• 英国央行首席经济学安德鲁·霍尔丹表示,“短期主义快速获利欲望上市公司已经加剧了

    "Short-termism" or the desire for quick profits, has worsened in publicly traded companies, says the Bank of England's top economist, Andrew Haldane.


  • ArtsEconomics研究公司创始人克莱尔·麦克安德鲁估算2007年的巅峰期价值为650亿美元,年前两倍

    At its peak in 2007 it was worth some $65 billion, reckons Clare McAndrew, founder of Arts Economics, a research firmdouble the figure five years earlier.


  • 这个行业要想安德鲁留下残局中恢复过来,还需要数年时间一些公司埋葬

    It will take years before the industry digs itself out from the wreckage left by Andrew. some companies will be buried by it.


  • 信中说是美国广播公司的制片人坚持要拍偷猎者并未直点其名,当时德鲁•特卡奇负责赞比亚拍摄工作。

    In the letter he said that it was the ABC producer-he does not name him but Andrew Tkach was in charge of the filming in zambia-who insisted on filming poachers.


  • 听说维塔数字公司参与了制作,并且电影摄影师是拍摄指环三部曲安德鲁·莱斯涅,我非常感兴趣

    Once I heard that Weta Digital was involved and that the man who shot the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Andrew Lesnie, was the cinematographer, I got very interested.


  • 纽约高度活跃的总检察长安德鲁科莫也加入这场争吵,这家公司发出传票私下讨论隐藏的诡诈。

    Andrew Cuomo, New York's hyperactive attorney-general, entered the fray, slapping subpoenas on the firm and muttering about possible fraud.


  • 制作这部华纳兄弟电影公司影片的罗德里克·约翰森安德鲁科索沃墨西哥州丰厚的制片补贴无息贷款特别打动他们

    Broderick Johnson and Andrew Kosove, who are producing the Warner Bros film, say they were particularly enticed by New Mexico's generous production subsidies and interest-free loans.


  • 与此同时纽约首席检察官安德鲁·库莫声称如果AIG不能今晚8限期前披露有关是次奖金发放详细情况,他公司发出传票。

    Meanwhile, New York's top legal officer, attorney general Andrew Cuomo, said he would issue subpoenas against AIG after the company missed an 8pm deadline tonight to release details of the bonuses.


  • 企业手册规定一旦伯纳德缺席马克/安德鲁分别执行公司政策”,皮卡5提交法庭文件显示。

    Firm manuals provided that in Bernard Madoff’s absence, Mark and/or Andrew Madoff were responsible for carrying out the firm’s policies, ” Picard said in court papers filed in May.


  • 电厂面临最大挑战,“的风电厂站点越多越好。”顾问公司GLGarradHassan安德鲁加拉德

    The biggest challenge facing wind farms is to "look as much as possible like power stations", says Andrew Garrad of GL Garrad Hassan, a consultancy.


  • 顾问公司贝恩咨询Bain合伙人安德鲁·帕斯特纳克(Andrew Pasternak)表示,与生产普通非专利药品相比,生产仿生物药品涉及技术更加复杂

    The science involved in making biosimilars is much more complicated than that in making ordinary generics, says Andrew Pasternak of Bain &Company, a consultancy.


  • 现在骨瘦如柴、无拘无束的安德鲁·梅森,这位来自西北大学音乐专业的人,已经设法建立web上有史以来成长最快速的公司

    Now Andrew Mason, a relaxed and lanky 29-year-old music major from Northwestern, has managed to build the fastest-growing company in Web history.


  • 甚至公司一向乐观老板安德鲁·梅森Andrew Mason似乎心怀疑问

    Even Andrew Mason, the firm's habitually cheerful boss, seems to harbour doubts.


  • 公司一项声明中说:“我们同意安德鲁·库莫的说法。”

    "We disagree with the New York attorney general," said the company in a statement.


  • 文件披露了公司首席执行官安德鲁·梅森八月份发给员工备忘录全文——封信可以说使得这家团购公司打破了静默限制

    It also included the entirety of CEO Andrew Mason's August memo to employees - a missive that arguably caused the daily deals company to run afoul of quiet period restrictions.


