• 来自麻省理工学院数字商业中心埃里克·布林约夫松安德鲁·麦卡菲合著的《与机器较量》一书获得成功,这让这个观点得到了极大的关注

    This argument has attracted a lot of attention, via the success of the book Race Against the Machine, by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, who both hail from MIT's Center for Digital Business.


  • 史密斯学院一名经济学安德鲁津巴里斯特银行利息体育领域中的“中产阶级”一样飞速增长

    Andrew Zimbalist, an economist at Smith College, says Banks' interest has grown enormously with the "gentrification" of sport.


  • 英国沃里克大学学院心理学教授安德鲁j奥斯瓦德,曾经发表过关于人类幸福研究他称是个很重要发现,甚至某种程度上是很振奋人心的。

    Andrew J.Oswald, a professor of psychology at Warwick Business School in England, who has published several studies on human happiness, called the findings important and, in some ways, heartening.


  • 受访者来自美国宾夕法尼亚州格林斯堡西顿希尔综合学院莱克伊利湖大学正骨疗法医学马克A.w.安德鲁生理学主任教授

    Mark A. W. Andrews, director and professor of physiology at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, Pa., replies


  • 伦敦学院安德鲁·斯科特(Andrew Scott)指出英国债务负担占国民生产总值(gnp)的比例1918年的121%上升至1932年的191%,直到1960年返回1918年的水平

    Andrew Scott of the London Business School points out that Britain's debt burden rose from 121% of GNP in 1918 to 191% in 1932 and did not return to its 1918 level until 1960.


  • 法国著名学院INSEAD新加坡校区安德鲁·斯蒂芬(Andrew Stephen)目睹许多非常优秀应聘者一家家跨国公司刷掉,一切只因为不是亚洲人

    Andrew Stephen of the Singapore campus of INSEAD, a prestigious French business school, says he has seen good candidates being passed over by multinationals because they were not Asian.


  • 哈佛学院安德鲁•安(AndrewAhn)引用了糖尿病的一个例证,为此来说明标准临床测试通过这种方法来检测血液中所含葡萄糖等级。

    Andrew Ahn of Harvard Medical School cites the example of diabetes, for which the standard clinical test is a measure of the level of glucose in the blood.


  • 负责此次调查安德鲁大学心理学院的菲恩娜·摩尔指出,调查结果反映出了现代职场变化

    Fhionna Moore, of the University of st Andrews School of Psychology, who led the study, said the results reflected changes in the workplace.


  • 受访者来自美国宾夕法尼亚州格林斯堡西希尔综合学院莱克伊利湖大学正骨疗法医学马克A.w。安德鲁生理学主任教授

    Mark A. W. Andrews, director and professor of physiology at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, Pa. , replies.


  • 耶鲁大学校友安德鲁·迪克森·怀特学院教师推选一任院长

    Yale alumnus Andrew Dickson White was petitioned by the school's faculty to become the first dean.


  • 此项研究名经济学家进行,他们是英格兰华威大学安德鲁奥斯伍德和新罕布什尔大学达特茅斯学院的大卫·布兰迟福拉沃。

    Two economists did the study: Andrew Oswald of the University of Warwick in England and David Blanchflower at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.


  • 安德鲁·琼斯一直知道自己利益艺术十六岁,他开始了研究,在Alla表面绘画美术人像大石数字学院科罗拉多州

    Andrew Jones always knew his interests were in art, and when he was sixteen he began his studies in Alla Prima painting and fine art portraiture at the Boulder Figure Academy in Colorado.


  • 然后,我们伦敦经济学院有过联系,有三分之一成员,如安德鲁e克拉克同样广泛的分组内做了早期(重要的)工作

    We then had a connection with the London School of Economics; a third member there, Andrew E. Clark, also did early (and important) work within the same broad grouping.


  • 英国沃里克大学学院心理学教授安德鲁j奥斯瓦德曾经发表过关于人类幸福研究他称是个很重要发现,甚至某种程度上是很振奋人心的。

    Andrew J. Oswald, a professor of psychology at Warwick Business School in England, who has published several studies on human happiness, called the findings important and, in some ways, heartening.


  • 安德鲁拥有剑桥大学圣约翰学院经济学学位英国特许管理会计师资格以及亨利管理学院MBA学位

    Andrew has an economics degree from St John's College, Cambridge, is a qualified chartered management accountant and gained his MBA at Henley management College.


  • 安德鲁拥有剑桥大学圣约翰学院经济学学位英国特许管理会计师资格以及亨利管理学院MBA学位

    Andrew has an economics degree from St John's College, Cambridge, is a qualified chartered management accountant and gained his MBA at Henley management College.


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