• 但是《经济学家》杂志正要出版时他们好像处在达成协议边缘,正像尔多预言嘲弄那样

    But as the Economist went to press, they too seemed to be on the verge of striking a deal, just as the derisive Mr Erdogan had predicted.


  • 斯蒂文·泽里安曾因电影《辛德勒名单荣获奥斯卡最佳编剧,他正在磋商《千禧年系列小说剧本改写问题。

    Steven Zaillian, the Oscar-winning writer of Schindler's List, is in talks to adapt Larsson's books.


  • 塞巴斯蒂叔叔无情地取笑爸爸妈妈他们只能生出女孩来

    Uncle Sebastian used to tease Mother and Daddy unmercifully that all they could produce was girls.


  • 西班牙国王卡洛斯坚称:“国王没有退位他们睡梦去世了。”

    King Juan Carlos of Spain once insisted "kings don't abdicate, they die in their sleep".


  • 其他德特人的骨骼上也进行过类似的观察比如拉西一世德特人本身

    Similar observations have been made on other Neanderthal skeletons such as La Ferrassie I and Neanderthal itself.


  • 国作家和演讲者肯尼斯·罗宾逊爵士在 TED 上谈到了这个。他讲述了吉莉·林妮的故事。吉莉·林妮是一个舞蹈演员和编舞,出演过著名的音乐剧《猫》和《歌剧魅影》。

    British author and speaker Sir Kenneth Robinson talked about this at TED. He told the story of Gillian Lynne, a dancer and a choreographer (编舞者) who has worked on famous musicals like Cats and Phantom of the Opera (《歌剧魅影》) .


  • 团圆》是凭借《图雅婚礼》而获得2007年金熊奖的王全执导的,这部电影讲述了1949从上海台湾一个士兵的故事。

    "Tuan Yuan", directed by Wang Quan'an, who won the Golden Bear in 2007 for "Tuya's Marriage," is about a soldier who flees Shanghai in 1949 for Taiwan.


  • 正是在一信念鼓舞下史密斯渴望建立神圣王国锡,一个存在于美国西部地方

    This belief inspired Smith's desire to establish Zion, the kingdom of God, which was to be built somewhere in the western United States.


  • 忠告专栏作家·兰德斯出版过条(无归属的)好几这个单子广播评论员保罗·哈维过。

    Advice columnist Ann Landers has printed the first ten items (uncredited) several times, and the list has been used by radio commentator Paul Harvey.


  • 以后投资”,法碧.今年26岁从事室内装修设计,2009年失业

    This is my investment in the future right now, ” said Fabiana Lee, 26, an interior designer who lost her job in 2009.


  • 以后投资”,法碧今年26岁从事室内装修设计,2009年失业

    "This is my investment in the future right now," said Fabiana Lee, 26, an interior designer who lost her job in 2009.


  • 德特人认为惯于吃人。此外,遍布世界诸多古代(甚至现代)文明都有食人的历史,这发生宗教仪式情况下。

    Cannibalism is believed to have been practised by the Neanderthals and, in a more or less ritualistic context, by many ancient (modern) human cultures the world over.


  • 很多探险者遇到同样的境遇,而且据说原住民杀死过一些岛上帐篷非法渔民

    Dozens of expeditions have met with similar results, and the natives have even been known to kill illegal fishermen who are dumb enough to set up camp on their island.


  • 例如DNA研究显示古代人类祖先进行杂交德特人的基因很可能我们基因库所吸收,他们做为不同原始人类物种却已经消失。

    DNA studies, for example, suggest that our ancient human ancestors interbred, with Neanderthals possibly being absorbed into our gene pool and disappearing as their own distinct hominid species.


  • 它们本是无计可施只能停止破译,但是朱利·艾桑伊密码了解甚多,以前设计密码编写的软件,破译工作看到了曙光。

    They may have their work cut out, however, as Julian Assange has a strong knowledge of cryptography, having developed cryptographic software in the past.


  • 战和二战之间的那段日子,斯塔特信用社倒闭使奥地利陷入同种惨境。

    In the interwar period, the collapse of Credit-Anstalt caused similar problems for Austria.


  • 尼日利亚奥运代表队的发言人托尼。内兹,尼日利亚期待竞技项目上取得成绩,特别是接力项目。

    Nigeria team spokesman Tony Nezianya said Nigeria also expected to do better in athletics, especially the relay events.


  • 内政部长罗纳尔多·普诺(Ronaldo Puno)警告帕图恩家族除非他们中午交出帕图恩,否则可能遭到武装袭击

    The interior secretary, Ronaldo Puno, said he had warned the family they risked a military attack unless they handed over Ampatuan by midday.


  • 例如圣马丁惠(Juanjui)地区去年出口2000顶级品质有机可可果,而2003年该地区的出口不过190吨。

    One cocoa cooperative in the Juanjui area of San Martin, for example, exported 2, 000 metric tons of top-quality organic cocoa last year, up from 190 metric tons in 2003.


  • 例如圣马丁惠(Juanjui)地区去年出口2000顶级品质有机可可果,而2003年该地区的出口不过190吨。

    One cocoa cooperative in the Juanjui area of San Martin, for example, exported 2,000 metric tons of top-quality organic cocoa last year, up from 190 metric tons in 2003.


  • 著书探讨该场战斗艾德里·默多克(adrian Murdoch)认为这场战斗其影响不可估量的。

    Adrian Murdoch, author of a book on the battle, said the shockwaves were immense.


  • 普法夫:喜欢件事情思考还有为什么是这样的姿态,她通过她的脸传达什么,我认为她的脸告诉我们不止一个故事。

    One of the things I like to do is, um, think about her face and why, what is she trying, why, what is she trying to say with her face and I used to think that her face told more than one story.


  • 印度全球无线通讯成长最快速市场。维机构怀疑激进分子可能利用黑莓机策画造成116死亡的2008年孟买恐怖攻击

    Security agencies in India, the fastest-growing wireless market in the world, suspect militants used Blackberry services to plan a 2008 Mumbai attack in which 116 people died.


  • 印度全球无线通讯成长最快速市场。维机构怀疑激进分子可能利用黑莓机策画造成116死亡的2008年孟买恐怖攻击

    Security agencies in India, the fastest-growing wireless market in the world, suspect militants used Blackberry services to plan a 2008 Mumbai attack in which 116 people died.


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