定量分析裂纹信号打下基础

    From experiments, it is demonstrated that the mathematical model has a fairly high accuracy, hence forming a basis for the quantitative analysis of the microcrack signal.


  • 分析动态误差测量精度影响基础上,对空间位置运行参数、测量速度分别进行定量数据采集比较分析。

    Based on analyzing the influence of dynamic errors on measuring precision, space position of three axes, moving parameters of probe and measuring velocity also be acquired and analyzed.


  • 首先深入分析了典型分布式节点定位算法定位精度能量消耗两个方面给出了定量分析结果

    Two typical distributed node location algorithms were analyzed in this paper firstly, and it gave the analysis result of location precision and energy consumption.


  • 这些提高使得质谱具有足够精度检测定量多样化蛋白即使是痕量的浓度水平下。

    These improvements should allow sufficient accuracy for detecting and quantifying diverse proteins, even at low level of concentration.


  • 使阳极板厚薄均匀提出动态失重实现铅阳极板定量浇铸方法提高了铅阳极板的浇铸精度

    To lead anode plate thickness uniformity, we proposed the dynamic lost heavy method realization lead anode plate casting method. It increased the precision of casting the lead anode plate.


  • 定量分析两者齿轮精度综合影响之后,运用反补偿预先修正齿模,进行了齿模电极设计

    Quantitatively analyzing the effect of two to the profile of tooth, the inversing compensation method is then put forward to modify the die cavity and the electrode is designed.


  • 因此测量样品光谱同时测量样品温度,结合温度修正模型可以有效的提高近红外光谱定量分析精度

    It suggested that the temperature of the samples should be measured and the temperature correctional model improved the analysis precision.


  • 因此与图版相结合进步油气识别精度定量评价上风明显可取代定性系列录井

    Therefore, the chart combines the plate to enhance the identification accuracy of oil, gas and water, the advantages of quantitative evaluation obviously replace the qualitative series of logging.


  • 定量解释精度明显提高

    The precision of qualitative interpretation is improved evidently.


  • 描述了控制液位定量灌装灌装时间灌装精度关系推导实际灌装时间的理论计算公式。

    The relation between filling time and filling accuracy is described, and the formula of actual filling time is established.


  • 采用坐标绘碎部点坐标测绘比例尺地形图精度进行系统地分析,并定量地给出了采用不同测距方式展点图的点位中误差。

    The precision of a large scale topographic map is systematically analyzed, which is measured and drawn with the help of coordinate point distributor for the distribution of the detailed points.


  • 利用时间数据频率窗数据所进行的联合时-频反演缩小了提高了定量解释精度

    The fitting difference is reduced and the precise of quantitative interpretation is improved by means of joint TF inversion with time and frequency window data.


  • 定量地分析了成像处理器增益计算误差SAR系统辐射定标精度的影响。

    A quantitative conclusion on the contribution of imaging processor gain to SAR radiometric calibration error is obtained.


  • 称量定量包装一个关键环节组合称量可以实现高速精度定量包装

    Weighing is a key step in quantitative packaging. Combinatorial weighing can make products packaged with high speed and high accuracy.


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