• 李清照文化标准产儿,是中文化转型的新文化观念价值思维所孕育的位新型女性的代表

    Li Qingzhao was a standard-bearer of the Song-type culture, a representative of the new concept of the transformational culture from the Mid-Tang Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty.


  • 特定文化共同作用,构筑了这种难以化解的情结

    The two kinds of special culture affected together and constructed his complex feeling of loving Song Dynasty.


  • 石鼓书院这座历经五朝千年学府我国书院、教育史、文化上享有崇高的声誉。

    Shigu academy is an old institution witnessing Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, and it has a great reputation in the history of academy, education, and culture of China.


  • 文化不仅仅简单时代文化符号而且是一个具有新的文化特质文化范型。

    The culture type of the Song Dynasty is not only a sign of mere age culture, but a new cultural type with new cultural features.


  • 考古发现揭示出不同地区墓中体现文化内容形式互不相同并各侧重。

    The archaeological discovery shows that the culture of filial piety have different contents and forms in different area at that time.


  • 甘肃清水墓室彩绘画像砖其稚拙朴实、渗透着浓厚本土意味艺术风格凝聚特定时代文化气质人文地域的精神内蕴。

    Today, in Qingshui County, Gansu province, the portrayal bricks in tombs of Song Dynasty and Jin Dynasty represent the native art style and the distinct culture of the time.


  • 慈溪地”之称,悠久海涂围垦历史塑造了慈溪开拓进取的性格,慈溪移民文化源远流长。

    "Cixi there," Tang to Song tu, known as "tideland reclamation of a long history, shaped by the people in Cixi pioneering character, Cixi long history of immigrant cultures."


  • 盛唐时期山水田园诗积淀了深厚的和谐审美文化内涵思想突出表现为和谐

    The pastoral poems from Jin and Song dynasty to Tang dynasty bears profound connotation of ancient harmonious aesthetic culture, embodying intensively the beauty of harmony in its ideology.


  • 中国朝代(960年至1279年),统治下,中国文化繁荣方面取得了最高水平之一

    A Chinese dynasty (960-1279). Under its rule China achieved one of its highest levels of culture and prosperity.


  • 文章阐述时期中日两国“使”在佛教文化上互相交流主要情况,得出中日佛教交流是中日文化交流极重要的组成部分。

    The article has explicated the main instances of buddhist cultural communication between Chinese monks and Japanese monks during the period of Sung dynasty with the conclusion.


  • 追求内圣、精神圆满自足目标构成文化的基本内核重要方面

    The learning style of the Song Dynasty, which sought for being saintly at heart and spiritually satisfactory, becomes an important aspect forming the core of the culture of the Song Dynasty.


  • 文》目前最大断代文章总集,是研究文化最为齐全宝贵资料

    The complete works of Song, the complete and most valuable materials in the study of Song culture, is the largest anthology of works in different times.


  • 家族散曲创作取向趋同,与明清之际社会审美思潮家族文化背景密切相关

    The common tendency of Song's family in Sanqu creation is closely related to the aesthetic trend of the society and the cultural background of the family of that time.


  • 陈寅恪先生认为,华夏民族文化经过数千演进,“造极于赵世”。

    Chen Yinque argues, with the evolution and progress in thousands of years, the apex of the Chinese national culture was achieved in Song Dynasty.


  • 以此为突破口,窥探崔与之辞官深层缘由室残局、叹人生经历文化

    We can realize that the deep reasons of his resign are the sad situation after a failure of the Song imperial house, the experience of live, and the comprehension of the culture of Taoist school.


  • 明清之际,松江家族作为中国传统文化家族典范几社命运共始终。

    The Song family of Songjiang, a model of the Chinese traditional family culture, shared successes and failures with Ji Association in the period of late Ming and early Qing Dynasty.


  • 从“二四谱”潮州音乐特殊音律进行研究,均可见音乐文化潮州音乐的影响

    Study on the Ersipu notation and the special rhythms of Chaozhou music reveal the influences of Tang and Song music culture on Chaozhou music.


  • 、明代的陶瓷器皿分别其特有的审美功能,文化提升艺术境界

    The porcelain and pottery wares in these history period put tea culture upward to art and promoted the human civilization.


  • 书院我国古代特有一种文化教育组织模式肇始于唐,鼎盛

    The academic school was a special educational model in ancient China. It began from Tang Dynasty and boomed in Song Dynasty.


  • 雅楠博士澳门科技大学社会文化研究所助理所长,博导,副教授,《科大澳门研究简讯》主编

    Dr. Song Ya Nan is currently the Assistant Director of Institute of Social and Culture Research, Macau University of Science and Technology, and Chief Editor of MUST Briefings on Macau Studies.


  • 三百中国思想文化史上一个非常重要阶段

    The 300 years of the Two Songs was a very important phase in the history of Chinese thought and culture.


  • 三百中国思想文化史上一个非常重要阶段

    The 300 years of the Two Songs was a very important phase in the history of Chinese thought and culture.


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