• 验光处方的数据(如果不能完全理解验光的内容,大多数网站都提供帮助来说明处方内容),挑选你需要的选项

    Plug in your prescription details (if you can't make them all out, most sites have helpful tips on deciphering a prescription) and pick out your options.


  • 这些成绩上所作的工作毫无意义,完全一种浪费

    The pointlessness and sheer waste of effort in these school reports is quite something.


  • 眼光(-3.75)与我的差不多不过佩戴一个晚上之后,他的右眼视力变正常了;佩戴两个晚上之后,他的双眼视力得到了完全矫正

    His prescription (-3.75) is similar to mine and yet his right eye was perfect after one night and his vision in both eyes was perfectly corrected after two nights.


  • 这里为了使得完全成立,不得不假设,这定义一个连通区域否则有可能得到先前一样奇怪事情

    And here, to be completely truthful, I have to say defined in a simply connected region. Otherwise, we might have the same kind of strange things happening as before.


  • 尽管配对交易易于实施通常持有卖空支股票更安全但它可能会造成完全事与愿违的结果。

    Though a paired trade is simple to construct and generally safer than owning or shorting a single stock, it can still backfire drastically.


  • 如果完全疫苗去掉,则需要使用替代防腐剂完全使用不含防腐剂的疫苗。

    Removing thiomersal completely from vaccines would require either using alternative preservatives or using preservative-free single dose vaccines exclusively.


  • 所以发现完全出乎人们意料:1895年,瑞利男爵威廉·拉姆齐爵士发现了不反应的分子气体氩。

    So the discovery of the unreactive monatomic gas argon by Lord Rayleigh and William Ramsay in 1895 came as a total surprise.


  • 称为拷贝技术不能提供一个完全序列一直到大量基因组表达然而其他完全遗失

    Such so-called one-fold coverage does not, however, provide a full sequence since many parts of the genome are represented more than once, whereas others are missing completely.


  • 目前,“内陆水运个人汽车”保险签发基于不同应用程序使用了两个完全不同的流程和两组完全不同的屏幕

    Currently issuance for Inland Marine and Personal Auto USES two completely different processes and sets of screens, based on two different sets of applications.


  • 就保证服务质量性能,并完全解除实例数据库读写个人信息操作之间耦合。

    This allows the grid to service these with the usual grid quality of service and performance and it completely decouples the single instance database from the read and write profile operations.


  • 完全有可能没有运行distcc机器上使用-j运行makecpu机器上将- j设置2有时加快运行速度(明显)。

    It's perfectly possible to run make with -j on machines not running distcc, and setting -j to 2 on a single CPU can sometimes speed things up (but not significantly).


  • 一方面,不用牺牲性能可伸缩性Node请求就可以延长时间因为Node是个完全异步线程进程框架

    On the other hand, in Node requests can extend for long periods of time without sacrificing performance or scalability, as it's a fully asynchronous, single-threaded, single-process framework.


  • 为了更加智能化编译器优化对象所有完全初始化前就创建例对象(参见重复检查的致命点》)。

    To wit, compiler optimizations can make the assignment of the new singleton object before all its fields are initialized. (See "Double-checked locking is broken" in Resources.)


  • 年轻人通常出生胎诞生是例外而且所有行星上家庭生活完全一致的。

    Young are usually born singly multiple births being the exception and the family life is fairly uniform on all types of planets.


  • 目的探讨恢复完全腭裂腭部正常解剖形态功能获得良好语音方法

    Objective: to explore the method for patients with unilateral complete cleft palate to recover palatal normal anatomical form and function and to get good voice.


  • 试验采用因素完全随机试验设计研究不同玉米粒度青年奶山羊胃肠道发育影响

    The effects of corn particle size on digestive tract development of young dairy goats were investigated studied by a single-factor completely randomized experiment.


  • 脑子里一直想着工作任务也都是工作,完全没有自己时间

    You are always thinking about work and adding it to your to-do list, which is not giving you any time to yourself.


  • 传统回路控制系统很难使系统完全抗干扰

    Traditional single loop control systems can not ensure the whole anti interference designing.


  • 必须完全宴会客人的要求在客人到达1小时摆设完毕。

    The room and setting shall be complete 1 hour before guests arrive and look presentable as per the function sheet.


  • 我会鬼怪盒子里放进少量鼻的素描完全随机1还是20还不确定!

    Im going to throw in a hand full of De plume sketches in the boxes, completely random , 1 or 20 I dunno!


  • 利用P 89c58传统完全基于硬件电路脉冲幅度分析器进行改进简化

    Improvement and simplification are made to the traditional single channel analyzer, which is completely dependent on the hardware circuit, through the use of P89C58.


  • 年轻人通常出生胎诞生是例外而且所有行星上家庭生活完全一致的。

    Young are usually born singly, multiple births being the exception, and the family life is fairly uniform on all types of planets.


  • 数值模拟一种辅助手段不能完全正确反映实际爆破过程所以得出相同岩体条件下岩石爆破的关系

    The numerical value simulation is a complementary method, it can not utterly reflect the real exploding process so it only derives the explosive factor relationship in the same condition.


  • 实验结果表明液气交替注入完全可以岩心端面形成质量较好的细腻泡沫

    Single long sand pack experiment indicated injecting foamer and nitrogen alternately could form fine and smooth foam at front end face of core.


  • 大致意思作为一个例类保持这种完全存在安全类型表象

    It's implemented as a singleton to maintain some semblance of type safety that is completely non-existent.


  • 散射算符对准粒子矩阵同相应的粒子态矩阵元完全一样。

    The scattering matrix elements for the quasi particle are the same as those of the single particle.


  • 这种设计糟糕交穿扁竿壮放憋虱铂僵互用户心中产生的恐惧不确定性完全没有必要的,我们将在第24讨论如何改善这种情形

    The kind of fear and uncertainty that this poorly designed interaction arouses in users is completely unnecessary. We discuss how to improve this kind of situation in Chapter 24.


  • 结果完全唇裂唇腭裂患者唇裂术后面积和上白唇明显小于正常对照组

    Results The area and height of upper lip in both complete unilateral cleft lip group and cleft lip and palate group decreased significantly than that of normal group.


  • 结果完全唇裂唇腭裂患者唇裂术后面积和上白唇明显小于正常对照组

    Results The area and height of upper lip in both complete unilateral cleft lip group and cleft lip and palate group decreased significantly than that of normal group.


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