• 另外一实验克雷默鸟笼周围放置了完全相同的食盒,这些食盒只有个食盒食物

    In another set of experiments, Kramer put identical food boxes around the cage, with food in only one of the boxes.


  • 实验产生一种几乎当时技术完全相反的风格

    His experiments resulted in a new style that was almost exactly opposite the exact technique of the time.


  • 实际上卡梅隆实验完全是个灾难

    In fact Cameron's experiments were a complete disaster.


  • 如果希望自己尝试这些测试或者根据自己需要进行更多实验,您可以按照以下步骤重新创建与本文完全相同环境

    You can follow these steps to recreate the same environment that we used in this article if you want to try these test for yourself or perform additional experiments on your own.


  • 因此完全清楚黑猩猩中是否存在真正传统需要实验甄别,”Thornton告诉LiveScience说

    "So it's not totally clear that these are actually traditions, and we need to do experiments to really tease that out," Thornton told LiveScience.


  • 假设无意识层面上人们并不完全相信这个实验真的,那么还有另一种解释可行的。

    Assuming people were not utterly convinced on an unconscious level that the experiment was for real, an alternative explanation is in order.


  • 青春期感觉自己个门外汉,于是就完全包装自己作为实验

    During much of her adolescence, she felt like an outsider and experimented with radical self-packaging.


  • 例如设计路面工程师并不一定他们的尝试完全建立在实验基础上,而是能用其他人结论作为参考

    For example, engineers designing a pavement do not have to base their attempts entirely upon experimentation, but can use reference sources that describe the conclusions of others.


  • 他们的交流完全理论性的:他们相互交流彼此厨房地下室车库简陋实验进行实验故事

    Their conservation is not entirely theoretical: they swap stories about the experiments they perform in rudimentary labs built in their kitchens, basements and garages.


  • 随着研究技术变得先进实验使用动物数量可能会减少完全停止动物身上实验还有长的要走

    As research techniques become more advanced, the number of animals used in experiments may decrease, but stopping testing on animals altogether is a long way away.


  • 所以面对,或者读了也不能完全理解标准文档,你只能去头脑测试”,纯粹作为一种思维实验罢了。

    So you have to "test" in your own head, purely as a thought experiment, against a bunch of standards documents which you probably never read and couldn't completely understand even if you did.


  • 尽管海洋增加实验不是完全成功并且可能导致有害藻类疯长海洋酸化

    Experiments that add iron to the sea have had mixed success, though, and may cause harmful algal blooms and ocean acidification.


  • 时间人浪费时,你发飙完全正常的,而不同的仅仅实验操作所带来参与者反应程度而已。

    Getting angry when your time has been wasted is perfectly normal. It was just the scale of the reaction that was affected by the experimental manipulation.


  • 社会实验一再证明雇主面对份基本完全相同的简历时,会倾向于选择其中拥有典型白人名字的简历。

    Social experiments have repeatedly shown that employers who are offered two otherwise identical resumes prefer one that carries a typically white name to one with a typically black name.


  • 加利佛尼亚大学干细胞研究中心主管实验正在进行此项研究。他说:“正因为如此,许多认为电子烟安全完全可以替代传统香烟。”

    "As a result, some people believe that e-cigarettes are a safe substitute for conventional cigarettes," said Prue Talbot, the director of UC Riverside's Stem Cell Center, whose lab led the research.


  • 目前,研究人员没有找到如何防止伪造这种纸币方法,不过此次实验至少可以证明,未来微型柔性电路直接纸币上是完全可行的。

    The team hasn’t quite yet worked out the anti-counterfeit part of the equation, but it’s not hard to see how future bills could be minted with tiny, flexible circuits printed right into them.


  • 为了一探究竟,罗登布希博士让志愿参与实验食用85牛奶巧克力,并要求另一实验对象完全巧克力。

    To find out, Raudenbush had a group of volunteers eat 85 grams of milk chocolate. He asked another group to eat no chocolate at all.


  • 实验作为预防性药物的变异几乎能够完全抵御神经毒气攻击

    During experiments, these enzymes showed near-complete success as a preventative treatment against the nerve agents.


  • 实际上会得到完全相同结果,如果你用rdx做实验

    And in fact, that's exactly what you see when you take RDX and do that experiment.


  • 早先有分析指出,安德特人DNA实验操作完全现代人基因污染了,这一点令帕博博士及其同事倍感尴尬。

    Indeed, Dr. Pääbo and his colleagues were publicly embarrassed when an earlier analysis of Neanderthal DNA turned out to be thoroughly contaminated by modern human genes from lab workers.


  • 我们尝试一些完全不同实验的东西:法国国旗颜色放置一个简单抽象形状上

    We also tried something totally different and experimental: applying the colors of the French flag on a simple abstract shape.


  • 通常这种工作,都在完全密闭实验进行或者牵涉到非常危险的物质

    Often, these manipulations are carried out in closed chambers at carefully maintained pressures and temperatures. They can also involve hazardous materials.


  • 完全不是实验发生结果

    And yet this isn't what happened in the experiment at all.


  • 甚至实验使用到的仪器不能完全理解

    He didn't even understand fully the equipment that was used in those experiments.


  • 受训者眼里微软实验盗版软件看起来就是完全复制品箱子的底下。

    To the untrained eye, the counterfeit software in Microsoft's LABS appears to be exact replicas, right down to the boxes.


  • 前期热气球实验发现沙漠中的沙暴可以电荷虽然目前尚没有完全搞清楚原因,但很可能粒子一系列的碰撞有关。

    Prior research done with weather balloons had shown that desert dust storms can become electrified through a process of particle collision that is not yet completely understood.


  • 侵袭地球宇宙射线完全遮蔽实验寻找的稀少暗物质

    Cosmic rays striking the Earth could completely mask the rare dark matter events sought by the experiment.


  • 基因水平了一定作用这个实验所观察的并非基因的问题,这完全身体以外因素对身体带来的影响,影响的结果就是端粒的自我修复水平。

    Genes play a role in telomerase levels, but this was not genes. This was something impacting the body that came from the outside and affecting its ability to repair itself.


  • 这个论证令人吃惊就是完全思想实验

    And what's amazing about the argument is that it works on the basis of a pure thought experiment.


  • 这个论证令人吃惊就是完全思想实验

    And what's amazing about the argument is that it works on the basis of a pure thought experiment.


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