• 今年7月,刘烨他的法国摄影师女友安娜伊丝·马田正式结婚,二亲吻调请的照片不久便公开流传了。

    In July, Liu Ye married French photographer Anais Martane and photos were soon released showing them kissing and flirting.


  • 鲁克安娜考古遗址第四个千年的早期出现一种这个过程特色陶器风格,也就是所谓斜边

    In an early fourth-millennium level of the Eanna archaeological site at Uruk, a pottery style appears that is most characteristic of this process, the so-called beveled-rim bowl.


  • 粉色到处都有。JLM时装秀安娜·迈尔雷姆阿克拉安妮·巴吉尔、阿尔弗雷德·安吉洛内斯·桑托等时装秀全都展示粉红绯红色系的长礼服

    Pink was everywhere: JLM Couture, Anna Maier, Reem Acra, Anne Barge, Alfred Angelo and Ines Di Santo all showed off beautiful pink and blush-colored gowns.


  • 天堂安娜王妃婚纱设计者丽莎白·姆尔邀请我们电台,在那儿感到最有创意

    My haven: the designer of Diana's wedding dress, Elizabeth Emanuel invites us into the studio where she feels most creative.


  • 八岁海伦九岁孪生姐妹安娜贝尔莱扎以及她两弟弟安格得到了几乎和实物一样圣诞填充动物玩具。

    Eight-year-old Helen, her nine-year-old twin sisters, Anabel and Eliza, and her two-year-old brother, Angus, had gotten nearly life-size stuffed animals for Christmas.


  • 资深摄影记者安娜布兰斯威特对 IPCC 陈述说“记得见到汤姆林森时的情况,在倒下两三分钟之前一个头戴钢盔手持盾的防暴警察追袭。”

    Photographer Anna Branthwaite said: "I can remember seeing Ian Tomlinson. He was rushed from behind by a riot officer with a helmet and shield two or three minutes before he collapsed."


  • 科瑞斯塔·继母安娜·霍受害人家人急切的期待罗林的死刑一些受害人的家属会去监狱见证死刑的执行。

    Dianna Hoyt, Christa Hoyt's stepmother, said Rolling's execution has been eagerly awaited by the victims' families. Some will be inside the prison to witness it.


  • 只是有一回伯爵夫人儿子面前,告诉一张安娜·米哈洛夫娜二千卢布期票,她尼古拉怎么办

    But one day the countess called her son into her room, told him that she had a promissory note from Anna Mihalovna for two thousand roubles, and asked Nikolay what he thought it best to do about it.


  • 简单几件家具精致的照明灯具适合酒吧内部装饰(安娜·亚设计),产生一种休闲的和非正式的感觉

    Simple furniture pieces and delicate lighting fixtures fits the interior of the bar (by Ana Bahia), giving it a casual and informal feel.


  • 西班牙安娜·格雷亚斯负责尤尼森公司的这个办事处。

    Ana Iglesias is a Spaniard who runs the Unisono office here.


  • 皮埃尔睡醒了,跟在安娜·米哈洛夫娜身后车厢里走出来时分想他要和行将就木父亲见面的事情。

    Rousing himself, Pierre followed Anna Mihalovna out of the carriage, and only then began to think of the interview with his dying father that awaited him.


  • 2001年1月份克林特安娜加盟这个伦敦球会。当是因为拥有葡萄牙护照英国方面拒入而延长了转会的时间。

    He joined the north London club in January 2001 from Corinthians after the move was delayed when he was refused admission to the United Kingdom because he held a fake Portuguese passport.


  • 现在50多岁的布·安娜硕果仅存巴族人之一一生居住在这样的小船只有添加淡水或用水产品换取大米等其他生活必需品时,她才会短暂踏上陆地。

    Now in her 50s, Ibu Diana Botutihe is one of the few remaining Bajau to have lived her entire life on a boat, visiting land only briefly in order to trade fish for rice, water and other staples.


  • 斯特安娜酒店套间里,显然她们都认为对方奇怪

    In a hotel suite it becomes obvious that Ester and Anna are at odds with each other.


  • 莎贝拉女儿安娜称为疯子安娜

    Isabella's daughter, Joanna, was also known as Joanna the Mad.


  • 所以预言未成真]。本书《迪丝•卡维尔》作者黛安娜•苏哈密女士总是乐于提供社会历史方面的背景材料,本书特别祥述了当时公共卫生状态和卫生防治状态。

    Ms Souhami is always ready with social and historical background material, and here in particular expands on the state of public health and health provision at the time.


  • 安娜·米哈洛夫娜现出威风凛凛的样子,表示知道应该怎样行事,她于是穿过房间皮埃尔身边,一支蜡烛递给

    With a significant air, which showed she knew what she was about, Anna Mihalovna walked right across the room to Pierre and gave him a candle.


  • 安娜·米哈洛夫娜赶快使个眼色示意,同时手指着病人,用嘴唇飞吻

    Anna Mihalovna gave him a hurried glance, with a gesture indicating the sick man's hand and with her lips wafting towards it a phantom kiss.


  • 安娜·米哈洛夫娜脸上流露着温顺忧愁大度包容神色,她个不认识女士伫立门旁

    Anna Mihalovna with a countenance of meek sorrow and forgiveness stood at the door with the unknown lady.


  • 公司主要经营生产的人造系列产品有:圣安娜西施挪威、西施玉、圣尼亚、木纹米黄、黑金丽娜50多个品种

    Our mainly running artificial stone include: Senta Anna, Sai Xisi, Norway fantasy, Xisi jade, Sante niya, Wooden beige, Black gold flower, Yilina, etc. more than 50 kinds.


  • 丽莎乔治·安娜你们听见的话没有

    Did you hear her, Eliza and Georgiana? I'll tell Mama.


  • 丽莎乔治·安娜你们听见的话没有

    Did you hear her, Eliza and Georgiana? I'll tell Mama.


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