• 参考体系结构显示完全实现SOA承诺所需要部分

    The reference architecture shows the parts needed to fully realize the promise of SOA.


  • 部分内容可用完全实现模型一个参考基础

    This section is a reference to use as the basis for a full implementation of the model.


  • 比如爱因斯坦关于相对论原始论文完全没有附上任何参考书目,尽管先前著作中摘录甚多【使用了很多前人的工作】 。

    Albert Einstein’s original paper on special relativity, for example, had no references at all, even though it drew heavily on previous work.


  • 认识XHTML可能完全取代HTML最近已经开始着手标准化一个更新的HTML规范,即HTML5(参见参考资料中的链接)。

    Recognizing that XHTML is unlikely to fully replace HTML, work has recently begun to standardize an updated HTML specification, HTML5 (see Resources for a link).


  • ImageMagick 一起使用时,还有其他45文件格式可以存储不止图像本文参考资料部分个链接指向完全列表

    There are 45 other file formats which can store more than one image when used with ImageMagick, a pointer to the complete list is referenced in the Resources section of this article.


  • 开发了一个完全电子化参考这里台Kindle2电子阅读器

    It is developing a completely electronic reference desk, and there will be four Kindle 2 e-readers on site.


  • net所有PHP完全命令参考

    PHP.net is the full command reference for all things PHP.


  • 可以跟随roohelphint命令创建完全应用程序无需参考文档

    You can create the full application following Roo help and hint commands without ever referring to its documentation.


  • 很多非常有趣、完全 lex编写的小程序请参阅参考资料中的链接)。

    A number of very entertaining if trivial programs have been written entirely in lex (see Resources for links to those).


  • 开发源码项目几乎完全通过电子邮件加上Apachebug跟踪数据库参考资料小节方面内容)来运作的。

    Open source projects function almost wholly through e-mail (with the addition of the Apache bug tracking database, which you'll find in the Resources section).


  • 例如设计路面工程师并不一定他们的尝试完全建立在实验基础上,而是能用其他人结论作为参考

    For example, engineers designing a pavement do not have to base their attempts entirely upon experimentation, but can use reference sources that describe the conclusions of others.


  • 因此如果JAXP 1.1的规范参考实现完成之发现细节部分完全正确,请认为本文述的细节部分在概念正确的。

    So count on what is detailed here to be correct in concept, if not exactly in detail, by the time JAXP 1.1 goes final in both its specification and reference implementation.


  • 最大挑战,此前从未有过类似应用程序实例可作参考所以我们不得不完全依靠自己设计软件框架结构

    The biggest challenge was that there had not been any instance of such an application so that we had to create all the software borders and the structure ourselves.


  • 评估改变工作量这种层次细节不是容易,但是使用技术参考资料部分讲述完全一样。

    Assessing varying workloads to this level of detail is unlikely to be easy, but the techniques are effectively the same as discussed in the Resources section.


  • RUP中,就是体系结构分析活动(在2中描述概括)所期望结果真正完全利用参考体系结构。

    In the RUP, this is the desired outcome of the Architectural Analysis activity (described and outlined in Figure 2), which truly leverages the reference architecture to its fullest.


  • 这个过程专栏一部分中所描述完全相同请参阅参考资料)。

    The process is exactly the same as I described it in the last installment of this column (see Resources).


  • 虽然的内容远远不够完全但它应该一个不错起点参考资料通过另外阅读一些免费获得的源代码修改日志,可以补充这方面的知识

    While this section is far from complete, it should be a good starting reference to be supplemented by additional reading in the freely available source change logs.


  • 完全定制日志超出本文范围不过本文最后参考资料列表可以找到详细的资料。

    Full custom logging is beyond the scope of this article, but full details can be found in the Resources listed at the end of this article.


  • 如果XML完全一个新手,参阅参考资料有关XML的背景介绍性材料

    If you're completely new to XML, check out background and introductory materials in Resources.


  • 至于饱受批评这些批评武断难以理解—的詹姆逊采用文字则完全可以参考瓦格纳德语原著中的字眼。

    Most of the criticism against Jameson's textthat it sounds artificial and is hard to understandcould just as easily be (and indeed is) leveled against Wagner's original text in German.


  • 对于开源uml2API完全文献参见参考资料部分

    For the full documentation for the open source UML2 API please see the Resources section.


  • 不幸疲劳极限不能完整体现飞机零部件的性能,没有参考价值,人们发现完全一样的两个样本进行测试,得到的结果完全一样

    Unfortunately, the endurance limit is not some absolutenor even repeatablevalue. When tested, identical samples can give widely different results.


  • 但是如果这样做,将会被破坏,如果我清单5 (quotes2 .xml)中的quotes文件代替,与清单4完全相当名称空间,以及相同Canonical xml(参见参考资料)。

    But, if I did so, it would break if I substituted the quotes file with Listing 5 (quotes2.xml), which is 100% namespace equivalent to Listing 4, and the same Canonical XML (see Resources).


  • 这些研究表明参考剂量”完全脱离关键点

    These studies show that a proposed reference dose misses the point totally.


  • 这里不能完全保证使不熟悉Ruby的读者快速掌握这种语言—既然如此,我建议参阅参考资料中的文章

    I cannot say nearly enough here to get unfamiliar readers up to speed — for that, I recommend consulting the article Resources.


  • JDBCURL完全分析超出本文范围(请参阅参考资料部分获得更多信息)。

    A full analysis of JDBC URLs is beyond the scope of this article (see the Resources section for more information). This example, however, is simple, and can be broken down as follows.


  • 使用代码示例几乎与 PHP.net手册文档提供的示例完全相同,只有处修改有关 ZIP功能页面,请参阅 参考资料)。

    The code examples I'm using are almost exactly the examples set forward by the PHP.net manual documentation, with a few modifications. (See Resources for the ZIP function page.)


  • 由于天文学家完全掌握彗星增光机制,因此只能参考过去其他彗星情况作出预报

    Note: Since astronomers have not fully understood the mechanism account for the brightening of comets, they can only predict by referring to past comets.


  • BEA最近收购了一家叫做SolarMetric非常成功的公司公司提出了Kodo技术,该技术功能完全JSR220实现(参见参考资料)。

    BEA recently acquired a very successful company called SolarMetric that produced a technology called Kodo, which is a full-fledged JSR220 implementation (see Resources for a link).


  • BEA最近收购了一家叫做SolarMetric非常成功的公司公司提出了Kodo技术,该技术功能完全JSR220实现(参见参考资料)。

    BEA recently acquired a very successful company called SolarMetric that produced a technology called Kodo, which is a full-fledged JSR220 implementation (see Resources for a link).


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