• 卡斯卡迪亚地震带足够可以称为美国危险断层)相媲美的知名度远不及在加州表亲

    The Cascadia Earthquake Zone is big enough to compete with San Andreas (it's been called the most dangerous fault in America), but it's much lesser known than its California cousin.


  • 认为海断层加利福尼亚圣斯的断层是相似的,因为两者板块都在朝地平线的方向相互滑动研磨

    Mann equates the fault in Haiti with the San Andreas fault in California, as both have plates that slip and grind past one another in a horizontal direction.


  • 太平洋板块北美板块加州斯断层交汇相接。

    The North American and Pacific plates meet in California at the San Andreas fault.


  • 荷兰荷属官方货币,该属地为加勒比海群岛以前位于阿鲁巴。

    The Netherlands Antillean guilder is the official currency of the Netherlands Antilles, two groups of islands in the Caribbean Sea, and formerly in Aruba.


  • 在靠近萨巴荷兰群岛处,只玳瑁正的海洋避难所海底上方滑翔

    A hawksbill turtle glides just above the floor of a Marine sanctuary near Saba, Netherlands Antilles.


  • 荷属斯选手马丁纳排名第二美国人克劳福德第三

    Churandy Martina of Netherlands Antilles finished second and Shawn Crawford of the US third.


  • 然而,说戏剧性色彩复杂性这个地方别的地方所难以企及那托尔•奇妙地捕捉到了这个地方的丰富多彩

    Yet for drama, colour and complexity, the place is hard to beat; and Anatol Lieven captures the richness of the place wonderfully.


  • 罗波其余,凡所行的犹大王记上。

    As for the other events of Rehoboam's reign, and all he did, are they not written in the book of the annals of the Kings of Judah?


  • 最近警方直升机里约热内卢击落使所有的焦点都聚集在了巴西与其邻国16000公里的陆地边界诸如佩德罗·胡·卡瓦罗这样的小镇

    The recent shooting down of a police helicopter in Rio DE Janeiro has cast the spotlight on to places such as Pedro Juan Caballero, along 16, 000km of "dry border" between Brazil and its neighbours.


  • 托尔•奇妙捕捉到了这个地方丰富多彩。

    And Anatol Lieven captures the richness of the place wonderfully.


  • 其他成分包括皮埃蒙特榛子,佩里·戈尔坚果土耳其葡萄干西班牙杏仁都灵栗子斯群岛朗姆酒

    Otheringredients include Piedmont hazelnuts, Perigord nuts, Turkish raisins, Spanish almonds, Turin chestnuts and Antilles rum.


  • 我会忽略过去。罗宾先生不是第一反应亨利、阿提版本,就已经边缘注释

    I will pass over it. M. Leon Robin is not the first one to react to it. Already in the edition of Henri Estienne there is a marginal note.


  • 斯诺登俄罗斯律师托利·库切:“这儿很多朋友——这些美国居住这里知道了斯诺登的情况保持联系,他真是太幸运了。”

    "He made a lot of friends hereand great for him that those Americans who live here and found about his situation and were in touch with him," his Russian lawyer Anatoly Kucherena said.


  • 千年欣然交给贾格德,由指挥营救阿拉娜任务莱娅耶拉·蒂·斯一起作为真正的渗透小组行动

    Han gladly turned the Millennium Falcon over to Jagged, who was leading the mission to rescue Allana, while he and Leia worked with Iella Antilles as the actual infiltration team.


  • 耶路撒冷母亲名叫米该亚(作玛迦),基比亚人乌女儿亚比雅常耶罗波争战

    He reigned three years in Jerusalem. His mother's name also was Michaiah the daughter of Uriel of Gibeah. And there was war between Abijah and Jeroboam.


  • 然而战疯人入侵蒂·斯又带回战场。

    The Yuuzhan Vong invasion, however, brought Antilles back out of retirement.


  • 骗局伪装》中,贝尔·描写很像阿德里·巴,暗示才是最终扮演的角色

    In Cloak of Deception, the description of Bail Antilles closely matches Adrian Dunbar, suggesting that's ultimately what his character became.


  • 魏吉·参与共和邦多雷兹档案馆突袭试图找到有关这位元帅的情报。

    Wedge Antilles participated in a New Republic raid on the Boudolayz archives, trying to find information on the admiral.


  • 霍斯战役蒂·重组了这支精英战斗机飞行中队,晋升指挥官侠盗队长

    After Hoth, Antilles reorganized the elite fighter pilot group and was promoted to Commander, or Rogue Leader.


  • 比如加利福尼亚断层我们知道地震最高8

    For example, on the San Andreas Fault here in California, we know earthquakes can be as large as magnitude 8.


  • 一条支流钓获克鲑,放流之前在水中的照片

    Lake Ontario tributary chinook salmon takes a moment to pose for the camera before this release. Photo by Brian Bradfiled.


  • 世界1000家大银行排名研究以下人员完成:阿德里·布坎南,吉约姆-黑格儿,查尔斯·皮戈特,瓦里娅-雅库托·维奇,阿尔佩托-贝拉尔迪德维尔潘。

    The research for The Banker's Top 1000 rankings was carried out by Adrian Buchanan, Guillaume Hingel, Charles Piggott, Valeriya Yakutovich, Alberto Berardi and Xavier DE Villepin.


  • 加勒比海岛屿就是刚展现远处尾端迎风群岛,一个研究对比

    The Caribbean islands, which lie just beyond the tail end of the Windward Antilles, are a study in contrasts.


  • 这个小岛荷兰斯群岛没有少于365的泳滩游泳

    This small island in the Dutch Antilles has no less than 365 beaches.


  • 超级8中的神秘1979年驶过莉莉货车的车厢。 当时孩子们正在暗地里拍摄一部名为“超级8”的电影

    The mystery box in Super 8 is a boxcar on a freight train speeding through Lillian one night in 1979 as some kids are furtively shooting a Super-8 movie.


  • 加纳家族斯家族之间矛盾白热化后,斯克拉姆巴斯舰长拒绝加入任何一而是帮助绝地守护者乔鲁斯·瑟鲍思化解危机

    When the tensions between the House of Organa and the House of Antilles had boiled over, Captain Scambras refused to take sides, assisting the Jedi Watchman Jorus C'Baoth in resolving the crisis.


  • 女士表示学龄前学校的儿童不善表达感情,他们能够与人沟通唯一途径往往通过行为

    'Children in preschool struggle with their feelings, and the only way they can communicate is often through behavior,' says Ms.


  • 女士表示学龄前学校的儿童不善表达感情,他们能够与人沟通唯一途径往往通过行为

    'Children in preschool struggle with their feelings, and the only way they can communicate is often through behavior,' says Ms.


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