• 当地人看法不一媒体一致。

    Local feeling does not necessarily concur with the press.


  • 他们来说,现在我们登上月球一样困难

    This must have been as difficult for them as landing on the moon is for us today.


  • 真是一个令人愉快的地方一百现在看起来一样蜿蜒街道漂亮小屋

    It is a truly delightful place, which looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages.


  • 听起来让人兴奋,激动吧。

    Sounds very exciting! You must be thrilled.


  • 最棒的经历克服最大的困难有关

    Your best stories will come from overcoming your greatest struggles.


  • 对外部采取行动这个自我概念一致

    And you always act on the outside consistent with this self-concept.


  • 很多父母一儿女一起足球比赛度过的吧。

    Many of you celebrated it with your sons and daughters at soccer games and tournaments.


  • 王朝一样的好喜欢中国葡萄酒

    It must be as good as Dynasty. I like Chinese white wine.


  • 肯定你们薪水市面其他公司基本一致

    I'm sure whatever salary you're paying is consistent with the rest of the market.


  • 有时候我们容易忘记别人不一自己拥有同样选择

    Sometimes we do forget that others don't have the same options we do.


  • 这些故事并非旧金山有关它们发生旧金山

    All of these stories take place in San Francisco, though they may not always be about the city.


  • 以前许多女孩交往过,因为容易就使女孩子开心

    He must have met many girls before, because he can make girls happy so easily.


  • 我们产品送给你们样品一样保证质量绝对不会降低。

    Our products are always as good as the samples we send, I can promise there will be no debasement of quality.


  • 房屋买卖双方签订居间合同时常常会支付定金,定金还定和定。

    The two sides signed the contract on the sale of housing, often pay a deposit, deposit is divided into small and large.


  • 富有热情看到只白嘴鸟站某个酒吧屋顶感觉一样的。

    This must be how birdwatchers who are also real ale enthusiasts feel when they spot a white-billed diver on the roof of a pub serving Old Stoatwobbler.


  • 药物一起使用的会产生有害影响组合使用(例如他夫定和齐多夫定)。

    A few drugs have harmful effects when used together and should not be combined (an example is stavudine and zidovudine).


  • 但是这些“技能”网站FAQs创意少许改动,选择主题不一某个论坛有关

    But "how-to" sites take the FAQs idea in a somewhat different direction by addressing subjects that aren't necessarily related to discussion forums.


  • 数据合并时候很方便因为 CONSTRUCT中的谓词不一定和原图中的相同

    This can come in handy during data merging because the predicates used in the CONSTRUCTed graph are not required to be the same as the ones in the original graph.


  • 他们接下来提问一定和洗手有关。 然后会继续解释道,“有些科学家相信我们生活的世界干净了!”

    How to segue towards the less inviting explanation, "Well, some scientists believe our world is too clean!"


  • 这样做的缺点在于,Notes记录(特别是用户本地副本中)数据不一关系数据库中的数据一样保持更新

    The downside is that the data in the Notes records-and especially in users' local replicas-is not necessarily up to date with the relational database.


  • 所有动物,如果它们头盖骨现代鸟类的头盖骨具有相同特征那么它们骨盆现代鸟类的骨盆骨具有相同特征。

    All animals whose skulls share the characteristics of those of modern birds also have pelvic bones that are similar to those of modern birds.


  • 日本经济产业省(METI)2008年发起了一项对碳进行量定和标签计划其中300家零售商生产商签署执行。

    In Japan the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry launched a calculation and labelling programme in 2008 which has signed up more than 300 retailers and manufacturers.


  • 波兰人定和从容应该每一个相信和平和解国家感到耻辱,也会令那些坚信年轻应做出必要牺牲抚平历史伤痛的国家感到汗颜

    Poland should shame every nation that believes peace and reconciliation are impossible, every state that believes the sacrifice of new generations is needed to avenge the grievances of history.


  • 研究小组继续致力于研究基因varenicline反应,varenicline是另一种流行的戒烟药物阻止尼古丁大脑中的邦定和接收。

    The group is also studying the genes involved in response to varenicline (Chantix), another popular smoking-cessation drug that works by blocking nicotine from binding to receptors in the brain.


  • 因此可以windowsMicrosoftWord编写文档,在Linux 下StarOffice打开阅读格式定和初始不同

    So I can write a document using Microsoft Word under Windows, open it using StarOffice in Linux, and read the text, but invariably the format is different from the original.


  • 可口可乐百事可乐吉百利公司利用特许经销商在一定的地区生产罐装销售产品

    Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Cadbury use franchisers to manufacture, bottle and distribute their products within geographical areas.


  • 这些女人之间具有一定程度团结精神姐妹情谊

    There was a degree of solidarity and sisterhood among the women.


  • 本书中的陈述观点作者个人意见,不一定代表威尔逊中心的看法。

    The statements and views expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Wilson Centre.


  • 重要一点智力通过解决复杂问题能力来衡量的;一定读写计算能力;快速解出抽象方程

    At the top of the list is the notion that intelligence is measured by your ability to solve complex problems; to read, write and compute at certain levels; and to resolve abstract equations quickly.


  • 重要一点智力通过解决复杂问题能力来衡量的;一定读写计算能力;快速解出抽象方程

    At the top of the list is the notion that intelligence is measured by your ability to solve complex problems; to read, write and compute at certain levels; and to resolve abstract equations quickly.


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