• 加州大学欧文分校神经学家卡尔·特曼表示每天保持体育锻炼可以促进心理机能

    Maintaining a level of daily physical activity may help mental functioning, says Carl Cotman, a neuroscientist at the University of California at Irvine.


  • 果是这样的话,你一对著名的 NBA 篮球运动员比·布莱恩特的去世感到非常震惊和悲伤。

    If so, you must be very shocked and sad about the death of Kobe Bryant, a famous NBA basketball player.


  • 觉得多特蒙德在主场顺利击败奥林匹亚这样的话,只要今晚取胜我们就能晋级,我们一不能这个机会从指缝中溜走。

    I'm sure that Borussia Dortmund will beat Olympiacos at home, so if we win tonight we'll be through - let's take the opportunity we have.


  • 史米博士,“表明了当开始小差会一程度的将眼皮拢,这样以来能杜绝更多的外部信息进入大脑

    ‘What we suggest is that when you start to mind-wander, you basically close your eyelid so there’s less information coming into the brain, ’ said Dr Smilek.


  • 想想贝卢斯发现骑士团正渐渐散去时,十分渴望这个在外流浪孩子回来

    Heck when Silvio finds some time away from all of his Bunga Bunga parties, he too must breed a deep desire to have the prodigal son back!


  • 不过,当减少废品浪费的价钱高到了程度以后,就连弗朗西斯也是开始犹豫的。

    But there must be a price that even San Franciscans would balk at paying to reduce their waste.


  • 并且尽管一个精神医生报酬优厚这个项目其他资源不一那么强大了。”

    And "even if a psychiatrist is paid adequately, the resources for the rest of the program may not necessarily be robust."


  • 哈雷怀满怀信心这本自传将成为最畅销书籍;马尔身上,没有看到一个伟人的影子,但是在他身上有精彩甚至危险故事

    Haley's ambition was to write a bestseller; in Malcolm, he recognized not a great man, necessarily, but a great story, even a dangerous one.


  • 尽管安切洛蒂利物浦签,但还是急切的希望阵容进行一的补充,尤其在巴拉克、乔·已经确离开,而也接近离队的时候。

    Although Ancelotti has brought in Yossi Benayoun from Liverpool, he's anxious to bring in reinforcements after moving on Ballack and Cole. Deco is also expected to leave.


  • 大多数的夜蜥蜴喜欢自己的后代放置于社会团体而不会生下蛋后就不见踪影。

    The lizards most likely to have social groups give birth to young rather than lay eggs.


  • 这真是耸人听闻声称,现在发现幅画显示一个贵族南安普敦伯爵,与布家族有一联系

    Sensationally, he claimed the painting showed the Earl of Southampton, a nobleman linked to the Cobbes.


  • 抑郁症不一来源于心理伦敦医生EllieCannon警告道可能其它疾病状况警报信号

    Depression isn't always in the mind - it can often be the warning sign of another illness or condition, warns London GP Ellie Cannon.


  • 呜兹门前犹豫不要进去这里从未涉足过地方因为莱特曾经提醒不能进到里面否则会有危险

    Woods hesitate to get in the door, this is the place he never visited, as Klaette once to remind him that there must not go into, or be dangerous.


  • 帮助弗朗西斯·皮萨罗(Francisco Pizarro)征服印加人许多西班牙人是财富猎人而非士兵,“所以没有刀剑造成的创伤程度上说得的。”墨菲解释道

    Many Spaniards who helped Francisco Pizarro conquer the Incas were fortune-seekers, not soldiers, "so the absence of sword injuries makes some sense," Murphy explains.


  • 根据教授关于企业性质理论知道,企业程度上实现了对市场替代

    According to Theory on Enterprise Nature of Professor Kose, enterprises have substituted the market to some extent.


  • 季后赛七场比赛中对手准备时间,对比肯会采用有效双人甚至三人包夹。

    Over the course of a seven-game series, the opponent "should" be able to double and triple Bryant more effectively with the proper preparation time.


  • 的地盘的转地盘就不一了。

    What may be cool in your house doesn't play so well in Kobe Bryant's house.


  • 媒介管理作为新兴理论基础具体实践都包含着“层制合理性”、“规则化”的观点,显示出耦合性

    From basic theory to concrete practice, media management, as a new discipline, contains the concept of "rationality", "regularity" in "bureaucracy", and shows certain coupling.


  • 如果清楚自己必须取得比分才能获胜,你就可能紧张,”布什上完课后坐在桑树了解释说

    "If you know you're going to have to score some points to win, you might get nervous," Bush explained, sitting under a mulberry tree after Korte's class.


  • 当前我国大部分地区开展了医学教育探索研究实践并且取得成绩经验

    At present we have launched exploration, research and practice of general practice medical education in the most areas of our country, and have obtained certain achievements and experience.


  • 医院急诊引入心理关怀志愿者尝试患者及其家属进行程度的心理疏导。

    The hospital attempts to give some psychological guidance to patients and their family members through introducing psychology-care volunteers into emergency section.


  • 又或者如果是在马萨诸塞州北边长大人,一记得这个人的名字——罗伯特·艾伦·

    Or here's a name you may remember if you grew up north of Massachusetts - Robert Alan Cote.


  • 结论精神护士总体心理健康状况较好,外界人际关系方面存在的心理压力

    Conclusion in general, male nurses of psychiatric department have healthy psychological state, but they have some degree psychological depression in touching with other people.


  • 最后再提一句,如果需要的话还是能够一场比赛砍下50甚至更多分数。一点超音速的队员在周一的比赛深有体会。

    Oh, and by the way, as the Sonics found out the hard way on Monday, he is still capable of erupting for almost 50 points if need be.


  • 弗朗西斯宽恕:一几率无视伤害

    Francesco's Forgiveness – Dante is protected from all enemy damage.


  • 体育术语英文概念英文的不同表达方式进行了研究,探讨了术语的含义范围和多种内涵,对于加深理解这一学概念具有一意义;

    The basic concept of the term SPORT SCIENCE in both Chinese and English and its different expressions in English were studied with attention to its meaning limitation and multi-connotations.


  • 方法动态观察高血压病人服用素亚、波依倍他克后血压变化情况。

    Methods We observed continuously the blood pressure of the patients with hypertension orally taken by Losartan, and compared with others by Betaloc or Plendil.


  • 本文对山西壳斗进行了比较系统分类研究,澄清一些种类

    The systematic taxonomy of Fagaceae in Shanxi was studied. Some species that had been errorly identified were corrected here.


  • 本文对山西壳斗进行了比较系统分类研究,澄清一些种类

    The systematic taxonomy of Fagaceae in Shanxi was studied. Some species that had been errorly identified were corrected here.


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