  • 美国广播公司1994年派出一个摄制组到达卢安瓜制片人安德鲁•特卡奇任制片人,黛博拉•阿摩司记者

    ABC dispatched a crew to North Luangwa in 1994, led by a producer named Andrew Tkach, with Deborah Amos as the reporter.


  • GAMA微波技术公司执行总监安德鲁斯先生,使用者可“调节”无线电频率,使加热任何一食品都达到最佳效果

    Mr.Andrews, the managing director of GAMA Microwave Technology, said it is possible to "tune" the radio-frequencies to provide the best results with any small product.


  • 2oc是一家研发“地球压力”技术公司,来自该公司安德鲁·默瑟:“前人已经把基础管道设施建好了我们感到幸运。”

    Andrew Mercer of company 2oc, which has developed the "geo-pressure" technology, said: "We're very lucky that somebody else has built this pipeline infrastructure."


  • 鹰点公司Hawkpoint一家从事公司财务问题咨询企业,其职员安德鲁•斯皮尔斯(AndrewSpeirs廉价债务(distressed-debt)经理原始债务拥有者之间存在潜在冲突

    One potential conflict, says Andrew Speirs of Hawkpoint, a firm that advises on corporate finance, is between distressed-debt managers and the original debt holders.


  • 企鹅公司创始人艾伦雷恩爵士认为,出版商的目标广大群众出版高质量简装书,他将为企鹅公司推出彼德安德鲁或者Ant&Dec些什么呢?

    What would Penguin's founder, Sir Allen Lane, whose aim was to publish quality paperbacks for the masses, have made of Penguin putting out books "by" Peter Andre or Ant &Dec?


  • 英国广播公司(BBC)的安德鲁·玛尔(AndrewMarr)节目播出访谈中首相声称几天检查视力视力没有衰退

    In an interview on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show, the prime minister also said that he had had his eyesight checked within the last few days - and that his sight was not deteriorating.


  • 去年年底,伦敦奥利弗•威曼管理咨询公司安德鲁•查德威克•琼斯(Andrew Chadwick-Jones),前往一家私募公司展业像往常那样预期20分钟的长度,不友善态度

    WHEN Andrew Chadwick-Jones, a management consultant with Oliver Wyman in London, went to pitch to a private-equity firm late last year, he expected the usual: about 20 minutes and a brisk attitude.


  • 法国著名商学院INSEAD新加坡校区安德鲁·斯蒂芬(Andrew Stephen)目睹许多非常优秀应聘者一家家跨国公司掉,一切只因为不是亚洲人

    Andrew Stephen of the Singapore campus of INSEAD, a prestigious French business school, says he has seen good candidates being passed over by multinationals because they were not Asian.


  • 安德鲁·触屏制造商Synaptics公司技术战略家,他认为虚拟键盘取代机械键盘无望。

    Andrew Hsu, technology strategist at touch-screen maker Synaptics Inc., also doesn't see virtual keyboards dislodging their physical Cousins.


  • 现在有了安德鲁·伽菲尔德来饰演蜘蛛侠”,Maevel电影公司这部以超级英雄为主演影片制片人们,开始把焦点放在寻找合适的女孩来让皮特·帕克追求

    With Andrew Garfield in place as "Spider-Man, " producers of the new Marvel movie featuring the superhero are now focusing on finding the right girl for Peter Parker to pine after.


  • The Point最初的商业计划中,安德鲁梅森的确曾提到把团购作为公司可能赚钱方法

    In his intitial business plan for The Point, Andrew Mason had actually mentionend group-buying as a possibile way the startup could eventually make money.


  • 随着渐渐变老,我越来越少在意人们什么,我观察他们做什么。——安德鲁·卡内基,卡内基钢铁公司,被誉为“钢铁大王”。

    As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. — Andrew Carnegie, Founder of Carnegie Steel Company.


  • 随着渐渐变老,我越来越少在意人们什么,我观察他们做什么。——安德鲁·卡内基,卡内基钢铁公司,被誉为“钢铁大王”。

    As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. — Andrew Carnegie, Founder of Carnegie Steel Company.


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