• 较高增长率前提是像罗宾·增长模式理论认为那样,技术进步达到水平

    The higher growth rate assumes some level of technological advancements like that suggested in the growth modes theory of Robin Hanson.


  • 约翰·莫空隙处慢慢了过来。懒洋洋地跳到平台上,端然而前掌淡擦了擦红色的鼻口,然后高贵地房间走开。

    From the opening crawled John Mortonson's cat, which lazily leapt to the floor, sat up, tranquilly wiped its crimson muzzle with a forepaw, then walked with dignity from the room.


  • 说这话让人舒服——谢谢了碰上这些家伙,告诉他们

    That is a comfort - thank you, Jason. If they come again, I'll be sure to give them your number.


  • 可是血红蛋白水平一些并发症有着一的联系,高血压慢性高山病等,西蒙

    But high hemoglobin levels have been linked to complications such as hypertension and chronic mountain sickness, Simonson said.


  • 上天堂谁地狱这个问题上,保尔先生实用主义给予灵活性

    Mr Paulson’s pragmatism has given him a degree of flexibility in deciding who to save and who to allow to go under.


  • 本周刊登科学杂志一项研究,便讨论了量子理论两个重要也是最令人费解的性质伯格的不确原理域性

    The new research, published this week in the journal Science, deals with two of the theory's most important and mind-bending properties: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and nonlocality.


  • 事实上1950年当博士合作发现DNA双螺旋结构时候,他的断言的确有一的道理。

    In truth, Dr Watson, co-discoverer of the double-helical structure of DNA back in the 1950s, had a point.


  • 因为威尔1981年教唆起抢劫罪当时19小偷小摸算作第三违法

    Since Mr Wilkerson had already been convicted of abetting two robberies in 1981, when he was 19, his petty theft was counted as the third strike.


  • 说,没有人知道为什么吸烟二型糖尿病联系,但炎症可能在两者起到了的作用。

    Nathan noted that the study can't prove that smoking causes diabetes. It just shows they are associated with each other.


  • 尽管包括联合制作业务在内的影视娱乐资产确实价值,但是考虑DVD行业目前的负增长趋势,内桑不得不保守列入 “劣质资产”中。

    While filmed entertainment does have value, including syndication deals, negative DVD trends have Nathanson choosing to be conservative and to include them in the less attractive half of Good/Bad NWS.


  • 封邮件遭遇泄密——对此预料——导致公司违反证券交易委员会此类公开信息交流禁令,但这一说法也不无争议

    The email was leaked -- as Mason must have known would happen -- and arguably violates the SEC's prohibition on such "public" communications.


  • 霍普金博士认为拉夫堡团队喷注模具已经有一竞争力,它的生产量大约可达1000

    Dr Hopkinson thinks Loughborough's process is already competitive with injection-moulding at production runs of around 1,000 items.


  • 克里斯滕得意地笑了。

    Christensen must be gloating.


  • 一百年,罗伯特·弗尔肯·斯科特之所以失败而罗尔德·阿蒙之所以能成功在一程度 上是由于阿蒙知道何时退缩

    A century ago Scott lost and Amundsen won—partly because he knew when to turn back.


  • 欢迎来到分钟英语。通过航海旅游有趣。但是乔纳安娜要讨论旅行吗?

    Welcome to English in a minute. Sailing on a ship can be a fun way to travel. But are Jonathan and Anna talking about travel here?


  • 眼瞧着这些照片,犹豫不指出两个人

    Watson stared at the photographs, fingering one or two hesitantly .


  • 威尔太太知道自己厨房里忙啥。

    You sure know your way around a kitchen, Missus Wilson.


  • 理查德?教授这场讲座初,谈到宇宙重要论题时就向观众说道:“要理解近代物理并不需要爱因斯坦一样高明” 。

    "It doesn't take an Einstein to understand modern physics, " says Professor Richard Wolfson at the outset of this course on what may be the most important subject in the universe.


  • 山姆布雷中心从事免疫学研究工作,首次克隆MIC-1基因他说相信这项发现能够在食欲相关疾病研究领域将产生一程度重要影响

    Sam Breit at St Vincent's Centre for Immunology, who originally cloned the MIC-1 gene, said he believed the findings could have a significant impact on a range of appetite-related disorders.


  • 戴维说道,不良坐姿隔膜造成一伤害。隔膜位于肋骨正下方,在它的帮助下我们才能够深呼吸

    Davidson explained that bad posture compromises your diaphragm, the big muscle right below the ribs that helps you take deep breaths.


  • 威特·尔表示说,“也许地区互联互通不同以及也许赋予优势。”

    Perhaps the interconnectivity in that region is different, and maybe it conferred some advantage.


  • 对于阿德巴约来说有的,球迷现在不会很快忘记他

    Well one thing is certain Ade, you will not be forgotten by the Arsenal fans in a hurry now!


  • 西只有17岁,比赛会给心灵巨大压力-不过埃里克要选中他,不会阻止的。

    Theo is only 17 and it is a big pressure to have - but I would not stop Sven from picking him.


  • 众多离心机厂家中,选择了南昌是对我们信任,我们优越质量回报客户,本着人态度国内离心机使用者提供帮助

    In numerous centrifuge, you chose Changsen, we must trust in the most superior quality return customers, with I have no one, I have the best attitude, and help users for domestic centrifuge.


  • 理想环境下,伊尔留下卡希尔但是追求中场杰克·威尔谢尔时,他或许还不知道他可能在不知不觉自己挖了一个陷阱

    In an ideal world, Coyle would like to hang on to Cahill, but may have unwittingly set a trap for himself in his determined pursuit of Arsenal's Jack Wilshere.


  • 荷兰承认知道如何评价这次抽签结果好坏,他认为拥有一优势因为淘汰赛第二轮将在埃米尔球场进行。

    The Dutchman admitted he did not know how to rate the draw, but believes Arsenal have the advantage because they play the second leg of the tie at home.


  • 分离结果表明,所合成介孔分子筛空气具有一的分离性能分离空气的机理扩散压力扩散共同作用的结果。

    The result shows that the molecular sieves membrane has rather separation performance for N2 and Oa and its separation mechanism is the interaction of Knudsen diffusion and pressure diffusion.


  • 分层3种原料然后高度伯加滴入后搅合红色看起来很但是蓝色黑色同样很漂亮

    Layer the first 3 ingredients, and then from a little height add the the sambucca so that it drops in and swirls. Red looks the best but blue and black look good as well.


  • 分层3种原料然后高度伯加滴入后搅合红色看起来很但是蓝色黑色同样很漂亮

    Layer the first 3 ingredients, and then from a little height add the the sambucca so that it drops in and swirls. Red looks the best but blue and black look good as well.


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