• 星期六安比平常一些学校里回来了。

    On Saturday, Ann came home from school a little earlier.


  • 任何其他人都要表现得糟糕,因为弄伤了

    Ann did worse than all, because she hurt her leg.


  • 但是英国娱乐业律师安比说,麦当娜用这笔费用换取自由合情合理。

    But U.K.-based entertainment lawyer Ambi Sitham said it made sense for Madonna to divest herself of her British property.


  • 是个令人振奋想法——这可能就是为什么最近举办的麻省大学150年校庆座谈会上,那些行内的人表现更加乐观的原因。

    IT's a cheering thought - and possibly why, in a recent talk at the 150th anniversary of MIT, Varian was notably more optimistic than his peers. "economics."


  • ·波尔这样球员份工作并且受过教育,当今非常罕见例外

    Players like Fabian Boll who have a job on the side and an education are a very rare exception these days.


  • 回到刚刚公园长椅边时,其他母亲都围了过来,称赞能够表明自己的立场

    As Bianchi approached the park bench where she'd been sitting, other mums came up to her and congratulated her on taking a stand.


  • 现代人类强壮得多,但长期以来,人们一直认为人类祖先德特人更聪明。

    They were much stronger than modern humans, but it's long been assumed that human ancestors were smarter than the Neanderthals.


  • 这个可怜孩子一天不高兴,看上去瘦又苍白塞巴斯蒂开始担心起来

    The poor child got more cheerless every day, and looked so thin and pale that Sebastian became worried.


  • 是一颗臼齿任何现代人牙齿都要甚至最大德特人的牙齿还大。

    The tooth, a molar, is bigger than any modern human tooth and is even bigger than the biggest Neanderthal tooth.


  • 是因为,那些懂得等待的人知道怎样彼此沟通交流并且经验应对随时出现问题。”科学家·巴斯(研究主要作者)

    "I think it's because [those who waited] learned to talk and have the skills to work with issues that come up," says scientist Dean Busby, the study's lead author.


  • 他们头上看过去,墙上琪尔姐姐画像,她是家中最大孩子,琪尔大十六岁一个传教的牧师非洲去了。

    Over their heads hung the picture of Angel's sister, the eldest of the family, sixteen years his senior, who had married a missionary and gone out to Africa.


  • 就跟我不一样一组相配的零,只要是她找到就行,不管是中心还是边角

    Bianca's strategy is different: she looks for the first match she can find, regardless of the type of the piece (corner or edge).


  • 现在,他们尝试一次分开两地要去柏林做三个月实习生毕业要求的一部分

    They are about to try the distance again; she has a three-month internship in Berlin as part of grad school.


  • 法官琳达·宣布考虑各方辩辞,稍后作出裁决

    Justice Belinda Ang said she would consider the arguments and issue her ruling later.


  • 每年成群自由人们聚集内华达州沙漠里,一起“享受艺术”,寻觅天人合一的感觉,体验呆名为“屋子”营地中的快乐时光。

    EVERY year, hordes of free spirits gather in the Nevada desert to “breathe art”, feel at one with the cosmos and sample the delights of Bianca's Smut Shack.


  • 韦尔·纳塔健康中心持有股份,该公司研发胎儿游离dna检测唐氏综合症虽然该项公司尚取得什么进展。

    Bianchi said she owns stock in Verinata Health, a company that is developing cell-free fetal DNA tests for Down syndrome, although that company had no role in the new study.


  • 听到这话,亚克托撒腿跑。速度平时快了很多,突然间变成一个奥运会的田径参赛者。

    He makes a run for it, and he's quicker than normal, suddenly an Olympic runner - then he sees his reflection in a stream.


  • 雅常耶罗波争战

    There was war between Abijah and Jeroboam.


  • 现在抽吸执行官尔斯•瑞索文森印尼马来西亚越南也推行计划

    Now Lars Rebien Sorensen, its chief executive, wants to replicate the programme in Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam.


  • 觉得说法斯基经过了道坎成为温格顶级门将为时过早但是确确实实朝着正确方向前进

    For me it’s still way too early to say that Fabianski has turned the corner and become the top-class keeper Arsene has always said he is but he’s definitely moving in the right direction.


  • 原来希伯仑城建造埃及的锁

    Now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.


  • 原来希伯仑城建造埃及的锁

    Hebron had been built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.


  • 格洛里:“通过研究确定主人公就是背景中的就是横跨博奥市特座。”

    Glori said: "From my research I have identified the subject as Bianca Giovanna Sforza and the bridge in the background is the one that spanned the River Trebbia at Bobbio."


  • 阿摩司他们离开瓜谷地南方的赞西河玩漂流的时候,特卡奇告诉了射杀事件。

    Amos said that Tkach told her about the shooting only after they left the Luangwa Valley and went south, to the Zambezi River, for a rafting trip.


  • •维斯·谢尔(上图),欧洲当代艺术主管:“达米拍卖成为全部作品一部分。”

    Cheyenne Westphal (pictured above, right), European chairman of Sotheby's contemporary art, says: "Damien's auctions will become part of his oeuvre."


  • 首相首席政策专家史蒂文·希尔顿任命风险资本家艾德里·克罗夫特,他针对可以放松雇佣地区专门提交篇报告

    Steve Hilton, the prime minister's chief policy guru, commissioned a venture capitalist, Adrian Beecroft, to write a report on areas in which employment laws could be loosened.


  • 有几个邻居帕蒂的关系波尔森两口子亲密些,他们告诉波尔森夫妇,小姐在靠近大激流市的处小湖边有所不大房子把房产全部留给了沃尔特没有两个兄弟的份。

    Neighbors who were closer to Patty than the Paulsens reported that Miss Bianca had left her little mouse house, on a minor lake near Grand Rapids, exclusively to Walter and not to his two brothers.


  • 上半场,渣科只有8进账湖人5846领先似乎没有收到膝伤势的困扰,16分钟内得到1113个篮板

    The Lakers took a 58-46 halftime lead with just eight points from Bryant, and Bynum didn't appear limited by his injured right knee, getting 11 points and 13 rebounds in just 16 minutes.


  • 上半场,渣科只有8进账湖人5846领先似乎没有收到膝伤势的困扰,16分钟内得到1113个篮板

    The Lakers took a 58-46 halftime lead with just eight points from Bryant, and Bynum didn't appear limited by his injured right knee, getting 11 points and 13 rebounds in just 16 minutes.


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