• 虽然部分低地森林这些地区一些称为生活雪线以上北部安迪斯山脉

    Though partial to the lowland forests of these regions, some are known to live above the snow line in the northern Andes.


  • 这种情况下,事实上蜘蛛无法控制要去哪里,走,罗研究所科学家安迪·雷诺兹

    The spider has virtually no control of where or how far it travels by this means, said Andy Reynolds, a Rothamsted Research scientist.


  • 但是现在开始,开始,安迪·瑟金新的有趣方式扮演黑猩猩时,请直面表演

    But right now, in this moment, acting opposite Andy Serkis while he's playing a chimpanzee is a new and interesting kind of experience.


  • 安迪·安德鲁悄悄地成为美国最有影响人物之一

    Andy Andrews has quietly become one of the most influential people in America.


  • 但也可能将成为另一个安迪亚当•欧或者克莱夫·辛克莱尔他们都是史蒂夫·乔布同时代人,当年都是个计算机行业先驱人物最后却中途折戟

    Or he could turn out to be another Andy Kay, Adam Osborne, or Clive Sinclairpioneers in the personal computer industry who were contemporaries of Steve Jobs that fell along the wayside.


  • EADS项目的总工程师安迪.霍金说:“原材料只为用来生产需要产品”,团队生产出的部件更加精细,轻盈

    “You only put material where you need to have material,” says Andy Hawkins, lead engineer on the EADS project. The parts his team is making are more svelte, even elegant.


  • 尤其喜欢彼得·杰克逊安迪·瑟创造咕噜姆(注:指环那个怪物)所做工作同样的还有金刚。

    I especially loved the work Peter Jackson and Andy Serkis did to create Gollum, and then again in King Kong.


  • 保罗勋爵觉得不能内政部唐宁街10提到沃利因为戴维·卡梅伦自己担忧,他聘用了沃利的前老板安迪·科尔森。

    Sir Paul felt unable to mention Mr Wallis to the home secretary or 10 Downing Street because David Cameron had his own worries, having employed Mr Wallis's former boss, Andy Coulson, himself.


  • 此后显示安迪·库尔曾在大选之前受雇于沃利游说保守党人

    Later it also emerged that Andy Coulson had hired Wallis to advise the Conservatives before the election.


  • 其他的竞争者—埃德·鲍尔(右边那位),安迪·纳姆(照片中无),博特女士,争夺第三

    The other contenders-ed Balls (right), Andy Burnham (not pictured) and Ms abbott-are vying for third place.


  • 此次收购也是达新官安迪·克拉克上任的第一火。

    The acquisition is the first major move by Asda since it promoted Andy Clarke to chief executive earlier this month.


  • 阿拉泰尔·坎贝尔菲利普·古尔德于布莱尔而言不可缺少的人物,较之其它内阁部长,史蒂夫·希尔顿安迪·库尔大卫·卡梅伦更加亲密。

    Alastair Campbell and Philip Gould were indispensable to Tony Blair; Steve Hilton and Andy Coulson are closer to David Cameron than most cabinet ministers.


  • 排名前十位最近电影人物形象影片《指环王》中的格伦,配音的是英国演员安迪·沙坚

    The most recent character in the top 10 was Gollum from The Lord of the Rings, as voiced by British actor Andy Serkis.


  • ,其实简单。就是因为汽车声音,那汽笛声,呼呼哧的,安迪·科里菲遇见考儿这种根本和300系列搭。

    No, it's much simpler than that. It's the music. The whistly, bouncy, Andy Griffith-meets-The Cowsills thing just doesn't work for the 300.


  • 俄亥俄收藏家玛丽·路易·迈尔(Louis Myers)夫妇20件藏品首先开拍的,不过主要赢家当属安迪·霍尔的作品。

    The estate of Mary and Louis Myers, Ohio arts patrons, provided the first 20 lots of the evening, but the chief earner was Andy Warhol.


  • 安迪《亚洲旅行》的一位柬埔寨专家他认为9月柬埔寨旅游绝佳时间

    Andy Booth of ABOUTAsia Travel, a Cambodia specialist, says September is a canny time to tour the country.


  • 当时MGM(米高梅电影公司)的天才星探看上中了艾泽·威廉姆,让在1942年拍摄的电影“安迪·哈利的双重生活”(AndyHardy ' s Double Life)中出演配角

    It was here that she was spotted by an MGM talent scout, who cast Williams in a supporting role in Andy Hardy's Double Life (1942).


  • 满怀乔尼尔森以及安迪·威廉姆歉意,2011年3月19日晚上的超级月亮寻常月亮不到英里的直径大小,其直径据目测的确超过英里

    With apologies to Johnny Mercer and Andy Williams, the March 19, 2011 extreme supermoon looked more than a mile wider than the average moon and actually WAS miles closer.


  • 男演员安迪•色身穿弹力紧身服同汀单挑。

    Actor Andy Serkis dressed in a Lycra bodysuit22 to go one-on-one with23 Astin.


  • 到了秋季,他的《安迪·鲁尼在一起的几分钟》(A Few Minutes With Andy Rooney)成为一个常规节目,亚历山大尔·帕特里克二人轮班出镜。

    In the fall, "a Few Minutes with Andy Rooney" became a regular segment, alternating with Alexander and Kilpatrick.


  • 比加拉什,坐落于法国西南部安迪地区一个只拥有189人的宁静农业村庄,同时它还位于比例拉山地区最高峰披迪的山脚下,片区域主要种植葡萄为主。

    Bugarach, population 189, is a peaceful farming village in the Aude region, southwestern France and sits at the foot of the.


  • 就是为什么今年一月份带来新球员安迪·卡罗尔路易·苏亚雷和新的新老板看起来不错

    That's why players have been brought in this January, and it looks good with Andy Carroll and Luis Suarez and the new owners.


  • 作为一个秘鲁文化丰富城市,米拉·弗洛雷周边利马地区适合客人留在卡萨安迪私人米拉·弗洛雷度假活动数组

    As a city rich in Peruvian culture, Miraflores and the surrounding Lima area have an array of activities suitable for guests staying at the Casa Andina Private Collection-Miraflores resort.


  • 拍摄完毕后彼得·杰克逊戒指作为礼物送给伊利亚·伍德和安迪·瑟金一只

    Peter Jackson gave one of the rings used in the movies to both Elijah Wood and Andy Serkis as gift when the shoot was finished.


  • 警官安迪-特纳锡德议会举行一次会议上作出了上述评论地区在进行两项新的住宅开发项目。 。

    Thee comments came from Sergeant Andy Turner in a meeting with Sidmouth Town Council, which has also seen two new housing developments in its area.


  • 附近驶过火车乘客们可以看见正在表演伊利亚·伍德和西恩·奥汀,还有安迪·瑟金

    Passengers in passing trains on the adjacent railway line were able to see Elijah Wood, Sean Astin and Andy Serkis performing on set.


  • 包括进入城市著名餐饮购物探索活动,入住卡安迪私人米拉·弗洛雷享受一些秘鲁精彩景点

    Including access to the city's most famed dining, shopping, and exploring activities, guests staying at Casa Andina Private Collection-Miraflores enjoy some of Peru's most exciting attractions.


  • 包括进入城市著名餐饮购物探索活动,入住卡安迪私人米拉·弗洛雷享受一些秘鲁精彩景点

    Including access to the city's most famed dining, shopping, and exploring activities, guests staying at Casa Andina Private Collection-Miraflores enjoy some of Peru's most exciting attractions.


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