• 窗格影子没有显出来,说明窗子完全敞开

    The shadow of the window-frame was not shown, which indicated that the window was wide open.


  • 你们世界不是我们完全敞开没有你们的支持协助我们无法生存。

    Your world is not very open to us, and we won't make it without your strong support.


  • 事实上他们知道,我没有完全敞开的心扉事情弄得更糟

    The fact that they knew I wasn't being completely open only made things worse.


  • 成瘾完全沉浸他们瘾中但是园艺工作帮助他们世界敞开心扉,长久以来第一了解到周围事物。

    Addicts are totally preoccupied with their addiction, but gardening helps them to open themselves up to the world and be aware, for the first time in a long while, of their surroundings.


  • 也许它们争辩这种对半的策略既避免了完全孤立斐济妥协敞开大门,例如选举时间表上

    It might be argued that this half-and-half approach avoids isolating Fiji completely and so leaves the door open to concessions, for instance on the timetable for elections.


  • 如同父亲多年教导过的,我们只要拥抱每个著觉性经验当下完全敞开我们的心胸

    As my father taught me so many years ago, all we have to do is embrace each experience with awareness and open our hearts fully to the present moment.


  • 一步的我们大门完全敞开

    More than that, our doors are wide open for him.


  • 当然剧院唯一开口一面窗户一样完全玻璃装饰并城市敞开,可容纳大堂画廊露台大礼堂等等功能。

    Of course, the only opening on the theatre place is fully glazed like a big window towards the city, welcoming all the lobbies, the galleries, the balconies and the big auditorium.


  • 如果一样的心扉能完全敞开创造一个全新世界

    Mind like yours wide open, you can create a whole new world.


  • 虽然别墅的立面表现出优雅克制,但后面完全敞开通往一个L游泳池,泳池与反向的“L”房屋并置。

    While the facade transmits elegant restraint, the back is wide open and leads to an "l" shaped swimming pool that juxtaposes the reversed "l" shape of the house.


  • 但是想要男人完全敞开心扉不是一件容易的事情。

    But getting a guy to bare his soul is no easy feat.


  • 家家户户大门完全敞开,看得见白雪覆盖大街五颜六色的景致。

    The big doors were fastened with open, framing a rainbow of colours on the snowy street.


  • 自信地走向未来吧,知道完全不管偏离这个理解正途永远不会改变。当结束在地球上逗留,迎接你们回家的永远是敞开的怀抱。

    Go confidently into the future knowing that God is All Love, and no matter how far you stray from the true path of understanding, it will always remain so.


  • 殡仪馆玻璃大门本来敞开人群冲击不得不完全关闭。

    Funeral Parlor of the glass door was open, but the impact of the crowd, several times had to shut down completely.


  • 这件完全收到了应有效果。家庭纠纷根源彻底消除了,苏珊从此敞开心扉,她也就了一个可以喜爱可以关心的人。

    The deed thoroughly answered: a source of domestic altercation was entirely done away, and it was the means of opening Susan's heart to her, and giving her something more to love and be interested in.


  • 其他任何成功团队一样,最难部分选出正确代表我们,需要我们完全敞开心扉互相信任互相支持

    The toughest part is to find the right people to group together just like any winning team, there is the need for full disclosure and trust amongst ourselves to support one another.


  • 花园剩余部分一个高高的栅栏围住,但是可以通过栅栏篱笆往外重要的是它们可以完全敞开

    The rest of the garden has a high fence around it, however you can see through the fence and, importantly the fences can be left open wide.


  • 悬浮建筑外壳的公寓内部完全城市敞开

    The internal Spaces, floating within the building's shell, are fully exposed to the city.


  • 头顶处天花板敞开暴露大厦内部,这与其说是为了工业效果,不如说是为了完全利用令人振奋20英尺高度

    Overhead, the ceiling is peeled open to expose the building's entrails, not so much for the industrial effect but to take full advantage of the exhilarating 20-foot height.


  • 二楼的美发区一个完全敞开透明空间,实现墙面之间完美平衡连接,缔造出最具吸引力的外观。

    The Hair Salon upstairs is an open and transparent space, demonstrating the perfect and balanced connection between the mirrors and the walls, appealing and exotic.


  • 房屋可以成为真正匀质的极简主义方盒子,亦可完全敞开(以及二者之间几乎无限种变化)。

    The building can literally become a uniform minimal cube, or it can open completely (as well as virtually unlimited permutations between).


  • 人着三不着两安全地打开锁时我们最真实的自我就会敞开心扉,完全真诚地展现出来。

    When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and we can be completely and honestly who we are;


  • 人着三不着两安全地打开锁时我们最真实的自我就会敞开心扉,完全真诚地展现出来。

    When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and we can be completely and honestly who we are;


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