• 事情没有按计划的进行,因为在这里处于汉堡舞台中心面对急切等待着回答的不悦的人们。

    Things must not have been going as planned, because here I was center stage at Burger King in front of an annoyed group eager for a quick affirmative.


  • 内容并不意味着有了优质内容成功

    Content is king, but that doesn't mean that you'll succeed with good content only.


  • 程度上意味着男人希望女人只待在家里,”23岁的北京助理编辑聪聪(音译)

    "It kind of implies that men still want to keep women in the house," said Wang Congcong, a 23-year-old assistant editor in Beijing.


  • 那时,亚兰哈薛上来攻打迦特攻取了,意上来攻打耶路撒冷

    About this time Hazael king of Aram went up and attacked Gath and captured it. Then he turned to attack Jerusalem.


  • 了日期。 于是喜欢差遣去。

    So it pleased the king to send me; and I set him a time.


  • 北方回来摆列大军先前更多。满了所的年数,他必率领大军,多的军装来。

    For the king of the north shall return, and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former, and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army and with much riches.


  • 歌唱命令每日供给他们必有之粮

    For it was the king's commandment concerning them, that a certain portion should be for the singers, due for every day.


  • 的臣仆仆人遵行。

    And the king's servants said unto the king, Behold, thy servants are ready to do whatsoever my Lord the king shall appoint.


  • 柳工集团董事长晓华接受媒体采访时表示,柳工集团要成为一个世界级工程企业,在海外市场就要市场份额

    Liugong Group Chairman Wang Xiaohua, said in an interview, Liugong Group to become a world-class engineering enterprises in overseas markets would have a certain market share.


  • 09无机化学研究生同学向记者诉说事情的经过,“多少我们心理造成不良影响。”

    " Inorganic Chemistry 09 with a post-graduate students, Wang told reporters to tell what happened, "This is more or less gives us a certain degree of negative psychological impact.


  • 现在已经了一治疗经验所学校90%的学生有了一听力

    Now, Wang said, after a year's treatment, 90 percent of the students at the school have a certain capacity for hearing.


  • 指环西游记两部很有意义作品,在程度上体现东西方哲学文化差异

    Both "the Lord of the Rings" and "the Journey to the west" are the significant masterpieces, to some extent which embody the philosophical difference between the east and west.


  • 有时候争论也是一位大卫子孙

    It has sometimes been argued that she, too, must have been a descendant of King David.


  • 仆人正在忙乱之间,人就不见了。以色列,你自己妥了,照样判断你。

    And as thy servant was busy here and there, he was gone. And the king of Israel said unto him, So shall thy judgment be; thyself hast decided it.


  • 比赛项目现在

    Wang ping: the sport events must have been much less than now.


  • 尼布甲尼撒了解但智慧真实所以准许但以理书时间

    King Nebuchadnezzar must have sensed the wisdom and truth in Daniel, for he granted Daniel time.


  • 麦坤相信巅峰时刻离开也依然有着获胜速度

    McQueen was sure that the King wanted to go out on top, and he still had the speed to do it.


  • 等人试验基础上,针对刚度钢管混凝土隔震装置提出了便于塑性时程分析应用的双向恢复力模型

    On the experiment of Wang Huan-ding, an elastoplastic biaxial hysteretic model for variable stiffness base isolator made of concrete-filled steel tubular short column is proposed in this paper.


  • 当时北京,“鬃已经知名度了。

    At that time in Beijing, the maned figure maker Wang had already had some fame.


  • 弄清生卒,对判明清之际文人对男伎选择具体进程有一的参照意义

    It is important to clarify the years of wangs birth and death, which is useful for making judgement about the concrete process of scholar being close to Nanji.


  • 通过人际关系大河报爱放炮的卫生记者熙衡走。

    He hinted that his Gao Yaojie and their families on the repression and persecution by certain relationships will be the first gun-loving Dahe Bao health reporter Xi Wang value transferred.


  • 泰瑞·纳斯:没有主人天灾军团变得更加疯狂,不可阻挡必须保持对它们控制所以一位巫妖

    Terenas: Without its master's command, the restless Scourge will become an even greater threat to this world. Control must be maintained. There must always be a Lich King.


  • 泰瑞·纳斯:没有主人天灾军团变得更加疯狂,不可阻挡必须保持对它们控制所以一位巫妖

    Terenas: Without its master's command, the restless Scourge will become an even greater threat to this world. Control must be maintained. There must always be a Lich King.


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